Sameness of the Day

Change is difficult for me.  I like, no I thrive, on the sameness of each day-same breakfast, same routine and yet I know that change is what makes life interesting.  Seasons change and I love how each one brings something special that I notice.  Year in and year out birds return to sing and herald in a new day.  Yet I listen with new ears and new awareness each March for the first time and appreciate their songs.

As a mother, I faced changes throughout their growing up. Waving good bye as they boarded the bus for the first time wondering if those teachers know what they are doing (I think they did).  Watching my daughter go to orchestra festivals that were over night stays, same with my son.  Taking them to their undergraduate university dorms- another waving goodbye.  The same was repeated with the graduate programs. Throughout the stages, I wished them happiness and I adjusted to the new normal.

I face aging with grace most of the time (ahem) and sometimes I am defiant against the march of time.  Inside I am around 35 years old with a mind like a 15 year old.  Honestly, it feels like yesterday I was laying on my bed in my parent's house pining over a boy!  I look in the mirror and see gray hair, where did they come from?

I put on my tennis shoes and walk my dog daily, thankful for the walk and the health that I have so I can walk.  My husband and I catch up on the news of the kids, his work and my day. The snow melts, the breeze whips my hair and I am thankful for being.  I practice yoga and believe that if I take care of my body, my body will take care of me.

Sameness might be what keeps me happy, but really change is the constant in a happy well-lived life.

Do you like change?  How much?  

Have a lovely weekend!  My sister and brother in law are visiting :)


  1. I love your Christmas cactus Karen and had hoped mine would bloom this year, but alas it didn't. For me change is good otherwise I feel stagnate. Change in appearance is another thing. For me aging is unique and it's a little hard to realize that I'm soon to be 50. Yikes, 50! Where did the time go.... all in all I feel pretty gosh darn good and look forward to a new adventure.

  2. I thrive on change, which is one of the reasons I love to travel. For me ageing is part of life, I just hope that I am doing it with grace. Enjoy your visitors at the weekend.

  3. Karen I can really relate to this post. I love my routine (like you, same breakfast daily chores and rituals) but I also love exploring new things. It hasn't always been that way though, a friend of mine inspired me to challenge myself (by doing the first 1/2 marathon) and I've slowly tried to apply that to more aspects of my life. Change does equal growth I believe... Have a wonderful weekend!!

  4. I love ordinary days too; but change is important and growth towards God the highest.... God bless your weekend! nice to have family visiting!

  5. I think we get along so well because we have so much in common Karen. Change? Can't stand it and like you relish in my same routine.
    Have the bestest ;) visit with your sister!

  6. I thrive on routine..same same same is my middle name....but I have found that I'm only good for about ten weeks... then I need a bit of a change. Have a great weekend Karen!!

  7. Not really...I prefer the sameness of each day...right down to preparing things for our morning routine in the evening before in order to get my hubby out the door each morning with relatively good starts to his working day. But you are correct...the only real constant is change! And, so, I try to get into the mindset of trying something new now and then. ;)

  8. I resist change but I can't say I dislike it. I have learned that change can be good and almost always a learning experience.

  9. and look at your Christmas cactus.....experiencing a alittle 'change' of its own!!

  10. I'm not gonna lie... change is difficult for me. They say the pain is in the resistance... I wish I could easily go with the flow. I tend to like simple, same routines, too... though I think a good mix of impromptu would be good for me. ;) blessings ~ tanna

  11. Oh I am horrid with change. We have lived in the same town since I was born, save for 2 years away at college when I was soooo homesick. Fireman and I have lived in our house since 1983. I worked at the same employer for 34 years. crazy huh? I get homesick on vacation! Geez, I sound crazy

  12. I completely understand your desire for reliable routine. It's a little about feeling in control of one's own life, is it not? The past two months have been a nightmare for me; I am at the beginning of a long road of upheaval and change. And yet, somehow, I find a small, significant part of me is relishing this chance to grow and face change.

    Enjoy the early start to spring and a very happy weekend to you and your loved ones.


  13. As you know, I've recently been having the same kind of thoughts about the whole age question and how it manages to sneak up on us! As far as change is concerned, I love it when I'm driving it, hate it when I'm not. I also think that our appetite for it increases and diminishes at times throughout life. At the moment, I am relishing routine and having time to watch the world around me, but it isn't so long ago since I was relishing entirely the opposite kind of life.

    As I get older, I'm more and more aware that control is an illusion and change will come again and again - the best we can do is live happily with where we are (and who we are) right now, and be thankful for it - even if that's not always easy to do! :)

  14. I am a rhythm and routine person, without a doubt, but I do like a little bit of change here and there, dabbled in and amongst the rhythm. It keeps things fresh and interesting.

    Happy weekend Karen!

  15. This is a difficult and sensitive subject. I was quite comfortable with the balance of change/challenge and rhythm/sameness in my life until I experienced a serious illness for the first time in my early 60's. At that point the balance tipped and I have become very aware that accommodating to change is an important life skill. I think it is worth practicing in small ways when the stakes are not high so that when the hard challenges come we don't waste a lot of energy fighting against things we cannot change.

  16. I have realized I am a creature of habit. My friends wonder why I don't look for a job at a less-troubled school. Well, I guess I prefer the devil I know!
    I must be about your age because I have been through all the changes with my kids that you have. I miss having them home with me, but I also glory in their emerging adulthood. You are right about change. It's hard, but worth it!

  17. Oh Karen, you know how I feel about change! I struggle with it but always find that once I let go of my resistance wonderful things happen. :) I've had so many big changes in my life, it's as if God isn't going to stop throwing them my way until I finally stop covering my head and ducking, LOL! Have a great visit with your sister and brother in law!

  18. I used to love change. I moved the furniture around and rearranged things all the time. But I am settled and content at this age and stage and find it is harder for me to move outside this lovely new normal. Have a wonderful weekend visit. I love to read your blog.

  19. Hmm, change. I like SOME change, and only SOMEtimes. But to be honest (and considering that I found it difficult to throw away the pillows that have been with me throughout my college years), I am terrible with change! Wouldn't it be nice if things didn't change? Is that our hope of heaven? Just pondering now :) Enjoy the time with you sister and brother!

  20. There's been too much change here this weekend in the shape of a daughter with a broken heart. But in the general way I think constancy is where healing lies and I'm sure the sameness of days will, in the end, help her.

  21. Spring is most definitely a season of's definitely been on my mind for a few weeks. I think Life is all about change and living is just adapting to all the change happening. I'm with you in that I feel a different age than I am...I was thinking about those "angst"-filled teenage years just yesterday and trying to remember and recall those feelings. At the time I remember everything being so fresh, now I struggle to remember those moments that felt so vivid and real. Maybe I need to go dig out a diary or two from that time and reminisce :)

  22. Ah yes! I can relate to every word in this post. Blessings to you, kindred spirit.


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