
Weekends are for memory making, 
relaxing and enjoying quiet moments of our days.  
If you would like, please share your weekend moments 
  in the comment section with a link to your blog. 

The snow has been falling all day long.  This is the snow that was supposed to start late afternoon early evening.  This is the snow that was to be one to three inches.  I woke up ready to go to Mass and when I took Frodo outside found the snow steadily falling and more than three inches is likely.  Plans were scrapped.  New plans formulated.

I spent the day sitting, reading and changing out the laundry from washer to dryer.  Walking today was out (again).  Frodo had a dental cleaning last Thursday and I think he is still a little blah from it.  I worry that he has lyme again, but luckily I was smart enough to have the blood work drawn and will hear whether he needs some medicine early next week.  Since he is a tick magnet, I have the test done twice a year.  

My weekend had some recurring themes:  soup and sandwich meals, book "window" shopping on line and in a real brick and mortar store (my preferred place to be), topsy turvy plans that were altered and melded according to the crowds yesterday and the weather today.  

Once I hit publish, I'll be sipping some green decaf tea and resuming my knitting.  How was your weekend?  I'd love to hear?


  1. I had hoped for snow this weekend, but it's been nothing but rain, rain, rain. Soup and knitting have filled my weekend hours and truth be told I've really enjoyed my relaxing weekend.
    Do you give Frodo garlic capsules to help prevent ticks? Those along with Brewer's yeast help. We have a lot of ticks here too.

  2. What a sweet dog you have- I bet he loves the new blanket ( which I am sure he thinks you are knitting for him) Can't believe you have so much snow Karen, stay warm and have a wonderful week.

  3. Today is St Davids Day....and its my first in America. Everyone makes a big fuss of St Patricks Day for the Irish..but St David is the Patron Saint of Wales. Yesterday MrD and I spent a couple of hours at the Los Angeles Welsh festival, where we joined in with the singing and I wore my daffodil with pride. Today we are having a quiet day at home...and I have made Welsh Cakes to have with a cup of tea
    Stay warm and safe with your adorable dog and have a great week
    Phoebe x

  4. There was a visit to the bookstore this weekend for us too, this afternoon, to get away from the rain :) I also finished my February Lady Sweater this weekend, while sipping decaf green tea, I do think we have a lot in common Karen.

    Wishing you a wonderful start to your week. xo

  5. I just woke from a long Sunday afternoon nap... not a common occurrence, but it is rainy and gray and cold... and I worked in the nursery this morning (tends to make me think I need a nap!). I am about to go brew a cup of tea... and decide whether to work on some hats for the girls or on my sweater project. =) I love the photo of Frodo with your scrap blanket! Sure hope he doesn't have Lymes. blessings ~ tanna

  6. This weekend was for new and old. Got to see new kittens and am coming to terms with helping Rozzy pass the rainbow bridge. Probably next weekend.
    Also found some great soft yarn and began a cowl for a friend who compliments my knitting!

    1. Oh Kathy, I hope next weekend you know you are thought of by me--- saying goodbye is never easy.

  7. It sounds like a lovely weekend even if you had to remold those plans. We had to do the same. But it was a perfect weekend for knitting and reading!

    Our Weekend: http://throughourgardengate.blogspot.com/2015/03/weekends.html

  8. Your weekend always sounds so lovely...it is always good to be able to alter plans to 'weather permitting'. While our saturday was the usual soccer, running errands, and a little shopping, our sunday was truly restful.
    Have a great week Karen

  9. Your weekend sounds so lovely and peaceful. Ours included a somewhat stressful visit from my mother-in-law, a busy morning at church, and then a restful evening with a family movie and Vietnamese noodle soup for dinner. So a good end and hopefully an early bedtime to start the week off right! Happy knitting, I am going to sign off and knit soon too!

  10. Frodo looks especially cute in this photo.

  11. I went out for dinner twice this weekend (two separate family birthdays) and thus on Sunday I was so full I was unable to move ;) I did fit in some relaxing knitting a reading.

  12. hi Karen , I spent two days putting together an IKEA queen bed for my daughter and emptying out her room.. absolutely shattered .. now feel pooped from working with some very heavy but lovely patients.. I need a holiday I am sooooo tired!. I miss my dog ... I burst out crying on the way into work yesterday when I saw a dog similar to mine being walked along the road. Life's journey is interesting. Thanks for sharing the positives it makes light of the doldrums. Hope Frodo is well xx

    1. monique, I'm so sorry about your pup, it does take such a long time to grieve and if only our beloved pets lived as long as humans, then we would travel the journey less often. Hugs!!

  13. That picture, the cuteness is too much!! :)
    We had a quiet, but productive weekend, as are the best in winter months, it seems :)

  14. Frodo is such a cute little guy. I know you are loving the snow, but I'm glad ours is gone. Then again, now we have rain and might get ice rain/sleet/snow on Wednesday. Stay warm and cozy!

  15. We're down to one very crummy IRL bookstore on the island. It's dirty and dusty and not organized one iota. I miss wandering thru real bookstores!

  16. winter is not giving up without a fight this year!

  17. Your pictures of Frodo always make me smile :) (And make me a bit closer to wanting our own pup one day!) I'm hoping for warmer weather to come your way soon, glad you had a good weekend.

  18. This weekend was full of tiny person-related things: knitting wool soakers, tummy kicks and baby shower plans.

    Frodo is very handsome, by the way. I hope he's doing well today.

  19. Sorry the weather wasn't more cooperating. This morning, while walking my daughter to preschool, she looked at the snow falling and looked me saying "Snow falling is my favorite part of winter"... I replied "Me too... when winter is starting. 3 weeks away from Spring, honestly not so much!" LOL!

    Are week-end was a LOT more busy than I like them to be. Hoping for some easier times this month around. *fingers crossed* Hope your week is a bit more forgiving weather wise. xox

  20. Love the picture of the doggie!! We had some freezing rain and sleet yesterday. But today, the sunshine has melted it all away - thank goodness! I always worry for the trees.... Got out to the yarn shop Saturday - and brought home some goodies of course! And the breakfast we ate beforehand at a restaurant was a nice treat too!

    Linda in VA

  21. Oh, Frodo. You honey, you!!! Love the hairdo. Freddy has taken me for walks the past couple of days....but rumor has it we're to be smashed again with a winter storm on Wednesday. We're going to embrace tomorrow's 60 degrees, and hunker down for the single digits Wednesday night. Crazy, huh?

  22. Frodo is so sweet!!! Our Cody is scheduled for a dental cleaning next month, first time. Did Frodo take his well? Lovely knitting as always :)

  23. Sitting, reading, laundry, and sipping tea. It's my recipe of a good weekend! Poor Frodo :)

  24. Frodo looks cozy under your beautiful blanket. It's finally snowing in Utah. We have winter for the day.

  25. I love that picture of Frodo with the blanket!!! :)))) Stay warm!

  26. I do adore Frodo - he's too cute! :)

    I turned 50 on Friday, which was a shock to the system although, obviously, I knew it was coming ;) We had a long weekend of walking and exploring the local countryside and historic sites with our National Trust member ship cards. Very lucky with the weather - cold and bright for 3 days out of the 4, thankfully. Also made progress on my latest beaded crescent shawl, which I cast off today.


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