
Weekends are for memory making, 
relaxing and enjoying quiet moments of our days.  
If you would like, please share your weekend moments 
  in the comment section with a link to your blog. 

Oh this weekend, my oh my, was it good.  Today the sun is shining away and we walked twice!  Yep, the snow is melting and for my second walk, I wore my light jacket.  I've heard robins singing to each other but haven't seen one as of yet.  But knowing they are here is quite thrilling.  A few trees are just about to sprout in our neighborhood.  

While walking this afternoon, we saw an older couple sitting outside on their front steps wearing winter coats just absorbing the sun's rays.  Hello waves were exchanged and I think we communicated to each other "how nice the weather!".

After an afternoon knitting with dear friends, I'm back home facing the laundry, some reading and sinking into an evening that will stay light.  Daylight savings time is grand except for that lost hour.

Over the weekend there was:  Chinese food - homemade pizzas - much less sugar but a wee bit of chocolate - knitting - watching the "Odd Couple" (older version of course)

How was your weekend?  


  1. The weather has been very spring like here too. The doors and windows are home, I spent time chancing an rooster around the yard and played in the dirt. Oh, and lots of knitting, but you already knew that ;)
    I'm so glad Frodo is getting to go on his walks again.

    1. Sorry, that should say open not home.;) and Chasing not chancing. I need a nap!

  2. A really good weekend here, the perfect mix between fun and getting some things accomplished. On Saturday I did the grocery shopping in the morning and in the afternoon we went for a bike ride. Today was spent mostly outside, yard cleanup, weeding, cutting back shrubs... It felt so good to be outside!!

  3. Sounds like a wonderful weekend Karen. I drove home on Saturday, a very long day, but so happy to be home. Today was about unpacking, catching up and settling into home again. I did get out for a walk in the beautiful sunshine this afternoon, and it was wonderful.

    Have the most wonderful week.

  4. A bit of a rush around here, trying to catch up with laundry, household tasks and nipping backwards and forwards to the hospital to visit Dad. At least he is on the mend.

  5. My glee over Daylight Savings Time was dulled a bit by the gray, gloomy rain. We've had so much lately we decided to go to the movies so we couldn't SEE it was raining! Ha! Glad you enjoyed two walks in one day! Yea! blessings ~ tanna

  6. Frodo is just too cute! Daylight savings time is rough over here-- no one wants to get up on time!

  7. I love how we're all experiencing warmer weather.
    Your weekend sounds fun. I haven't had chinese food in a while.
    Love your new header!

  8. I feel like a new person between changing the clocks and some warmer weather! There is no other version of the Odd Couple other than the old one, in my opinion! Glad you enjoyed your weekend.

  9. Frodo on watch! Our weekend was just as sunny, but perhaps, warmer. We spent time in our garden and enjoyed the extra light. I don't mind the lost hour as I love the light so much!

  10. We, too, had a lovely weekend filled with sunshine, family, friends, dirty hands from started projects, seeds sown, and a nice visit with my grands :) Happy Monday, Karen!

  11. Love that dog!
    Our weekend was sad with moments of laughter. After putting down our dear Roz Friday, it seemed a long long weekend in the house. Pie made us laugh last night. She always does. I tried to start a book, but I was too distracted. On with sunshine

  12. Such a sweet picture of Frodo! Thankfully the weather has been so much better! I l love seeing the sun again. :)

  13. Your walk sounds wonderful! I hope that you get some nice weather to enjoy the extra daylight in! xx

  14. Yay, you got to walk twice! How fun for you and Frodo! I got out on a walk today, too, and it was absolutely wonderful :)

  15. Such a sweet photo of Frodo! Sounds like spring is in the air and if Robins are about, it will be there very soon!

  16. what a sweet photo! our weekend was warm and full of kitty-tending, maple syrup-finishing, and honey-extracting: http://sweetpotatoclaire.blogspot.com/2015/03/weekend-hodgepodge.html

  17. so glad you got your walks !!! sounds like a very lovely spring -like weekend.


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