Cardigan Progress and the Mug

Good morning all, how are you?  I'm doing great even though it's been days since the sun beamed its rays for more than a minute or two.  I never thought that sunshine was so important to me, but apparently it is.  I'm craving it.

Lucky for me, I have my knitting and boy have I been knitting a lot.  I finished all the repeats for the sleeves of my Hitofude cardigan and today will be the undoing of my provisional cast on.  This is the crocheted provisional cast on that I looked up in my 211 ways to cast on and bind off book because the last sweater I just used scrap yarn and improvised.  I do not recommend improvising, it will be your downfall.

If something is worth doing right, well, do it the right way, right??  Where was my smarter self when I needed her?

And because many of you asked to see my new favorite tea mug, here she is!  (I think tea mugs would be a she).  I have had many mugs of tea and so far I'm tickled.  I love the wide base so I can precariously balance the mug on the love seat arm chair.  The slightly narrow top keeps the tea warm a little longer.  Sigh.  I'm in mug loving heaven!

The mug was crafted by Pottery by Bachert on the site is a list of festivals they will be at in the north east of PA and surrounding states during the year.


  1. Oh, I love that purple! I still don't know how you manage to knit such big things as a sweater in such fine yarn...but it really is gorgeous... xo

  2. Gorgeous knitting and a really lovely mug!

  3. Your cardigan looks beautiful and I love it in purple. I opened the provisional cast on twice (because I started twice ;-(( and thicker scrap yarn worked definitely better. I am now in the skirt part and I decided to do the summer cardigan version. Such a lovely pattern!

    1. just popped in to see yours and it's gorgeous!

  4. A feast for the eyes with your gorgeous knitting, such a beautiful colour.

  5. love the color way. and a very nice mug

  6. That is going be a lovely Hitofude! You have the same mug criteria that I do; it always surprises me how hard it is to find a mug with a wide base. Yours is beautiful!

  7. Love the color of your cardigan and LOVE everything about your new mug. Just lovely...

  8. You've made good progress on your Hitofude, it's growing more wonderful every time we see it

  9. Your Hitofude is looking beautiful! I love the heathered purple yarn you are using.

  10. Oh your Hitofude will be awsome, it's bound to be a succeeees! That mug is so cozy!

  11. Oh that sweater! I want to try it, but it looks like it might be a tricky pattern to read judging by the comments I read on the pattern page on Ravelry.

    1. it is unusual in construction but once you are holding knitting in your hands it seems to go okay.

  12. That's an excellent mug! I'm loving the progress on your Hitofude, it really is turning out beautifully :)

  13. Lovely lovely stitches...
    yummy mug

  14. that purple is fabulous and I adore the mug!

  15. Your Hitofude is going to be fabulous, Karen. Love that color! You must be one of the world's fastest knitters! That pattern is in my stack... Pretty mug.

  16. Love the colors, love the mug, there isn't anything in this post that I don't like, LOL! <3

  17. Gorgeous mug!!!! I love the colour, she is very pretty!!! I think that it is very important to have the right mug!! xx

  18. Your Hitofude is looking so good!! Love that color! Such a beautifully shaped mug... she is a perfect. blessings ~ tanna

  19. Gorgeous pattern, love the way it flows, and love your yarn choice. Thanks for sharing. Beautiful mug, love the color.I know the love that passes between a tea drinker and a tea mug. Sadly, I have broken such lovely tea mugs over the years and have had to learn to get less attached! Maybe when there aren't so many little feet running around here anymore I can pursue a new love affair ;)

  20. The purple is fabulous! And I am in love with your mug (I agree....tea mugs are she!)

  21. Your knitting is gorgeous and that mug is quite lovely ... I do love pottery!

  22. I LOVE your mug Karen, and your knitting, as always, is just lovely. I hope the sun shines again soon. We had the most beautiful day today, 20 degrees and sunshine. Suppose to be the same for the rest of the week...whooohooooo!!!!!

  23. Beautiful cardigan! Love it and the mug!

  24. Gorgeous progress on your Hitofude. That color is just one of those that would be make all that knitting easier. You are very right, no improvising. :)
    All my tea mugs are girls, so I am in agreement with you. Love yours!

  25. Does this mean that coffee mugs are he's? I guess I think they are both she's!

  26. I want your Hitofude, it's stunning Karen, really.
    And your mug makes me smile, it's perfect for you .

  27. Oh, it is a lovely mug! I like the shape of it, but also the colour is gorgeous!

  28. The color for Hitofude is gorgeous! I would definitely make another one. But I have to finish the first one...

  29. The cardigan is coming along so nicely! I forget the yarn you are using... Sunshine is so special. I am solar powered for sure.

  30. Lovely cardi (and mug!). I have been taking a ceramics class (and ceramics is so much harder than I thought!), and now I examine each and every mug for the qualities I like and want to copy!

  31. I love that purple yarn more each time you share it. Perfect colour. I also love your mug, having the perfect mug for your tea is so important isn't it?


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