Creative Endeavors

Spring has arrived this week in full force.  Each day while I'm outside I see new growth and green.  The maple trees are about to sprout their leaves and the air combined with the sunshine feels different.  Hopeful, fresh and abundant.  Has spring arrived for you?

Each season I find myself writing out some goals, ideas and tasks that need my attention.  I yearn for inspiring activities to fill my time and my soul.  This season my focus will be about health.  For physical health, I've been marking new recipes and ideas to try new foods at least twice before I make a judgement.  How easy it is for me to fall into a rut of sameness.  Sameness is my balm for feeling secure but spring heralds in a need to shake up the routine.

Another physical health goal is to continue my walking.  I have two routes that are alternated at whim but maybe this spring, we will venture to new roads.  Unfortunately loose dogs in the neighborhood will dictate how adventurous we are.

Most importantly is mental health, filling my days with creative endeavors.  Knitting is a mainstay but when I read about Steph's embroidery-that made me want to embroider.  Tracey pulled out her paints and easel and Ine's sketching is inspiring, will I draw or paint?  Maybe... Camilla has an intimate way of photographing her trips, I feel like I was on the trip with her.  My big camera sits where I can pick it up and go so I can improve my photo skills.

Writing 'more' is a focus this season, writing for myself.  I want to capture childhood memories, feelings and events.  To document biographies of my grandparents when they came to America (half were born in the US and the other half emigrated from Poland).  The challenges they faced growing up bilingual and receiving a limited education due to the need to earn money for their families while still being teens.

I write daily in the mornings about what I'm thinking and feeling in a journal.  A few years ago, I sat down with a favorite pen and my first blank notebook wondering what I would write about, afraid I'd write something wrong or silly.  I'm so happy that I ignored those worried thoughts and embarked on a wonderful writing habit for myself.  Now it's time to branch out.

What are your creative endeavors?  Who inspires you?


  1. My grandmother inspired me completely...a lady that faced her life with fervor and joy! I am currently sewing a new wardrobe due to weight loss and spinning yarn for Christmas love tokens for this year. No, I am not doing them all at once, but I am slowly creating a plan that will not overwhelm me :0)

    Your area is looking lovely. I don't know if you shared that you live in do I :D I am in the Northeast of this beautiful state...near the Susquehanna fact it is the river that borders my cottage. Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts today Karen.


  2. I think it's important to have creative outlets, not only for the soul, but for the brain too. I'm so happy to see that spring finally made it's way to you and you can get out and enjoy the sunshine. Have a great weekend Karen and I will be thinking of you every time I pick up my camera.

  3. Ruts are so easy to tumble in to....that comfort zone that precludes creative juices from flowing! I'll be a knitter first....but too many other things lure me occasionally. I've loved that embroidery phase....I just wish I knew what to do with it now that it's stitched!!! :) back to the knitting while I think that one over!!! :)

  4. I've always been a "hands on" and creative person. I love to try new things, some stick and become a life long hobby and other's are just a phase. Regardless, I believe one should never stop learning or trying different things. It's good for the mind and the body. :-)

  5. It is easy to get stuck in a rut but sometimes I think that is a good thing. Sometimes we need to feel the comfort of that when life gets more difficult, it enables us to focus on the difficulties and sort those out. When the time is right it is good to stretch yourself a bit to get out of your rut, keep the brain cells occupied with some learning or whatever it is we want to do.

    I am not sure where my creativity comes from as such but I do know I am a thinker. I will have an idea but I won't act on it straight away. I will ponder it, consider it from lots of angles, think through ideas and how they might work, eventually I will start on something but even then I don't stop thinking and my project might change part way through..........

    1. I'm sometimes a thinker and sometimes an impulsive doer. I like when I do both.

  6. I find being creative, photography, knitting, cooking all gives meaning to life. I agree with Anke- one should never stop learning and exploring- that is how you find fun creative things to do ...sometimes they don't work out- but then onto the next. The garden has me pretty busy these days soaking up the sun with my hands in the warm earth. Keep on writing Karen...we love reading!

  7. Karen, all your plans sound wonderful! I plan to learn to sew properly with a sewing machine and attend to my health a little by losing some weight and I walk in the morning I will think of you and Frodo. Happy Friday and have a great weekend xx

  8. I hope that you enjoy your new inspirations and have fun keeping yourself fit physically and mentally! xx

  9. What wonderful goals Karen. My creative endeavors...knitting, writing, photography, cooking, gardening, making herbal medicines, embroidery, to name a few :) My inspiration comes from people like you in the blog world, my family, and Mother Nature.

    Happy weekend Karen. xo

  10. Ohhhh, Our mental health is very important. Journaling is a relief for me, when i do it!
    I am inspired with knitting. My son's photographs inspire me too.
    My husband is out digging in our soil and i love to garden just a bit too!

  11. It sounds like we're all struggling with similar issues. Is it that springtime kind of kindles new hopes and ideas in us? Anyway--a great blog post. I'd be glad to hear if you manage to walk more. That's one of my aims!

  12. what a wonderful post Karen... i remember the days (way before kids) when I would search high and low for something that would inspire me... now I find it is everywhere - the internet, blogsphere is definitely a source. For inspiration i go to bookstores, local craft markets, sit in coffee houses and people watch, walk the dog and talk to the neighbours (my block is filled with artists). Then I have to turn it all off and see what comes from quiet inside of me.... I really want to learn to crochet !!!

  13. Your posts are always inspiring, Karen. I love most kinds of handwork but lately seem to focus on knitting, I guess because it's so portable. Various bloggers inspire me with their creations, and I seem to keep busy knitting for the GK.

  14. I really loved this post! I love the idea of capturing your grandparent's journey. What a great idea!

  15. Thanks for the link, Karen :) I'm happy to hear that you're enjoying Spring, your walks and the creativeness around you in all forms. Healthy goals are always good, but don't set your standards too high or living up to them is too hard. I've always admired people who can write well, how they manage to use words and metaphors to clarify or describe things. I'd rather draw! :)

  16. Karen I know what you mean about the creative options! There are so many things that I want to do and since I work outside the home there is so little time. But I try to work on many things. My embroidery quilt square of the month is seriously behind but I keep collecting the patterns... someday I will get around to finishing it!
    You have inspired me to use my prayer journal to also write about my feelings. I really need an outlet for my thoughts on my oldest daughter. Thank you! :)

  17. Karen, I sometimes feel as if we are on parallel paths. Like you, I am trying to focus on my health. I'm eating more veggies and fruit (much easier to do in spring and summer) and plan on meeting with a nutritionist. And the walking; Popeye and I are going to take advantage of the many hiking trails in our area this spring and summer. I find when I walk regularly I have so much more energy and a clearer head. Thank you for the links to your friends' creative pursuits; I find myself wanting to return to embroidery, a craft I loved as a teenager. I hope to craft more, write more, paint question is, who will clean my house? : ) xx

  18. Creative pursuits are a balm for the body and soul. Have fun with your walks and experimenting with new tastes for the season.

  19. What a wonderfully inspiring list of goals... so adventurous and motivated. I wish you luck with all of them! Like you, I have a tendency to fall into "sameness" as a way of cutting time, not having to think... working on auto-pilot so to speak. I want to step out of that for sure. The 2 places I want to do it is food (fermenting and dehydrating) and knitting! A friend of mine will be teaching me to knit with dpn. Very sacred and excited all at once. Someone might actually get a pair of socks from me for Xmas! :-)

  20. You always inspire me, Karen. I'm really trying to break some old routines myself... get more active... eat healthier... limit my computer time... CHANGE. =) Thanks for the inspiration. blessings ~ tanna


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