That Inner Dialogue

Ever so slowly I am bringing back my shamrock plant back from the dead.  This process ties in with the Easter season.  Many of my plants get too much love (over watering) or not enough love (under watering).  Then I'm faced with adjusting my love for them.

Have you ever thought about rewriting your inner dialogue.  You know, the stuff we say to ourselves or think to ourselves day in day out.  Sometimes that dialogue can be negative or maybe not productive.  I've worked diligently these past years on focusing on the present and being overall positive.  But life isn't stagnant and we are face with changes.  When I'm sad, frustrated or worried, eventually I tire of those feelings and stop and truly listen to myself.

My inner dialogue needs rewriting.  I'm listening to what I believe are facts and they are fiction, my imagination of what could be-what might be and nothing has happened yet. So this week, I'm rewriting my dialogue, every thought is being flipped over, scrutinized and changed to the positive. I like knowing I have the power.

One tool that helps me is writing down my gratitude list daily.  I focus on what I'm thankful for and that gives the day a nice beginning.  I've mentioned this before and I know some of you share gratitudes and keep lists.  I like knowing I'm in good company.

Today I'm grateful for:

-friendships, online and in real life
-my family and my dog
-coffee in the morning
-the newness of each day

How is your inner dialogue?  What would you rewrite?  What would be on your gratitude list?


  1. Writing everything down is a great way to keep the present present in our lives. I tend to be really negative with myself, but lately I have been focusing on those ordinary tasks that I am able to accomplish. I keep a running list of blessings by my chair and look it over constantly :). Your shamrock will do well. I have had mine for over 10 years and it always manages to bloom and bless me with its beauty. Thank you for sharing Karen.

  2. Yep. I get that. And it is most helpful when you don't just remove the negative thoughts but you fill that space with positive thoughts. Take off worry, fear, negativity, and replace it with positive, truth, light, and God.

  3. it is a constant battle I think! Thankfulness is so important! much love to you!

  4. I can totally relate to this! Trying to think and be positive is not always the easiest thing... Today I am grateful that the storm that came through last night didn't do any damage. It was a thunderstorm of epic proportions and I was really worried for a while. So much to be thankful for!

  5. Amen. Amen. And, amen, Karen. I think I will spend a lifetime trying to rewrite some of my inner dialogue. We do have the power... but habit and old tricks are hard to overcome some days. I can't remember, have you read Ann Voskamp's One Thousand Gifts. Her writing is so beautiful... and the lesson of gratitude is never more clearly expressed. I am thankful for my online friends, too... the health of my family... a beautiful sunrise... hot coffee... and the day ahead. You inspire me. blessings ~ tanna

  6. Trying to be positive is a good mantra to have however hard that can be at times. The writing of a daily gratitude list is a good way to maintain it. 're-writing your inner dialogue', I like that.

  7. I loved reading this, Karen! Sometimes my inner dialogue really gets me down, the worrying about stupid things or things I know I cannot change. This week the Intention for 7 is helping me on the road to rectifying this. Your gratitude list is a great idea and clearly helps you a lot. Today I am grateful for...

    The warmth of the sun
    My day off
    My family
    Friends {online and off}
    For this post because it has fueled my positive frame of mind even more {thank you}

    Happy Friday xx

  8. I keep a gratitude journal that helps me keep things in perspective, especially when I decide to have a pity party for myself. Today I am grateful for
    the rain holding off another day
    having a good hair day ;)
    my husband and babies
    good friends
    Have a beautiful weekend my dear friend.

  9. Reprogramming that inner voice is hard work some days. When i find that I am negatively spinning... I clear my head with a good workout...then I can sit and write with honesty my gratitudes of the day. Have a great weekend Karen.

  10. My inner dialogue needed good kick in the behind. And I have been working on that. It's hard to decipher fact from fiction sometimes. Have a great weekend!

  11. Great post, Karen! And a good reminder to "Carpe Diem"!

  12. This is lovely and speaks right to my heart. I too am in the process of rewriting my inner dialogue. I am grateful for time to nourish my spirit with good words and creative diversions

  13. Amen Karen! I'm in need of changing my Inner dialogue! :)

  14. Gratitude is a big part of my day Karen, as you know, both writing it down, and sharing with my gratitude buddy. It is often this daily practice that reminds me, when I am spiraling down the hole of negative self talk, that life is indeed good, and that sometimes things in my mind are a little off when compared to reality.

    Have a lovely weekend. xo

  15. It is diligent work to keep that glass half full isn't it? I tend to be too harsh with myself more often than I care to admit, but I do take that time everyday to remind myself of the simple pleasures and honest moments that make my life so great.

    Have a wonderful joy filled week-end dear Karen. xo

  16. Great post; your honesty is wonderful. I just read that a bucket list item is to finish a journal. Ha , I'v e finished at least a dozen in my life. IT helps to clarify thoughts. Have you done this for you?
    I try to live with gratitude every day. I'm still so grateful to be newly retired from my nursing career.
    Grateful for : Fireman and my grown children, the cats, my screened porch!, being able to take photos with a phone! I still am in awe of cell phones.

  17. Get out of my head! I've been thinking along the same lines. I will not let my anxiety and the would, should, could be get me down. I will not focus on that which I cannot control. There is so much I'm capable of. There are good changes I can make and some things better left alone. Le sigh. Ha! this has been my head space all day!

    There is so much good. There's a lot of good. There's a lot of heart in you and all of us.

  18. I've had a gratitude journal for many years- it truly is such a wonderful key or tool for my own happiness. It has helped me get thru some really tough times. But also as I get older and hopefully wiser- I am naturally more positive and try not to sweat the small stuff.

  19. i think that's sort of like....stopping to smell the roses and not fussing about the thorns. I hate when I have a 'thorny' day!!! Hope your weekend is full of positives. Hugs, friend.

  20. My inner dialogue needs pretty constant adjusting, I think! I like your gratitude list. My inner dialogue ends up to be a lot of "I don't have" and "I want." "I have" and "there is" are much better ways to start a sentence, I think!

  21. Karen, gratitude is a big part of my day as well, I begin each meditation with a gratitude list. What I love about your post is your realization that we have the power to flip our thoughts. Like you, I have worked hard to recognize when my thoughts have veered towards the self-critical. It is an ongoing process, isn't it? I am so grateful for all the friends {including you!} I have made since blogging! xo

  22. Beautiful. Many thanks. As you'll see on my blog, I struggle with how to keep a journal. A gratitude journal is the way to go. It will fill up quickly in my case. I have so much to be thankful for. Your blog, for example.

  23. I've never thought about keeping a gratitude journal, maybe I should start as it's a struggle for me at times not to let negativity get in the way.

  24. I've had to do a bit of re-writing too recently Karen. I am naturally very positive but a couple of times recently I found myself getting a bit low. It was my fault, I strayed when uploading photos and started looking back at images of our old house...It was orderly, we had routine and I had time to read and to knit and was running my little on-line shop. I had to do a bit of self reprimand to remind myself just how much I have to look forward to. That if I am just a little more patient, order will return here we can have all our old friends and family to visit.
    I have so much to be grateful for: life, love, family,a wonderful husband and daughter, nature,hot water! cold water to drink/
    Thank you for this article. I will start mine today.
    Happy days

  25. ps that should be 'I will start my gratitude list today.


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