
Weekends are for memory making, 
relaxing and enjoying quiet moments of our days.  
If you would like, please share your weekend moments 
  in the comment section with a link to your blog.

My weekend was a full one.  We attended two festivals in our local area.  I was on the hunt for my new favorite pottery mug and did find it.  Bliss!  We had a slice of pizza and later some super healthy french fries.  I walked my feet off and was exhausted by the time we were home mid afternoon.  The weather was chilly and I was wishing for that sun to peek out.

After a quick dinner, we headed to my husband's new office to finish up filing and hanging diplomas.  We were fast and furious!  In the evening I made great progress on knitting my cardigan while watching an episode of Selfridges.

Today was Mass, and lucky for me, the baby sat right in front of me.  I can honestly say I cannot remember the sermon, I was too busy watching him bounce, drop toys for me to pick up and just delight in his happiness.  He got a little cranky near the end but over all what a well behaved baby.

I'm doing laundry and soon when I hit publish, I'll be knitting some more.

How was your weekend?


  1. How lucky to have a baby in front of you :) Always a joy. So happy you found your pottery mug...so when do we get to see it?

    Have a lovely week Karen.

  2. Sounds like a nice but busy weekend. We babysat for the GK, went out for dinner, and went to church but got to listen to the high school choir instead of singing like we did last weekend. We watch Selfridge on Sundays here. Crazy, huh? Tomorrow I'm hosting book club for the discussion of Boys in the Boat. It was a good read. In fact I'm reading another of his books now!

  3. Very busy. Visited My husbands Uncle on Friday, went to dinner and a comedy act by Rita Rudner yesterday and today..my nieces baby shower. I'm pooped and ready to sit and knit ..mittens

  4. We went to a FUN wedding (bride Alexa who I gave a shower for in March). Although I got hit by sadness when thinking about the parents "giving away" their daughter. Our time will come for that one of these days. Have a great week! http://www.tamknots.com

  5. Karen, I am super excited that you will be painting, I think you will paint masterpieces.
    Hey, I final finished a sock, it's about time.
    Have a great night.

  6. phew. we finally made it home.....after feeding 76 people their evening snacks for a week (and hauling the food to 'snack' location)....I'm pooped!!! :) Looking forward to some serious knitting time.

  7. It sounds like fun. Good about finding your pottery. I hope you'll share a photo soon. What beautiful magnolias, are they in your garden? Ours was good a pottering one, cleaning and sorting out good to hand washing in the garden whilst the sun was shining. We did a bit of exploring and discovered an amazing walk by a lake and woods and more yellow fields it was beautiful.
    Enjoy your knitting,

  8. I hope that you have lots of times this week to enjoy your new mug and remember finding it in a great weekend! xx

  9. Sounds like the perfect weekend of memory making. Enjoy knitting and drinking from you new mug :)

  10. In one word, busy. :-) Saturday morning we went and bought a new water heater, came home, grilled burgers and then went to a wedding. Sunday morning we got up really early to take a quick hot shower so Greg could take the old (leaking) water heater out and tile underneath. Went horseback riding with the family, came back and worked on the new water heater, had teacher appreciation dinner that evening... Wish I had an extra day...

  11. Ahhh.... the joy of finding a perfect mug. =) There is so much pleasure in a perfect mug.

    Soccer games, Farmer's Market, dinner with friends, church, a little golf... finished my crochet shawl! Did swatches... no luck on gauge with any of my stash yarns that I like... bummer...

    Need to get Monday busy! Ha! blessings ~ tanna

  12. Your weekend sounds wonderful, Karen. I am glad you had the opportunity to get out to a couple of local fairs. When the time comes in life for you to be a grandmother you are going to be one SUPER one! I love hearing about this baby who sits near you at Mass! :) Have a great week, my friend!

  13. Your weekend sounds lovely...what a treat to be entertained by a baby during mass!!! we spent most of the weekend in our garden - and some of it watching the second season of homeland. Have a wonderful week.

  14. babies are so wonderful! God bless your week! sounds like your weekend was nice!

  15. Can't wait to see your new mug. I'm curious about these super healthy French fries!
    We relaxed at home this weekend since it rained and our week was so full.

  16. Sounds like a great way to spend a weekend. We are so busy lately, I can't wait to do something fun! :)

  17. Pizza always makes for a good weekend. I'm so glad you found your mug. You must post pictures so we can see it. Enjoy your week Karen!

  18. Highlights: watching my son push his toy dump truck about in the garden for an hour or more!, defrosting tomatoes from last summer's garden for "fresh" bloody marys, long walks in the neighborhood, and, of course, knitting!

  19. A gorgeously sunny weekend here but surprisingly chilly. We only managed housework and a lovely long walk with the whippets. But next weekend we're hoping to head off on a couple of jaunts a little further afield.

  20. So nice. Super healthy french fries hehe are the best. Smiling happy babies are pretty good too. Enjoy your week as much as you did the weekend.

  21. I saw the mug on instagram! I love it! It sounds like you had a lovely weekend, and I also would have a hard time concentrating if there was a baby in front of me. :)

  22. You had a busy weekend. It rained ALL DAY yesterday so we hung out in the basement and played. It was rather perfect.

  23. Sounds like a lovely weekend, your mug is beautiful! I really love the color, so rich. Our weekend already feels a bit hazy to me, I can't believe it! We had some good family time and the girls are now in soccer so that's been fun. And sun :) I do remember that. Have a great week!


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