Currently on the Needles

Since I was out of town over a three day weekend, you can imagine that I had little time to knit or read.  However, I have been knitting here and there the past few days while catching up on chores and errands.  I've made some progress on my baby blanket.  I love the ease of the knit, so easy and mindless!

I've been flipping through the newest issue of Taproot during my days.  I continue to read short stories of Flannery O'Connor and Persuasion by Jane Austen.  All good reads and full of interest although I must say a contemporary novel is on my horizon, but I haven't picked it yet.

What have you been knitting and reading this week?

Joining Ginny and Frontier Dreams


  1. It is always good to have a 'mindless' project on the needles. I have three projects on the go right now all in varying degrees of concentration requirements :)

  2. Love that blanket, that colour is lovely. I so enjoyed that issue of Taproot. Hope you are having a lovely week Karen.

  3. Thanks for your lovely comment on my cardi, Karen! Love your reading, sounds like the perfect mix! Happy baby blanket making!

  4. Sweet baby blanket....! I've been knitting on my socks and reading nothing actually :-) Too busy indoor gardening and knitting!

  5. just cast on for a 'mindless' baby cardi...should have read this post first; that baby blanket would have fit the bill, too! love it!

  6. The baby blanket is going to be great, one can see how soft the yarn is. :-) I am almost done with my summer top. Seemed to take me a long time, considering there are no sleeves and it wasn't complicated.

  7. I really love that stitch pattern for your looks so soft and squishy!!!

  8. I have seen that pattern being knit a couple of times recently Very pretty and it looks super soft. Taproot is always a good read

  9. That is stunning! I am so interested in taproot but it is a bit pricey for me to indulge in for now. Maybe someday...

  10. This magazine seems so wonderful. I just must have it! :) Beautiful blanket. I made something with almost this exact pattern a few months ago as a gift.

  11. Good progress on the blanket! I've never heard of Taproot, I'll hae to check it out.

  12. Love the baby blanket pattern. Such a pretty color.

  13. Love the baby blanket too Karen and would like to get Taproot but I'm behind I was going to buy all the back issues as they are very reasonably priced for backdated bundles but the postage to the UK for them all, cost much more than the actual magazines. I'm tempted to get the next issue...I might treat myself it's not so bad if I get them little by little.

    I haven't done much knitting as I need to get some double pointed needles for the sleeves but I did have a little go at crocheting a twine basket thanks to my sister in law, whose teaching me how to read crochet patterns.

  14. Such a beautiful project, love the pattern and the colour.

  15. That baby blanket is looking good! I've been debating rereading some of my favorite comics this week-will have to see if my missing issues come in the mail. I'm going to have to do something about my WIPs, they're already starting to get out of control again!

  16. Beautiful colour of your blanket, and the stitch pattern is gorgeous.

  17. I think I would like to knit your baby blanket, I really do adore the pattern.
    Taproot is lovely isn't it? One of my favorites.

  18. Gosh... even your baby blankets are so intricate!!! I love the colour Karen !!! Have a great week

  19. I really love this stitch pattern. The color and texture together are wonderful.

  20. Your blanket in blue is beyond beautiful.
    Im reading blogs ; I finished my Teresa Caputo book. Very interesting if you are into her.
    Im knitting more mittens, next to my new kitten

  21. The stitch definition on your blanket with that yarn is beautiful! It is such a lovely shade of blue. The cover of Taproot is gorgeous too.

  22. That's a beautiful pattern and color!

  23. Blankets are always so fun to make, (this picture makes me want to start one)! Last summer I read Persuasion, it's a great read. :)

  24. Perfect match; a beautiful blanket and Taproot.

  25. Such a beautiful blue for your baby blanket! You know it was a baby blanket (that turned out to be Mammoth sized) that is what I now refer to as my Gateway Drug to knitting. LOL! Crazy busy here... first of the month with rental properties, a pre-lease to do, birthday celebrations, company coming... Enjoying it all, but looking forward to some normal knitting time. Have a great day, Karen. blessings ~ tanna

  26. Beautiful blanket, the color and stitch pattern are lovely.

  27. Your baby blanket is looking gorgeous! I haven't even read that issue of Taproot yet. It's been sitting here on my desk waiting for me. If only I had more hours in each day!

  28. having a simple project on the go is always a good thing!!!

  29. I was looking for a baby blanket to knit! Now I found one. I also found a wonderful new magazine. (I just subscribed to it). Thanks Karen you are a wealth of information! :)

  30. Oh, I love the simplicity of that blanket perfect for a portable outdoor project.

  31. I love Persuasion! That knit looks so squishy, so perfect for a baby blanket. Your trip looked like so much fun :)

  32. I had to read Persuasion in college, but it wasn't my favorite.
    The color of the blanket is so rich and pretty.

  33. That's a very nice baby blanket in the making! I'm working on a sock and reading, or trying to read, Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close.

  34. The blanket will be beautiful. I love the pattern, I'm sure it will add amazing texture for the little one. I am yet to finish that issue. I keep picking it up and reading an article, putting it down again. I actually learned to knit in the round with dpn this passed week-end. Not very good at it yet, but I do thin I'm getting the hang of it. :-)


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