Dogwood Trees and a Recipe

May.  May is the month of Mary.  May is the month of true spring blossoms, Holy Communions, Confirmations, Mother's Day and Memorial day.  There is so much to celebrate during this transitional month and each year that it rolls around I love it more.

My grandmother (my dad's mom)  celebrated her birthday in May and for some reason I think of her, she loved when family visited for her birthday and for Mother's day.  Her gardens were teeming with spring bulb blossoms and the air was sweeter while sitting on her porch swing suspended on bouncy springs.  We would swing and bounce, swing and bounce.

Dogwoods are my favorite flowering spring tree, I think.  I love their airy blooms and the way each flower tilts up to the sky saying hello to the sun.  Luckily, I have many of these trees sprinkled throughout my property that were placed by mother nature with the help of breezes.

On Wednesday, I fully recovered from my NYC trip.  I confess that I did take one teeny nap and that little nap restored me.  I tend to stay awake no matter what because naps ruin a night's sleep for me.  Losing seven hours of sleep though did require some dozing.

Have you been eating lots of salads?  I sure have!  But I'm not sharing a salad recipe.  I've got my favorite (only) risotto recipe:

My favorite Risotto recipe:

one container of mushrooms your choice sliced and stir fried in 3 tablespoons of olive oil
1 1/8 cups of arborio rice
4 cups of vegetable broth or chicken broth
2-3 tablespoons of parmesan cheese

after you stir fry your mushrooms, add the rice and half of the broth and boil on medium heat with the lid off, stirring often.  When most of the liquid is absorbed then add the rest of the liquid and repeat the process.

when the rice is done add your parm cheese and serve.  maybe sprinkle some parsley??  I've also done this with celery or near the end adding some frozen peas.  Anything goes!!

Are you looking for more recipes?  then head over to Tracey's blog Clover for some new ideas.  Maybe share a blog post with a recipe as well.

I wish you all a fun weekend!!


  1. Hi Karen, I do have power today and sun! My papaw's birthday was May 1, and I sat and looked at old photos, I really do miss him.
    Your recipe looks amazing and I can't wait to prepare it. Mike and I both love mushrooms so I know it will be a hit. Thank you for joining in.
    Happy Mother's Day to you.

  2. I have much the same memories of my grandmothers house (also a May birthday, often on Mother's Day) and the flowers in her garden and on her trees. Thank you for the recipe. I adore risotto and it's been a long time since I've made it.

  3. I share your love of Dogwoods! We lived in Knoxville for ten years, and they have the most lovely Dogwood Arts Festival in mid-April. Thanks for the recipe, I will try it! I am also participating in Tracey's recipe swap at: Happy Mother's Day! xo Tammy

  4. I love risotto and since it's been a while since I made some, I'll have to give your's a try. Thanks for sharing the recipe! I do love May! It's my mom's birthday this month, the end of the school year, beautiful days, sunshine, what's not to love? Happy Mother's Day!

  5. I had risotto last night when we went out for dinner and I forgot how much I enjoy it. Thanks for the recipe!

  6. scrumptious. I love risotto but haven't made any rice ones this year, only barley ones. Such pretty flowers so delicate looking with their pretty pink tips and green centres. I'm glad that you've recovered from your trip it looked great fun. Sometimes a sneaked little nap can do wonders.
    Have a happy Mother's Day,

  7. Happy to hear that you have recovered from your NYC trip. It takes some time to find balance after NYC, right?
    Thank you for the lovely risotto recipe. Sounds so good that I want it for breakfast right now. :)

  8. Hope you have a wonderful Mothers day, we celebrate it here in the UK in March. Sometimes a little cat nap is what is need to restore balance. The dogwood is looking wonderful.

  9. sounds yummy!!! (hee hee.....I bet I could cut up a few radishes and throw in!)

  10. I love dogwood too. They are about finished flowering here. WOnderful memories of grandmas! Hope you have a great Mother's Day!

  11. Dogwoods are so pretty. Im always up for new recipes. thanks!

  12. I love dogwoods too-and lilacs. The other evening we had a little Spring sprinkle of rain breeze by right around dusk. As I got out of my car to go into the house, I took a deep breath and oh, did the air smell sweet..all mixed with the smell of a rain you get after not having rain for many days, and the lilacs and other sweet things blooming, and it was then I remembered, I do like Spring! (side note: Fall and Winter are my favorite months as I am a homebody and love being all tucked up in my house).
    Your risotto recipe looks yummy and easy and I might try it for lunch today! Thank you for sharing your lovely memories of your Grandma-I lost my last living Grandma 2 years ago and we still miss that spunky little old lady. Have a wonderful Mother's Day!

    PS: In case you are interested, here is a link to my Dogwood Tree post--

  13. Happy Weekend, the pictures are inspiring and make me wish us all a good one too.

  14. I'm with you on the nap front. A short 20 min. siesta and I'm still awake at 2 a.m.

    Hope you have a very lovely Mother's Day! I'll be at Mass for the crowning of Mary & to hear the Red Bean singing in the choir ;-)

  15. How I love dogwood. Your blooms are lovely. We don't have many around here, but I love watching them bloom when we visit the botanical gardens.

    Happy Mother's Day! xo

  16. Lovely blooms Karen.

    So with you on the naps, I can't do it, and if I do, I am up all night long.

    Have a wonderful weekend, Happy Mother's Day!

  17. Great dogwood photos, Karen. Our dogwood out front never blooms, but our Korean dogwood always has lots of blossoms. It's in the backyard and gets more sun, I guess. Happy Mother's Day!

  18. I love dogwoods too. Glad you are recovered!

  19. What a lovely post, Karen. I love the memories you shared of your grandmother, how wonderful. Your recipe sounds delicious! Wishing you a happy weekend xx

  20. It so happens that I adore both dogwoods and risotto so this is the perfect post for me! What gorgeous shots, Karen, I am so jealous that you have so many dogwoods on your property! xo

  21. Yes, May is a wonderful month. I love your pictures and your memories. What a great recipe. Sounds like one my family would love. Happy Mother's Day to you!

  22. May is one of the most beautiful months of the year! I love all the flowering trees that are in bloom right now. And yes, there are many exciting things in May, the first being Mother's Day! I hope you have a wonderful day!

  23. We have lots to celebrate in May... and your photos are just perfect for such a beautiful time of the year! We've been eating salads... but, that risotto sounds way better! Ha! Have a wonderful Mother's Day, Karen. blessings ~ tanna

  24. i love may too... I'm glad you've recovered from NYC and thank you for the recipe.

  25. I said to my husband just the other day, we should try a different risotto recipe ... and here one is!


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