Serendipitous Life

I cannot believe that the painting was one week ago.  Bright splashes of color that seemed bold and unreal when they were first applied now seem like they've been here for months.  I adore the green that I was skeptical about.  Each morning when I wake up and start the coffee, I sit and write in my journal and enjoy the new feeling in the kitchen.  Old lady green?  Never.

Above those nasty kitchen cabinets (you know, the dust and grime collection area) I rescued my tiny collection of apothecary jars that I picked up here and there throughout our marriage.  I decided to clean them, fill them and display them.  My favorite is the orange lentils.  In the others are two varieties of popcorn and petite white lentils.  Whenever I am in Pittsburgh and in a Whole Foods store,  I load up on "rare to me" seeds and grains.  I would love a Whole Foods store near me but the closest is Philly area and that is not close enough.

Moving along on my long list of "things to do before the wedding" an item that has been haunting both of us is the third car that is not being driven by anyone and the battery keeps dying on us.  Yesterday I said to my husband "we are selling this car by the end of the month".  A car service came to jump the car (again) and through chatting with the service man he mentioned that his boss might want to buy the car.

My husband and I drove to the car center and yep, we are now unburdened.  Phew.  Later my husband stated "Sell the car by the end of the month??  How about within the hour!".  Serendipitous.

I will have a full house this weekend.  The engaged couple will be here attending to various details and my son decided to come home for a few weeks.  I've been cleaning, making beds and soon filling the cupboards with food.  I've got some plans for our weekend if the weather is kind.

Just a note that because this weekend we have a long three day weekend, I will probably post the weekend post on Monday instead of Sunday.

Have a good weekend!!


  1. Sounds just lovely. And serendipity is one of my favorite words. Your post just made me remember that my first best friend, when I was around 6 or 7, had a long-haired gray cat named Serendipity. I haven't thought about that cat, or Lori, in a very, very long time. So thank you for that! Have a fantastic weekend with all of your guests!

  2. Karen, I really like the shade of green that you chose. Enjoy your family weekend! xo Tammy

  3. How wonderful, a family weekend there is nothing nicer, have fun.

  4. It's lovely and fresh looking. I love to be surrounded by the colours of nature, so calm and relaxing. Have a great bank holiday weekend. Sounds like you're going to have fun.

  5. Everything looks so nice Karen. I hope you have a great weekend with your family! :)

  6. I love the paint, serendipity, and your apothecary jars!

  7. Green is such a healing color... love it! Serendipity, I'll say! We have so much "stuff" in the garage after our move last year. I need to absorb your knack for making it happen! ;) Love the way you added color to your apothecary jars! So fun! One of those things that just makes you smile every time you pass. Hope you have a wonderful weekend with your family! I know it will be busy and full of love. blessings ~ tanna

  8. Karen the green is such a beautifully soothing color. I have it in the room where we congregate the most, here at the cottage....what joy to be able to sell the car as fast as that! When things are meant to happen...they do :0) Have a joyful weekend ... mari

  9. Amazing how that worked out with the car! Your home looks really inviting and comfy, I love all your pretty little touches everywhere. Have fun with the family this weekend!

  10. I am so glad you love your green...I found it the hardest colour to introduce into my home. A long time ago, I picked a shade (i thought I loved) and painted but ended up repainting the whole room twice before deciding we couldn't live with it. Poor Ian. Have a wonderful long weekend with your family.

  11. when we repainted a few years ago I had intended everything to just be cleaned up and brightened by using all the same colors (creature of habit here!!!) but our kitchen color had been discontinued, our painter didn't think he really could match it and he said he's used a green just a tad brighter than what we had. Sight unseen I said, 'go for it'! It turns out it is LIME--- a color I love but would NEVER have chosen for my kitchen. You are so's the color that has always meant to be there; we adapted quickly!
    Do hope your long weekend is full of fun and good weather and bonding with that newest family member! Love that your son is also table---get ready!

  12. It's so nice that you are loving your new walls, that's important I think.
    I do love your jars filled with all kinds of goodness. Whole Foods is a favorite of mine, but
    we don't have one close either, I have to drive 1 1/2 hours, but it's so worth it!
    Enjoy a lovely weekend with all your family home, that sounds so nice. :)

  13. Love the look of your "new" kitchen! I feel like I live in WF and totally understand your desire. May the weather be kind and may you have a wonderful weekend with your family. I'm afraid our weekend looks to be a washout, as far as the weather is concerned. It will be joyous, nonetheless.

  14. I hope that you have a wonderful weekend! How great that you sold the car so quickly and easily, a weight of your mind I am sure. The jars look lovely with your different grains in them, I am sure that you will enjoy using the jars and grains! xx

  15. So happy to hear you are enjoying your freshly painted home. Love those jars! Have a wonderful weekend with your family, Karen xx

  16. Enjoy your weekend with your family Karen :-)

  17. What a lovely post. I just love stopping by to see what you are up to. Have a fantastic weekend with your family.

  18. Love your pics and the calm feeling of your beautiful home, Karen. Your apothecary jar collection is enviable ...I'm glad you decided to put it on display!

  19. Isn't a newly painted house so wonderful? I painted mine last fall and I still often stop, look around, and smile because it makes me so happy. ENjoy the long weekend!!

  20. Love the pictures of the new paint! We have two whole food stores within a half hour of us but I have never been inside one! I need to check it out soon, everyone loves it it seems. Enjoy the full house weekend!

  21. The green on your walls is a great green! I would enjoy sitting in your kitchen, too! Hope you have lots of fun (even if hectic!) this weekend. Happy Memorial Day!

  22. That is amazing about the car! Enjoy having everyone home. Have a wonderful long weekend.

  23. Just came across your blog and thought the banner picture was quite awsome. Sounds like you have some big happenings going on at your house. Wouldn't it be nice if everything worked out the way the car selling did? Good luck with all your company. I will check back and see how it went. Robin Hawkins

  24. Wow. An upcoming wedding! Sheeesh! It's just another reason for me to not dip out again- I'm the last to know! Congrats Karen!

  25. lots of lovely things happening, and so glad your freshly painted kitchen is bringing you such cheer! x


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