The Week of Painting

Good morning!  I have been knee deep in painting the main level.  Well actually, my husband is the painter.  I am the packer upper and the cleaner upper and the wall prep gal.  He has quite the energy and can paint all day long.  He has this week off and he was hoping to have some down time.

However, last night the hallway and stairwell were finished and we still have the landing, dining room and powder room.  We are amazed at how bright the house looks now that it's freshly painted.  Might I add that I was amazed at how filthy some parts of my house are?!?  And I'm super clean!!

I decided to leave the area above the kitchen cabinets empty.  I just don't want to wash anything anymore.  My husband suggested we buy decorative pillows and shove them up there but they would just get greasy and grimy as well.  We are going to try not to cook anything that would create a grimy film.  I'll keep you up to date on that personal goal.

During the week we've been listening to the Steely Dan channel on Pandora (husband's pick not mine) and love how not a single song was repeated.  And there was a span of about four hours that not a single Steely Dan song was played.  When we drove up to New Hampshire a few years ago we played the Talking Heads channel (my pick) and the whole way up not a single Talking Heads song.  Love when that happens!

I hope you all have a fabulous weekend filled with sunshine and happiness.

Edited to add:  This is my 1000th post!  My oh my do I have lots to say for the next 1000 :)


  1. It looks fantastic Karen! I'm glad your husband is off and there to paint , I was a little worried about you.
    Last year when I did my clean out I removed my old bottle collection from the tops of my cabinets, I have enjoyed the clean look it and not having to clean greasy [?} bottles.
    Enjoy a great weekend.

  2. You and your husband make a great painting team; it looks great! I started painting last year, but the prep, disruption, and drudgery wore me down after only two rooms. Congratulations on your 1000th post; I look forward to reading many more!

  3. Your home is looking fabulous... what a big job you have taken on. (by the way...I think wall prep is even harder than painting itself!!!) I hope you find more non-repeating playlists to paint along with. Have a great weekend Karen and congrats on your 1000th.

  4. I took all of the stuff off the top of my cabinets last year for the same reason ~ I was getting tired of having to clean it all. My life is just too busy right now for extra cleaning! :)

  5. Nice job of sprucing up the house! The color looks relaxing and calming. Perfect choice!

  6. It is looking amazing!!!!! In our last house we had that open space on top of the cabinets and I filled it with stuff. I hated trying to clean it. This house our cabinets go right to the top and I love that I don't feel the need to fill it!

  7. Love you colour choice, gives a lovely relaxing feel. You make a great team. Congratulations on your 1000 post, here's to many more.

  8. Big congrats on your milestone post!
    I think you will be very glad that the area above the cabinets is open and easy to run a feather duster over.
    Fresh paint is such a wonderful feeling!

  9. It is amazing what a coat of paint will tell you! I'm a clean person too but I was amazed at the difference. Everything looks fresh!
    Congrats on 1000 posts! I hope you are around for 1000 more! :D

  10. Wow, 1,000 posts is an accomplishment!
    Painting does make an amazing difference. Your house is so clean and organized. Wish you could come work on mine!

  11. looks so fresh! Is it a type of green? Beautiful color.
    Yes, when painting and moving furniture you get suprised at how dirty the house actually is, even when you clean a lot!

  12. Love the paint you've chosen. We decorated our kitchen a couple of weeks ago, it's hard work at the time but it's lovely when it's done isn't it :) Congratulations on your 1000th post, I think I'm about 400 behind you lol

  13. Congrats on your 1000th post!
    I like the color you chose for the kitchen, it's very soft and pretty.

  14. Congratulations on your 1000th post, I passed that about a month ago, so exciting!

    It is amazing what a little paint can do for a room, so glad you are happy with the results. Enjoy your weekend!

  15. Your rooms are looking great. Painting is a lot of work, but I like the decluttering that comes with it. Congrats on your 1000th post! Enjoy the weekend.

  16. You picked a very pretty color and I think everything is turning out beautiful. I consider myself a very clean person, but sometimes when I get up close to certain things I have a little (or big) "oh my" moment... It's been a few years since I painted and I think next year might be the year I'll have to repaint quite a few rooms. This year it's more about the floors... Congrats on your 1000th post, can't wait for the next 1000! :-)

  17. it looks lovely! enjoy your fresh bright space!!! happy weekend!

  18. I love the color! I always like how a fresh coat of paint can brighten a room. Enjoy!

  19. Revel in that new look!!!! Crisp, clean!!! We waited 15 (!!!!!!) years to repaint.....and I couldn't believe the difference!! (we won't wait so long again!) Looking just wonderful. (You are wedding-ready!!!)

  20. Your house looks great! A new coat of paint does wonders for everything. You have such a lovely home. Enjoy your weekend.

  21. Looks fantastic! Congrats on the 1000th post!!! Looking forward to the next 1000!

  22. It's looking beautiful. I opted to not put things on top of the cabinets too. Just more things to clean. And good luck with not cooking anything greasy. I make the world's biggest messes in my kitchen. Your kitchen actually looks like a picture of a model home! Enjoy!

  23. Hello my friend,

    I am sorry I've not been around in a while...well, that's not exactly true, I have been around, just haven't taken the time to comment. I am hoping to be back on a regular basis when it comes to reading and commenting in another week or so. Not entirely certain what is going to take place on the posting front just yet.

    But I did want to stop tonight and say how gorgeous your kitchen looks! Makes me want to go out in mine and grab a paint brush. Thanks so much for sharing the progress with us!

    1. no need to apologize! I know you have stuff going on and I know you will be blogging soon enough. Take care and see you when you start up again!!

  24. Congratulations on 1000 posts. I dont think you can put anything on top of cupboards or shelving in kitchens and not get that grimy film. I dont like it but still end up with it sometimes if I dont wipe things down.

  25. So nice to freshen everything up Karen and it's looking good! Congrats on the posts, I look forward to many more. Hope you and your husband have managed to have a rest this deserve it! xx

  26. The house is looking great - super impressed by your energy and husband's work rate!

    It is amazing how grease gets everywhere - we don't do a lot of greasy cooking, yet it is a constant fight to keep it at bay. It doesn't help that our little old listed cottage kitchen can't accommodate an extractor fan but this does mean that I'm always looking for ways of cooking that minimise grease! I cooked the bacon for our Sunday bacon sandwich treat in the oven American style today as part of this plan, and was delighted with how lovely it was - why didn't I try it sooner?!

  27. It's looking great Karen! Doesn't paint do wonders for a home ... it is the most inexpensive make over one can do. I'm hoping to finish up our painting over the next few weekends. Congratulations on your 1,000th post too, that's awesome :)

  28. Wow, this looks great, Karen! I admire your husband's and your determination to get it finished!
    Congratulations on your big anniversary! I always look forward to your posts! : ) xx


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