
Weekends are for memory making, 
relaxing and enjoying quiet moments of our days.  
If you would like, please share your weekend moments 
  in the comment section with a link to your blog.

I can never pass up a pretty floor, can you?  My weekend was kind of nice and slow and wonderful. We celebrated my son's birthday yesterday with carrot cake and I know you all asked for the recipe last Friday and I must confess, um...it's from a box (gasp!).

Here is sweet Frodo, oh he is a joy!

This morning there was a guinea hen in our yard!  Funny, we do not have anyone in the neighborhood that owns them.  I think maybe it went back "home" or it's hiding in the woods.  What a strange crazy day this has been.  Right now it's thunderstorming and looks all gloomy outside.  I've made a cup of tea and will be knitting.

How was your weekend??


  1. Topsy turvy! We've been tiling the kitchen all weekend and it's just turned everything upside down. Couldn't go in the kitchen for most of the weekend to let the tile dry which meant take out food or delivery. It didn't stop the girls from having fun though, they had friends over, went swimming (in between rain showers) and the mess didn't bother them. I on the other hand are itching to get everything put back and cleaned!!

  2. saw Newsies in Nashville this weekend! What a fun, lively show. Traveling with hubby.....we went to the show, then came right home. We did not pass GO or the two yarn shops in Nashville. Saving that for another day trip with knitters!!!

  3. That is a really pretty floor..I love them too.
    You know, box cake mix isn't a bad thing, I learned that years ago
    when I was passed due with Erin and it was My Mike's birthday and is favorite
    cake is German Chocolate; it is so much easier with a box than
    from scratch.
    You should have an egg hunt and see if the hen left you a gift!

  4. I love seeing Frodo on your blog. Very happy to hear your weekend was nice, despite the poor weather.

  5. Nothing wrong with box cake! I use it as a base all the time for recipes. And I also love box brownies.

    Give wee Frodo a pat on the head for me.

  6. We had the memorial service for mom this weekend followed by a lovely Sunday with some time to myself to read and ponder and get ready for a new month. http://liningupmystitches.blogspot.com/2015/05/a-new-month.html

  7. Nothing wrong with box/packet cake they are a great time saver. Quiet weekend catching up with a few jobs.

  8. hi there.
    sounds lovely your weekend, gentle and with a celebration. yay for carrot cake, even from a box lol

  9. Sounds like a lovely weekend Karen. We had rain yesterday too, so there was lots of tea and knitting :)

  10. that is the best recipe yet!!! your weekend sounds lovely as always Karen... while Ian was away climbing mountains, the kids and I took in the kite festival. Lots of blue skies here but rain forecasted for tomorrow (fingers crossed- we really need it)

  11. Looks like you had a lovely weekend!

  12. That cake looks sooo good! Enjoy your rainy day knitting :-)

  13. Our weekend was so darn cold. IT was nearly wintery. We went to the Lake to see the waves and barely wanted to get out of the car.
    BUT I baked and cooked and that made it okay.
    I want the sunshine and warmth and Heat. I SWEAR I won't complain

  14. That's a very pretty floor! My weekend was very quiet and uneventful, but in a good way :)

  15. Cake from a box is a fabulous thing. Brownies from a box are even better. I am not allowed to buy those anymore...

  16. I didn't know you could make a cake from scratch until I was about 18 years old, LOL! It just never occurred to me, I only saw my mother use box mixes. I never had a complaint about them! Our weekend was pretty quiet and today it is truly raining cats and dogs! Have a wonderful week, Karen!

  17. Happy Birthday to your son! That looks like a great cake! xx

  18. The weather's been dismal here too, more like October just ended than May, wet, windy and cold.

    Happy birthday to your son :)

  19. A weekend of travels for me! Tonight has been nice, as I haven't been able to just sit and relax for a while. Gloomy days, a cup of tea, and catching up on everyone's blogs--all rather enjoyable when combined! Have a good rest of your week!

  20. I'm a little late here, but our week-en was a slow one : husband on call for work, 6 trees to take down in the yard. We stayed close to home. Lots of time spent outside before the cold hit. :-) Hope your upcoming week-end is just as lovely!


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