Life is Change

Just like that, the flowers are all blooming and it looks and feels like summer.  I heard the crickets this past week.  I see dragonflies and butterflies everywhere I go.  Busy busy busy!  Speaking of busy, we are about a month away from the wedding.

My son bought his train tickets to come home in July and I've been scheduling so many tasks, ordering a tent rental and all sorts of stuff.  I have never held a deep abiding love for a date book like I do these days.  I grab it, flip through and pencil in.  Phone apps are not the same and never will be--call me an old fashion paper and pen kind of gal. Sure I have phone numbers in the phone but there is something about writing in on the date a business name and phone number and seeing it right there on the page.

RSVP cards are trickling in for the reception (not hosted at my house, phew!).  I'm estimating how much food for a Sunday luncheon (at my house) with an unknown amount of guests. (tricky but doable in my mind!)

Most of all, I am excited to see our families traveling to celebrate with us as well as our new son in law to be's families traveling here.  I love knowing these two kids are loved by so many family and friends.  That is what it is all about!

I have bittersweet thoughts about the Santa Barbara move but overall I'm excited for them and their grand new adventure as a couple.  Letting go letting go letting go.  What has helped the most is reflecting on my marriage and having my husband through our decades together.  I want for my kids what I have.

So back to Santa Barbara,  I have snail mail, email, phone calls and maybe I'll dip my toes into Skype and Google hangouts.  Most of all are the planned visits back and forth.  Even though my husband's job responsibilities have increased I have an epic trip planned for 2016.

Of course I am trying to talk my daughter into instagram and I'm still waiting to see if she will make an account.

Daydreaming is the best part of all of this.

Life is change.  Life is good.  Change is good?  (that's a stretch but stick with me while I'm riding high on positive thinking)

PSST:  I have lots going on this weekend with TWO bridal showers to attend so the weekend post will probably be posted on Monday.

Have a wonderful weekend and see you all on Monday!


  1. My daughter moved 800 miles away to go to college. I cried when she left, but it has been good. Watching her move into the larger world has been wonderful.
    I love what you said about your marriage. I was divorced when my kids were little, so I want them to have what I didn't but you did! I do have a wonderful second marriage so I hope that helps my kids find the right people!

  2. Thank you for reminding me about change and how good it is for us, stretches us and makes us stronger. Your orange lilies are so, so beautiful.

  3. I think my nana lived to 95 because she learned to CHANGE with life as it whirled her around. I hope to be as flexible. Love the tiger flowers

  4. Hugs Karen. Yes, life is change, and change is something I struggle with, I like things to stay the same. Emerson is here for two day as the movers are packing up for the move to Germany....exhale.
    Much love.

  5. Changes, oh so hard, but at the some time, oh so good. It teaches us so much about ourselves, and helps us grow.

    Enjoy the bridal showers this weekend Karen.

  6. Change is hard, but I believe it helps us grow. I know how hard it is to let family "go" like that, but you know you'll get to visit, talk on the phone, e-mail, send pictures... It is so much easier now then when we moved here from Germany in 1992. No internet, phone calls were crazy expensive... So much has changed and made the world smaller.

  7. Oh Karen, I hope you enjoy this season of life. It is so full of possiblities! I can't wait for our daughter to find the right one and put us in this place. :)
    {{hugs}} my friend and YES, change is good!

  8. Life doesn't stand still does it and we can either embrace change or buck against hard sometimes, eh? Sending you a hug, are so clearly a wonderful mum and the miles won't change that xx

  9. It's so hard but so good too. Especially on those times when you all get to be together. The best bit is knowing that our children are happy in their relationship and soon you'll have another son and new extended family members. Just imagine when eventually one day the grandchildren arrive and then you will be in big demand. Thank goodness for modern technology.
    Enjoy the shower...have fun.

  10. All sounds very exciting! I guess it is easier and safer to want everything to stay the same, but it just won't so we may as well embrace the change. Easier said than done though. I am definitely a paper gal. I have only had a mobile for two years! Those lillies are gorgeous!

  11. Change, indeed! My life felt off-kilter for a while when my oldest son moved to Colorado (1700 miles away!) for grad. school, but he has matured and is incredibly happy there. We text, email, and Skype quite often; I visit once or twice a year, and he comes home for Christmas. It's all about staying connected, and there are so many ways you can do that. I'm sure your daughter will be happy, make a life for herself and her husband (one that certainly includes her mother!), and you'll have the fun and excitement of visiting. I bet there may even be some great yarn shops in Santa Barbara!

  12. such exciting times!!! The hardest part of being a mom....letting go. But then, that's really what we brought them in to the world for.....and seeing them 'go' so successfully and happily. What more could you ask for?

  13. Busy and exciting times! All of my children live in different states right now, one clear across the country and one in another country for for the next year and half or so. It is hard to let go and have them far away, but part of life. Hugs from AZ. You'll get through this...

  14. So exciting!! I am a pen and paper kind of gal too. I have to have a physical planner-- no computer or phone calenders for me!

  15. It sounds as though it is all go, but very exciting and in a very positive way!!! You sound so incredibly happy which is wonderful and just as it should be at a time like this. I hope that the two showers this weekend are great fun and enjoyed by all, especially the bride of course! Change is good! xx

  16. I really believe that change is good...but long distances are still my biggest challenges. I'm so happy you have the wedding and all the family events to enjoy with your daughter before they leave...and it looks like you are taking it all in and enjoying every detail of it. Have a wonderful weekend !!!

  17. Beautiful lilies! I hope you find that the change won't be so bad after all, just as you have been daydreaming :) But I do not like change either, and it takes me a long time to become accustomed to it. Have a lovely weekend!

  18. So exciting to have new adventures, especially when you're young. We moved away but came back home to take care of aging parents - both sets. Change is hard but good things always come with change :)

  19. Change is hard but workable, you cherish and make more of an effort when they are so far away. The wedding will be here before you know it, exciting times for you all.

  20. Have a wonderful celebration! Santa Barbara's a great place to visit,and the distance shrinks by air. So much to see and do in CA. It is hard having family far away but it also provides lots of opportunities for fun. Enjoy these special days!

  21. You know how much I sympathize with you, Karen! Skype is easy and wonderful, we use it all the time when we want to catch up with Michelle and Kate. There is also this great app called WhatsApp that allows you to text for free! We have a constant five way conversation going! : )

  22. It just be so hard. My in-laws had to let my hubby go when we got married and he immigrated from the US to Canada. I can only imagine how they felt (probably still feel)... But your acceptance is the truest form of love you could give them I think.


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