Memory Lane

Today my son returns to his apartment, gosh, the past two weeks flew by.  I sit and stare at him and wonder how fast time marches on.  I remember writing here about his tennis matches and band concerts.

This past week, I scanned many photos of my daughter growing up.  Each and every photo I remembered where we were and what we were doing.  I watched her grow as we moved from house to house and so many photos we are smiling and laughing. I also noticed how when her brother was born she acquired a best friend.  I was hard pressed finding a photo of just her after that.

I also saw many family members who are no longer with us, these people helped shape who I am and also my children.  I am grateful for that clever person who invented photography.  Of stopping time forever and capturing a moment.  I'm also grateful to the people who invented portable cameras and the digital file.  Let's not forget the scanner inventor and photo editing software engineer.

Hopefully next week after my daughter adds her photos to the shared folder, I'll be sending them to her future in laws who are graciously making a wedding slide show for the reception.  Ah, technology I do adore you!

I think we have seven weeks until the wedding.  My husband is still remudding (not a word according to auto-correct but you know what I mean) parts of the ceiling that are not quite right.  Each and every morning I find drips and drops of mud.  So far he is kind enough to move the knitting bag--wise man.

The touch up painting of the walls is finished (I think) and now I must tackle a carpet that has seen better days.  I'll try to shampoo it myself before hiring a professional.  Fingers crossed I can work magic.

Finally, thank you all who visit and comment.

Have a fun weekend!!


  1. Exciting times Karen, it will be here before you know it. My tip would be take some time out for yourself and enjoy it. All eyes will be on the beautiful bride and not on your carpet.

  2. Memory lane is such a pleasurable destination! In the blink of an eye you'll be writing about your daughter's wedding and your son's PhD. I hope your wedding guests look up and appreciate the ceiling, and I wish you plenty of carpet-cleaning magic!

  3. It does go by so fast doesn't it? The wedding is approaching quickly and I hope you are enjoying all the memory making that is taking place now; just remember to breathe deep and exhale when things get messy, it helps.
    I hope you have a wonderful weekend Karen and find a lot of time to knit. :)

  4. I love looking back through old photos. My parents still have my childhood videos on the old reel to reel and every so often bring them out. Always a lovely walk down memory lane.

    Only seven weeks til the wedding, wow, that came up fast. Good luck with those carpets.

    Have a wonderful weekend.

  5. My siblings and I shared scanned photos to make a slideshow for mom's memorial. My brother gave each of us a memory stick with the slide show which is really cool.

  6. Each photo is a treasure. Hope you find time to relax this weekend, Karen.

  7. I echo your sentiments about photography! This time last year I was pouring through photos too, in order to make my youngest son's high school graduation memory book. Now this summer, I have another son getting married. I continually marvel as I walk down memory lane, just how fast time has passed. Where did my little children go?

  8. Oh MY!!! Just seven weeks!!! You are so organized....and things are obviously moving according to plans.

    (I had to sort of laugh....before our daughter got married (a little under 12 weeks before!) we decided to downsize, sell our old house, repaint the new one, refinish all the floors, move, and do some basic landscaping. And I had just had a hip replaced, so that was most definitely the royal 'we' doing everything. I think that surgery must have kept me from thinking straight. I think this is one of the reasons my daughter thinks I'm slightly 'off-bubble'. All's well that ends well.)

    1. Oh Steph, that sounds like something I would do!

  9. We've never done a wedding here. I sort of dread it. I love casual. There's a time for getting all gussied up ....and a wedding is THE time.
    I have a busy first day of the weekend, not busy the second and looking forward to it

  10. took me a long time to fall in love with the digital camera...I so loved taking pictures and creating family albums (when the digital came...I couldn't choose which pictures from the hundreds to develop). But now...I can't stop taking photos.
    What a journey this wedding is for you and your daughter...she must love you to the moon for all the little details you are crossing off your list!!! Have a great weekend Karen

  11. The countdown to the wedding sounds as though it is going to be busy, but very exciting too! I hope that you all enjoy it. xx

  12. I love looking through old photographs!! It still takes my by surprise to look at our girls and then their baby pictures, how did they grow up so fast? Only seven more weeks, it'll be here before you know it.
    Have a beautiful weekend!

  13. Walking down memory lane is always so bittersweet! Full of joy, and overwhelming to the heart. Have a lovely weekend as well!

  14. Sad to see your son leave , yet the anticipation of the wedding would dull the leaving as you anticipate all the good things to come in the coming weeks. Love that your husband is a sensible man and knows where your heart lies!

  15. Lots to do before the wedding - there always is. I have been revisiting old family photos too. Such love and memories fill each one. I hope you have a good weekend and accomplish all you need to.

  16. Pre-wedding planning and jobs seem endless, don't they? How nice that your children were such good friends. I think that is one of the things we most wish for when we are raising our families.

  17. Oh yes, Karen, thank goodness for photography and for all the memories we can hold onto...many happy moments in life that might be lost otherwise. In a few weeks there will be so many more memories to add to your photo collection from your daughter's wedding. Yes, your husband was very wise to move your knitting!! Hope you are having a great weekend xx

  18. All the preparation that goes into a wedding - it's amazing, isn't it? And then comes the day itself and everything magically falls into place. It's lovely to hear that your children were also friends and that you have so many photos to remind you of this.

  19. what special and lovely memories; how neat about the sister-brother friendship. what a blessing.

  20. I was going through photos with my mom and brother last weekend, and it is incredibly moving. My son and daughter (in their 20s) are also best friends. That is one of the things that makes me happiest.

  21. We will have a wedding here for our older daughter in just over a year, well not here at the house, but locally. In her usual independent way she is insisting that they take care of everything themselves. But already I am beginning to know how you feel. There is so much I'd like to be different before then, including my dress size!

    Good luck with all your remodelling, carpet and wedding magic x

  22. I just went to a wedding this weekend that included a slide show, Karen. It was fun to go down memory lane with the bride and groom! Your house is going to look beautiful when the big day arrives! Good luck with the carpet!

  23. Such a lovely post, Karen. Really made me feel warm inside, in the best of ways.


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