Currently on the Needles

Well well, once again my computer is trying to get the best of me.  However, I skillfully won (?) and am here to write my post.  My knitting has been quite productive the past week, I finished this cowl and my second hitofude cardigan is upstairs soaking away and waiting for me to lightly block it.

So.....all that is left on the needles is my scrap sock blanket!  I am thinking of what to cast on with all of these empty needles.  I need some portable projects.

I started Girl in Translation by Jean Kwok.  I bought this book a long long time ago and it's been patiently waiting for me to start reading.  I finished Oh Pioneers over the weekend and enjoyed the novel.  I must say I believe I've read that book, the ending was awfully familiar.

What are you knitting and reading this week?

Joining Ginny and Frontier Dreams


  1. Only one project on your needles? I see a cast on day coming up really soon, maybe a shawl or a sock?

  2. Love the sock yarn blanket. I have a plastic bin labelled 'scrap sock yarn' as you never seem to use all of it. I am looking for a use for it all. Hmmm ...
    Looks like another great book recommendation too - the list just keeps getting longer!

  3. I can't wait to see your Hitofude! I'm thinking you need to cast on a pair of socks...

  4. looking forward to seeing the new cardi! have fun picking a new project!

  5. Time to cast on!! One of the most exciting times as a knitter! I can't wait to see what you decide to make.

  6. I can't believe that you have knit two Hitofudes. They look so hard!
    I agree with Donna. I cannot imagine life without socks on the needles.
    Looking forward to what you think about Girl in Translation.

  7. I can't wait to see what you decide to cast on...Los looking forward to photos of Hitofude.

  8. Nice to see the blanket again! Can't wait to see the Hitofude.

  9. I haven't had a computer in ages. It's really slowed down my writing. Facing a whole blog post using only the phone, while doable, isn't that enjoyable. But I persevered today! And I'm always glad when I do.

    You always find the most intriguing projects. I can't wait to see what you decide on!

  10. Those are some really nice blues and greens happening there. :) Have fun picking a next project! I can't wait to make a sweater for myself and pick out a brand new pattern. Wee!

  11. So many options to choose from...looking forward to seeing what you decide to cast on, Karen. :)

  12. Can't wait to see what you decide to put on the needles and your Hitofude! That book has piqued my interest. Happy Knitting & Reading!

  13. Girl in Translation looks good. Can't wait to see what you think of it. And the sock yarn blanket, I love the looks of this one.

  14. Looking forward to seeing your Hitofude. If you're looking for a portable project you can't go wrong with socks.

  15. The sock blanket is looking lovely! And it must be so exciting to be finished up with your projects! I have no clue on portable projects - I tend to need alone time in my office to be able to knit anything without messing up the stitches :-) But, I agree with Janet, socks would probably be the easiest, or washcloths :-)

  16. Really looking forward to seeing your hitofude :-) Your sock blanket is looking good

  17. WHAT? only one project!!!! Sounds like you need a cast on party.....and fast!!! :)

  18. wow cannot believe your sock yarn blanket is nearing the finish how exciting!!!

  19. Catching up here... that sock blanket is growing away! Still beautiful. I love. love. love. the Promise Shawl... and all that it means. Santa Barbara. Wow. It will be a nice place to visit!! Wedding time is nearing. Sending warmest good thoughts and hugs ~ tanna

  20. I bet you have already cast something else on :)


  21. I just set down some socks to pick my Twinleaf back up. I'm itching to cast on more, more, more!

  22. That little blanket it so lovely. I have seen that book around. Interested to hear how you like it.

  23. Socks! You can never have too many socks to knit. ;)

  24. I try to always have a portable (and mindless) project for the on the go things.

  25. Replies
    1. I remember and I bought it way back when because of the rave review!!

  26. I have that cardigan and the blanket in my favourites in Ravelry! I just need to get to them someday. Portable projects are so nice and what my knits are made up of these days - just not ready to do the big stuff yet! :)

  27. Hm, probably, as I'm writing this, you've cast on another cardigan or shawl 😋 your blanket is coming along nicely (I saw it on Instagram)!

  28. I must put that book on my list... thanks. Frodo's gonna love his finished blanket!!!

  29. Your blanket is growing nicely! Some day I must try a Hitofude :)

  30. I'm really looking forward to seeing your hitofude, I have just purchased the yarn to make my own!

  31. It must be such a great feeling to actually have empty needles and picking something completely new to cast on. I cannot even remember the last time I had nothing on my needles (or even less than 5 projects on my needles for that matter).


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