
Weekends are for memory making, 
relaxing and enjoying quiet moments of our days.  
If you would like, please share your weekend moments 
  in the comment section with a link to your blog.

My weekend:

-foraging for raspberries on our walks *pick one, eat one, pick one, save one* --repeat from * to *
-a rainy rainy Fourth of July, I was mostly inside but hearing the fireworks in the distance
-grateful that neither Frodo nor I are afraid of the noises of the Fourth

-cake....um, I have got to stop making cake!
-perfect weather today
-knitting a lot each day and loving how I feel when I knit
-nearing the end of a novel

-daisy love
-saving two little toads in the pool today
-loving Frodo, who is a lifeguard--he stares at the pool until you come see what he is staring at
-loving Frodo's joyful dance twirl when you do what he wants, saving toads, giving him treats.

How was your weekend? 


  1. My weekend was great Karen. We have had rain, late storms that make for humid days.
    Cake? What kind of cake do you have in your kitchen? I've been doing so well, but now
    I really want cake!

  2. part really good, the part about being with my daughter in the outer banks. part exhausting: the part about driving from OBX to Raleigh and then flying home on the 4th. Part peaceful and comforting: being home again with the cats and zach.
    Read 4 books last week on vakay!!

  3. It sounds like such a nice weekend. Even the rain sounds inviting. We are in the middle of a record breaking heat wave, and there's no rain coming our way any time soon. It's been a lovely weekend here, too. Yesterday afternoon was spent at a neighbour's. She let me raid her button collection for buttons for the baby sweater I'm knitting for my soon to arrive grandchild, and she helped me cut out fabric to make a quilt for Lucy. Today is too hot to do anything but sit on the porch with a cool drink and work on another baby sweater.

  4. Sounds like a nice weekend! Wish you'd send some rain our way; it is HOT (for here) and really, really dry. We had a nice Fourth except little Stella is sick and quite miserable. We walked, make that trudged, up the Somerset hill to see fireworks in all directions. Might leave in a bit to walk around Green Lake......

  5. Look at those wild raspberries, yum! Ours are getting close to being ready, we keep checking on our walks in the woods every morning. I finished a book this weekend too, it was so good, and had me in tears this morning as I read the final pages.

    Have a wonderful week Karen.

  6. My weekend was filled with finding relief from the heat but also some reading, writing, family, good food and cold beer.

  7. what a great way to spend the holiday!!! (eating cake!!! yum!)

  8. your weekend sounds as lovely as always!!! I say keep baking those cakes....

  9. Sounds idyllic, a wonderful weekend. I could be tempted by the cake if you throw in a nice hot cup of tea to go with it...

  10. I haven't made a cake in ages. My family would love it if I made one....I may have to make one just because! Frodo is such a good boy saving the toads!!
    I joined in this weekend! http://ihappyree.blogspot.com/2015/07/postcards-from-summer-weekending.html

  11. Looks like a marvelous weekend! So glad you were able to save the toads-well done Frodo! I made a cake for Midsummer, but it was just a little one, and was gone in two days! I should probably make another soon... :)

  12. What a fun weekend - except the rain on the Fourth. It sprinkled by us but at the worst it was just real cloudy. Our dog seems immune to the fireworks as well which I am so grateful for. Enjoy the upcoming week!

  13. I have to stop making cake also. Sadly, it is all I want to eat... The tragedies of life...

  14. What a lovely weekend, Karen! We have raspberry bushes around our house as well, I need to get out there with a bowl and pick them before the birds eat them up! Our fourth started rainy but the sun came out for the afternoon! Sunday was a day of kayaking, post coming soon! xx

  15. Hi Karen! What a great weekend. Love those daisies....they are some of my favorite flowers. Hope on over if you want, I'm having a giveaway.xx

    1. Good luck with your giveaway!! Sounds like a fun one :)

  16. Hi Karen - Sounds like you had a great weekend. My weekend is on my blog at www.aviewtothefells.com

  17. How nice! Raspberries! We get some blackberries here, if the birds don't get them first... Frodo sounds like our little Lewey. :) He keeps us laughing around here!
    I took lots of time to knit this past weekend... Lovely weekend.

  18. Your pattern for raspberry foraging sounds perfect! Your weekend sounds perfect. I think I need to start baking cake and stop baking cookies, ha! I keep threatening to bake my annual cheesecake as it goes best with fresh summer berries, but I get a case of the lazies everytime I'm about to start ...

  19. aha! now I know they are black raspberries along your roadside... YUM! (I love red raspberries as well but think the black ones are just so much sweeter)

    also- I think making cake is an honorable habit ;)

  20. Ha ha! I think my girls have the same raspberry picking system as you! Are you saving the toads from Frodo?

  21. Oh, we saved a frog yesterday too, whilst clearing things ready for a shed to be erected today. It was so cute...I have no idea where he came from. I love the daisies they always look so fresh and happy.


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