
Weekends are for memory making, 
relaxing and enjoying quiet moments of our days.  
If you would like, please share your weekend moments 
  in the comment section with a link to your blog.

Did you have a fun weekend?  I did!  This was a "do nothing" weekend.  But you know I did stuff, I always do.  I like the kind of weekends that we have nothing on the schedule and we do whatever catches our fancy.

-I took photos of our new perennials (paid less than half off the price, love fourth of July sales!)
-read my novel and loved being in another place and another time
-hot dogs for dinner one day (not healthy but fun)
-made homemade coleslaw where I shredded the cabbage I felt quite pioneer like (with a food processor)
-contemplated some more of what I'd like to knit....
-walked before the heat of the day
-wrote more lists
-met a friend for some knitting time today-it was awesome!
-wrapped a gift :: bird watched :: daydreamed :: perused the yarn stash :: slept in a bed with NEW sheets :: Laundry :: admired a clean kitchen ::

How was your weekend?  


  1. Your weekend sounds peaceful Karen. I love that you ate hotdogs, my guys love them.
    My problem with knitting is I have too many items I want to knit! I just knit a swatch for
    Emerson's pullover and have a feeling I will be casting on tonight! :)
    My favorite sheets are ones that have been dried in the sun and are so crisp and cool, sigh.

  2. Sounds like the perfect weekend to me! I'm a real homebody so love those pottering kind of weekends. I buy plants in the sales too. It is amazing what gets marked down and they all grow fine with a bit of love. Yellow flowers are my favourite. You can't help but be cheerful with yellow flowers around.

  3. new sheets?!? happy dancing!!! my weekend was HOT, HOT, and more HOT.....and then we discovered that the a/c was out in our guest house. (Result of that storm last week....glad I checked before everything out there mildewed.) Some weekend are more of a challenge than others! Glad yours wasn't in the challenge category!!!

  4. Top of my favorites list has to be new sheets!
    Lovely weekend happenings. Especially the meeting a friend for some knitting time.

  5. What a great weekend! Your perennials are simply beautiful. I think I remember Caroline Ingalls using her food processor when she made coleslaw in Little House on the Prairie. :-)

    1. ha ha! The image in my mind is quite funny :)

  6. Sounds like a wonderful week-end to me! Ours was busy but fun... My Little Man turned 2 on Saturday and we did a whole bunch of his favorite things. He is a pretty pooped little guy ( and so are big sis, mom and dad!).

    Wishing you a wonderful week. xo

  7. That's my favorite kind of weekend, too. We all need to slow down as often as possible! I had a productive, if busy weekend, with a bookbinding class and lot of organizing at home.

  8. Weekends without schedules are the best. Love the pretty flower photos.

  9. aaah..fresh, new sheets (that is exactly what i am missing right now)!!! Your weekend sounds so lovely...have a great week

  10. So many lovely things in your weekend, Karen. Isn't it nice just to take things as they come sometimes. Saturday was work for me, but on a very fun event (pictures to come) then Sunday was a relaxing day and the men's Wimbledon final. Have a happy week, though I know you will be busy xx

  11. Sounds like a great weekend, new sheets or fresh laundered and dried outside is one of my top favourite things.

  12. Sounds like a pretty perfect weekend to me. Weather wasn't great here, so pretty quiet-reading, TV, James taught me o play Terraria, a computer game, as it's more fun with 2 - apparently... :/ some amazing pulled pork from the deli and prepping for. Trip away next week. xxx

  13. I really enjoyed reading your blog today, I came her via Amy at Love made my home. I have been making on my weekend and have posted here.

    1. welcome to the weekends post, I'm delighted you are here!

  14. Sounds like a wonderful weekend! Flowers are always a fun thing aren't they! Glad you had a good weekend. This was mine! http://lovemademyhome.blogspot.co.uk/2015/07/what-i-did-at-weekend.html Hope you have a great week! xx

  15. It sounds like a perfect, relaxing weekend.

    I've joined with you for the first time today - http://in-my-playroom.blogspot.co.uk/2015/07/me-on-monday_13.html

    1. I'm thrilled you've joined us this weekend!

  16. Sounds like you had a wonderful weekend. I too, did some knitting and crocheting plus some hiking and a little run too.
    I have a week in review on my blog that I'd love to share. :)

  17. Sounds like a perfect weekend....especially new sheets! We had an extremely busy, extremely fun weekend!!

  18. A do nothing weekend plus new sheets sounds absolutely perfect! I don't have a post from the weekend, but my time was spent entertain my Russian son-in-law's family. It was fun, but also a little stressful due to the language barrier.

  19. Sounds like a wonderful few days to me! We didn't do much (but fun things) this weekend. Love the perennials! The first one looks almost like sunflowers!

  20. Sounds like you had a marvelous, relaxing weekend! I had a fun, wild weekend with some girlfriends from college, and while I enjoyed myself a lot, I'm ready for another quiet weekend already :)

  21. I went to a garage sale. went to Sis in laws to meet the new great niece. Brought diapers as a gift. Am I the only one who does that anymore? They were thrilled.
    Slept on my screened porch last night.
    Knitting on my shrug!

  22. I love open weekends with no plans. We have about three in a row coming up, and I am looking forward to them. Sounds like you enjoyed your weekend Karen, and made great use of all that free time. Wishing you a lovely week ahead.

  23. Sounds like the very best kind of weekend! We got home from two weeks away and had all that busy unpacking and getting readjusted to do. Not relaxing, but it was nice to get away. I love your flowers. Have a great week!

  24. I love Sundays this time of year. I give myself permission to do nothing or whatever strikes my fancy. I always eat tomato sandwiches for Sunday dinner on Sunday and manage to watch something on Oprah's Super Soul Sunday. A trip to the farmer's market and time spent reading usually round out the day.

  25. Sounds like a great weekend. We spent time with DD as they've been hosting an icky bug and needed some relief. DH just planted one of those balloon plants; they are fun!

  26. Quite a busy weekend for a do-nothing weekend. I always feel the same way when I a doing things that I love. Your flowers are so pretty.

  27. My favorite nursery has all their plants half off now. Guess where I'll be tomorrow? :)
    The family and I spent Saturday at a logging show (where I got to sit and knit).

    Happy Monday, Karen!
    Lisa :)

  28. That sounds like such a wonderful weekend, I absolutely love your flowers!! They are beautiful. Hope you are having a good week too.


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