Currently on the Needles

Last week I mentioned that this current read had me wondering where the plot was going to go.  Well, one more page and boom the plot was revealed and my oh my is it GOOD.  Sorry for wondering, sorry for doubting.  The story is a sad story so if your looking for a pick me up happy book you might want to take a pass.  However, if you don't mind sad and some serious character development and a constant sense of cheering on a stern main character, well then you need to read this book.

My knitting has been somewhat exciting.  Yesterday I bought a new sweater pattern and cast on and furiously worked all day long executing short row shaping with glee.  If you've known me a long time you know I knit cardigans, so are you surprised this is a pullover?  I am!

What are you knitting and reading this week?

Joining Ginny and Frontier Dreams


  1. That's going to be a really nice pullover! Perfect for the colder month! I'm knitting a pair of socks for Tracey right now, and thanks to a swim meet last night am pretty close to being done.

  2. Look forward to seeing your pullover grow. I have put that book on my list to read.

  3. I'm glad to hear your book is good, mine was okay, but the last few chapters I began to have doubts about the plot, praying it wasn't so obvious, but sadly last night it was revealed that it was and now I am disappointed. We are not Ourselves will be on my night stand soon.
    I smiled when I read you cast on a new project, good for you and yes, I am surprised it's a pullover ;)

  4. I just put that one on my Pinterest board, I think. Very wearable and all purpose. For you or another?

  5. I love it when a book takes off like that!
    I like your chosen pattern too, I've added it to my Ravelry library, although I have no idea when I'd get time to knit it!
    I'm just dripping my toe back in the waters of knitting after a long break, so I'm knitting easy things. Like a cactus. I'm taking part in Yarn Along too.

  6. Sounds like my kind of book, will add that to my ever growing list. Yes, I am surprised you are knitting a pullover. Enjoy.

  7. Nice sweater pattern! I'm pretty sure I used that same yarn for my Hiro sweater and it is nice and warm. I'm glad the book is turning out to be interesting. I hate when I just can't get into what I'm reading.

  8. I'm glad to read your thoughts on the book. I started it, wondered where the plot was going just like you, but then I put it back on the shelf for later. It sounds like I may need to give it another try. Thanks!

  9. Oh my goodness! That sweater is beautiful and I have been hunting for a pullover. Can't wait to see how you like this pattern, might be on my list

  10. Looks like a great book and I look forward to seeing your pullover grow. It's a lovely colour!

  11. Oh, interesting sweater. Can't wait to see how it works out!

  12. Daelyn!!! I have this one in my queue! So looking forward to seeing yours come together. I had been knitting only cardigans and then realized how warm pullovers would be with all the snow that we get. I have about three pullovers that I'd love to cast on right now. One project at a time... :)

  13. I love that sweater pattern so much, I hope you enjoy knitting it! I'm glad your book has picked up-I'm in the middle of Outlander now (finally getting what all the fuss is about!).

  14. The sweater looks like it would be nice and comfy. You've chosen a really lovely color.

  15. You pick the most beautiful colours to knit with...can't wait to see your pullover. I've added your title to my list (i love character development most of all in my readings.)

  16. Karen I love the color of your new project! I love pullovers as opposed to cardigans and can't wait to see how this turns out! I just finished reading Girl in Translation, which I enjoyed except for the ending. What did you think of the ending? Did it bother you as well?

    1. I like that the ending was NOT predictable but I thought she held a candle for her past love a little too strongly than I would have, but then I can be hard on people..the ending was a bit disjointed but I still loved reading the book!

  17. Oh! A pullover!? I always feel like cardigans are more forgiving when it comes to getting the shape/fit right. I will eagerly await your results! And ok, ok, I will add the book to my list. I SAY I don't read sad books but that's a lie. The sad ones are all my favorite.

  18. That is a really pretty pullover! I am not a huge pullover person but am kind of thinking I might get into some eventually for our cold winters (which have been strangely mild the last few years, sadly...)

  19. OMG, we are knitting the same sweater! Mine is in Cascade choc. brown, and those short rows I had to do twice to get it right…ugh. It will be fun watching our sweaters progress….kinda our own knit along;-)

  20. I just finished The Last Season by Eric Blehm and a pretty Multnomah shawl that isn't dry yet. What is your yarn color?

    1. according to Ravelry it is gray violet....but let's call it purple!!

  21. Oh that sweater pattern is awesome, I can see why you casted it on right away :) Can't wait to see it.

    I am knitting a hitchhiker and a scarf, both Christmas gifts. On the reading front, I just started A Place Called Home by Cecelia Ahern.

  22. OK, so maybe I should try that book. I am not very good at sticking with a book that is slow to start unless the writing is really really good.

  23. I have looked at that sweater pattern. It looks so comfortable. I am knitting the Timpani Shawl and reading an old nature classic, Sand County Almanac. The shawl is coming along well, I am still trying to decide if I will finish the book.

  24. I like the sound of this book ... intrigued!

  25. Great sweater pattern! Maybe it will be too big for my size!! I used to look at hand knits and think they were I think "what a bargain!"

  26. Great choice for your pattern and I love Ella Rae ... can't wait to see it all finished :) I'm reading Game of Thrones - A Song of Fire & Ice.

  27. What a great pattern and the book sounds good.

  28. I'm happy for you that you've got a solid read in your hands. There's nothing like curling up and reading a good book. Can't wait to see your jumper in full form in that neat color. I'm still reading Marcus Samuelsson's memoir. I haven't had a chance to read much lately. Still got them Christmas and charity knits on the needles.

  29. I'll be interested to hear what you think of the pattern- been wanting to knit this for a while.

  30. I haven't knitted in quite a while - I seem to be cross stitching and crocheting at the moment. I don't think I would enjoy your book as I don't like sad stories. Joan at

  31. I love Ella Rae yarns. This pullover should be awesome

  32. It is good when a book gets you like that isn't it! xx

  33. I'm very surprised you are knitting a pullover, but I love the pattern and it looks so comfy and cozy for the coming seasons!


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