Yellow Flowers and Yellow Jackets

My this week has been ultra relaxing for me.  Gone are the stresses and the busyness of wedding plans, out of town families and my furious list making tasks.  I've been loving, savoring the slow quiet way my days unfold.  Truly it's a blessing and I'm grateful for this lull.

I was talking to my sister who mentioned she was eating through the frozen dinners tucked into her freezer.  Initially, I thought that I didn't have any complete meals.  Well, I dug and found some curry, dahl and rice forgotten but thankfully found.  So I didn't cook yesterday, we had a "free" meal.

The heat wave is ending today and yesterday it rained!  I'm not a fan of rain, but it's been weeks since we had a good soaking.  I opened the door a wee bit to listen to the thunderstorm, magical and musical!

We've been battling a yellow jacket nest near our house and I think we won....still waiting to see.  One of those yellow jackets bit Frodo on the muzzle and he was not happy.  He pouted about four hours and I frantically checked on him to make sure he was okay.  He was.

I miss my kids but I'm happy they are happy and I do have a clean coffee table.  I am lucky I hear from them often and the wonder of cell phones make distances disappear!

Have a great weekend!


  1. Yellow flowers of any kind are my favourite - I think because they just look so cheerful. I need to do a freezer inventory; maybe I will find some surprises too!
    Enjoy your quiet, relaxing time.

  2. Those yellow jackets are mean! I'm glad Frodo is okay, I would have been upset too. We have an issue with wasp here, they always want to build a nest above my back screen door.
    I am missing my kid's this morning, but they are happy and loving life so I hold that thought close.
    The heat is terrible here and we are going to be almost 100 today, blah.
    Enjoy the long weekend.

  3. We had relatively few wasps and bees this summer thankfully. We are getting some lovely autumn weather here. Time to think about sweaters!

  4. Poor Frodo. at least there were no lasting effects from his sting. A freezer meal sounds wonderful, always nice to find a surprise. Try to have some plans in the diary for visits that way you always have something to look forward to, I have found that helps.

  5. Oh poor wee Frodo! Those yellow jackets are so aggressive at this time of the year. Free meals are my favourite kind. And we have had some much needed rain this past week as well. I'm not usually a fan either, but after such a long, hot, dry summer I find I'm actually enjoying it.

  6. oh! yellow jackets are nasty! :( Hope they are gone! Have a great weekend!

  7. I love all your yellow flowers! Yellow jackets, not so much. Hope Frodo is feeling better!

  8. What wonderfully cheerful flowers, Karen. Poor little Frodo, so glad he is okay! Just love days that slowly unfold, I am having one of those today. Thank goodness for technology, shortening the distance between us and loved ones. Have a great weekend xx

  9. I love your yellow flowers, so cheerful and pretty! Yellow jackets and wasps are nasty. We've had to battle wasps all summer... Poor Frodo, hope he's feeling better. One of our dogs is always chasing wasps and I'm always worried he'll actually catch one. Have a good weekend!

  10. Beautiful photos Karen. Have the most wonderful weekend.

  11. Beautiful yellow flowers, such a happy color. Poor Frodo, I hope the yellow jackets disappear.

  12. Do you have rabbit issues with your black-eyed Susans? We sure did. Hope your yellow jackets are done for. They are so mean and obnoxious! Enjoy your holiday weekend!

    1. frodo kills rabbits so word got around and rabbits do not enter the fenced in area :)

  13. Such beautiful flowers Karen!!! Sorry to hear about Frodo and the yellow jacket, they are pesky creatures that seem to be difficult to get ride of. Enjoy your weekend :)

  14. Oh I love your sunny flowers Karen. Peace is lovely as is the ring of the cellphone from our grown kidsQ!

  15. Glad to hear you had a relaxing week. Love those yellow flowers. Joan at

  16. Your relaxing week sounds wonderful!!! I could do with one of those. I love finding free meals like that in the freezer, I am planning to start making chilli and things again and freezing them so that we have a few of those tucked away! Hope you are enjoying your weekend! xx

  17. Good news hearing that you may have won your battle with the yellow jackets!
    Enjoy your clean coffee table. :)

  18. So glad you have been relaxing, Karen! I love the photos of your flowers, they're gorgeous! xx

  19. Such gorgeous autumnal colours! Here's ours...

  20. poor frodo. :(
    Freddy is suffering from Flea Allergy dermatitis....from the way he's scratching and trying to bite himself to bits you would think the poor guy is full of fleas. I found one...ONE! But that one must have really bit him because he's miserable. He's on zyrtec until we can get him a shot tomorrow, on spray aloe vera mixture, and not a happy camper. (I CAN relate, because I'm convinced I suffer from Mosquito Allergy Dermatitis---a disease I think I just made up, but which makes me equally miserable!!!!) That's been my weekend...medicating my dog!!! (He also has an ear infection, but I've got that under control!!!)

  21. Beautiful flowers... I have a soft spot for yellow and orange flowers in summer as well. You need to plant calendula! You won't regret it.


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