Knitting, Reading and Multitasking Skills

After returning from our weekend in Boston to visit our son, I found that more than three days I was still recovering from how much we packed into a tiny visit.  Did you read or see about the runaway blimp that went over PA, well it was THE news locally here.  My power went out but I highly doubt it was due to the blimp.  Crazy days.

I'm on another round of medicine for my eyes.  My body didn't like the first medicine so now I have slight cornea damage....I can never do things the simple way. Don't worry, I can see and I am not in pain.  But it is a PAIN to now use three different medicines to clear this up.  Ugh.

Do you save bits of yarn for putting stitches on holders?  I do.  I used to use spare circular needles and found that needles make more of a hole than using wool.  So each time I have less than a yard I bundle it up for when I need spare wool.

I know I mention many times that I knit and read at the same time and thought I'd spend a bit of time explaining how to achieve this fantastic multitasking skill.  First and foremost you need a book that stays opened.  If it's a paperback, forget it.  Unless you've cracked the book spine in a million places.
Kindles are great for knitting and reading.

The second most crucial item is a SIMPLE knitting project.  I love to knit stockinette hats or garter stitch hats, sweaters with miles of simple knitting.  Preferably on circular needles.  Wool is best because of it's spring and stick also a high twist is nice so you don't split the yarn.  You cannot read and knit at the same time with slippery yarn, trust me.

Here is the easy part.  Practice not looking at your knitting while watching tv, maybe look at every other stitch.  Then every three.  Eventually you can feel the stitch and know what feels right or doesn't.  Then start transferring that skill while reading. You can do it!  Just think what a stir you could create by casually knitting and reading in public :)

I've been knitting for over 30 years so I've been reading and knitting for quite some time.  I do know if you want to do it you can and you have to be patient.  Remember --  Don't Look.

Have a lovely weekend!!


  1. Sending healing thoughts that your eyes clear up soon. Such a pain and a little scary when something is bothering our eyes. I have tried to knit and read, but I get so enthralled with one or the other that I'll stop and just read or stop reading to knit. It would be a really cool to learn to do both and I might keep practicing, as you suggest.

  2. I'm sending healthy eye thoughts your way. They're so important, especially for knitting and reading! Thanks for your multitasking explanation. I've never been terribly successful at knitting and reading at the same time; in fact that's why I started listening to audiobooks. With your tips (and some patience), I'm going to give it a try again!

  3. Oh Karen, I hope your eye clears up soon. It doesn't sound fun at all. Your blanket is really coming along, it looks great! Thanks for the knitting and reading tips, I still can't imagine doing it, but maybe one day.

    Have the most wonderful weekend.

  4. Oh I do hope you eye is right soon, it sounds painful and troublesome. I can knit and watch TV, and I managed to knit at a music festival in the summer it was completely dark in the marquees, but I have never tried to knit and read. Perhaps I should one day!

    I love the idea of keeping small lengths of yarn in one place, I use them too but haven't thought to keep them together in a little bag!

  5. I'm impressed. I have to look at my knitting. I have to concentrate even on easy things. YOU are a good multi-tasker!

  6. Oh, my poor goopy eyed friend, I am so sorry about the meds, you just have to be difficult don't you? :)
    Seriously, I do hope the new meds work and your eye is healed soon.
    Thank you so much for the reading / knitting lesson, I will be trying it since I am reading on the Kindle right now.
    I hope you have a great weekend. I am feeling a little under the weather so am taking it easy after my morning walk.

  7. Hope your eyes are better soon! Getting the right medication to fix a problem is sometimes very tricky. Hope your doctor got it right this time. I love your beautiful multi-colored afghan. Lovely! I'm not sure that I could read and crochet, but I can watch TV, but that requires less concentration than reading. Happy Halloween and have a great weekend!

  8. Well if its BIG yarn and BIG large print in the book, I think I maybe could!! WOWZA THrilled at this idea.
    HOpe your eyes are better soon. Nothing to mess with.
    your afghan is gorgeous
    and yes I often put yarn on my needles as a stitch marker too!

  9. Positive thoughts for a speedy recovery for your eyes! You've inspired me to try not looking at my knitting - what a dream to do both at the same time!!

  10. I hope the new medicine has you on the mend soon. I'd love to be able to read and knit at the same time. I'm going to use your tips and start to practice. Love the sheep in the last picture! Enjoy your weekend.

  11. Hmmm, I was multi-tasking yesterday and created a very messy syrup "volcano"! Hope your eye issue clears up soon. Love my Kindle, especially for traveling. It's so fun to check out books from our library any where in the world!

  12. Oh, Karen, I *am* worried about your eye. I hope the new medications will clear it up quickly! Yes, I did hear about the runaway blimp...sort of. I was watching the Republican debate (what a circus!) and someone made a reference to it. I don't look at my knitting much while I'm watching t.v., but I don't know if I could really immerse myself in a book while knitting--but I can try! Thanks for the tips. Have a lovely weekend. ♥

  13. Lovely post Karen. Sorry to hear about your eyes, that's the worst thing. Hope all the medication works miracles for you. Thanks for the knitting and reading advice. I use to knit everywhere, even in the bath. Not sure how I managed not to have soggy yarn. It's sensible what you advise about the spine of the book and simple projects. I used to hate starting something before beginning a new project, but late as ever,I realise that I waste time that way. Not every project is for travelling. At last I can recognise that I need some projects that are simple enough to watch tv or read and others need more concentration. Eureka...
    You were right all along.
    Thanks for sharing your wisdom
    Have a great weekend

  14. Karen! Thanks for the lesson...hope to give it a go this rainy, sit by the woodstove afternoon. I was planning on a book on tape, but you've inspired me. :) Saying a prayer for your fun. :(

  15. It is a but like touch typing in a way, I am typing this now and looking at the tv - but I did read your post before typing!! - at the same time. It freaks some people out. I can crochet and watch tv, never tried to read at the same time! xx

  16. I was JUST thinking about writing a post like this, but you have thought of more things than I have! (Like wool content. Great point!!)

    I often keep something to use as a paperweight (usually my phone ... or my foot!) for books that need a little help staying open. :)

    I love having this skill, it really helps me do more of the two things I love most!

  17. I do hope the new medicine works for you! It always freaks me out when anything happens with my eyes! I got double vision a few years ago after having Lyme's disease. It totally scared the heck out of me - but luckily it went away in a month!

    I can't read and knit at the same time - can't even listen to a book on audio. I can't read and listen to music either. I can knit and watch tv just fine though - well, except for 3 weeks ago, when I got so caught up in Scandal, I totally ruined a scarf beyond fixing!! Arghhh!!

    Linda in VA

  18. Sorry to hear about your eyes, I'll keep my fingers crossed that the new meds will do their job. I'm not sure if I could ever manage knitting and reading at the same time, but already knitting without looking at the stitches while watching tv certainly sounds like a good first step.

  19. I knit and watch movies on the tv all the time...if I didn't knit, I would fall asleep (HAHA). I haven't been able to read and knit not that advance with the needles yet.
    Have a great weekend and hope your eyes heal up quick!!!

  20. Dang girl; you go on multitasking.

  21. Yes, you have to find that book that stays open! Luckily, the book I am reading right now is a collection of Father Brown mysteries: it is a heavy, hardcover book and stays open to exactly where I want it to!! Sorry to hear that the eye problem is taking longer to resolve. Hopefully this next medicine will clear it up :)

  22. Good luck with the new eye meds. Hope these do what they should without more side-effects.

    I love knitting and reading. On the computer, my phone, my tablet, and hardcovers. The thing I do that seems to boggle folks is that I will, knit (something simple-I keep a sock for this usually), read, and walk on the treadmill. Sometimes I even listen to NPR. It always seems to amaze people, I'm perfectly happy. I can't walk too fast and trigger my asthma or cause a sudden low blood sugar. Plus I make progress on a sock.

  23. Sorry to hear about the problems your are having with your eyes. I hope the meds will take care of it. Knitting - yes, reading - yes, both at the same time - definitely not. My knitting or reading takes place in the evening and I'm good to just keep my attention on one of them. ;-)

  24. bummer about the eye troubles...hoping the meds are taking effect quickly!!!!! I use a big old spring clip (like the ones to keep chips bags closed, although mine came from a church meeting!!!!) to keep my book open so I have hands free to knit. Works quite well for me.

    1. excellent idea! I never would think of that..

  25. hope your eyes are doing better!
    and i am a very (very) long way away from knitting while reading ;)

  26. Karen, I am in love with your blanket! It is so colorful and fun! I am a long long way from knitting while reading, I can't seem to get the stitches right even when I am doing nothing else! :)

  27. I've tried so many time to read and knit but I just can't make it work for me, or rather I can, but then my stitch tension, which is normally pretty perfect, goes all to pot.

    My every good wish that your eyes heal fast m'dear x

  28. What a gorgeous blanket that is there.

  29. Oh Karen, I'm so sorry about your eyes. I know you said to not worry...that you aren't in pain...but I'm just sorry that you have had this to deal with. I'll be praying for you.

    Have you ever caused a stir by knitting and reading at the same time in public? :)


    1. Yes I have :) I've had some crazy lady say she wishes she had free time to knit (we were waiting for something at the same time...).

  30. Oh Karen, I do hope your eyes are soon much better. Wow! Knitting and reading...I am so impressed!! Have a great blimp free week ahead xx

    1. that blimp was the weirdest thing. I didn't believe it when my husband called from work to tell me!

  31. So sorry to hear about your eyes Karen, I hope it gets better soon.
    I've never been able to knit while reading. I tried and I just can't. NOw I can knit in front of the tv because I can listen while looking down, but the reading gets frustrating for me. I keep losing my place on the page, making mistakes on my stitches, splitting my yarn... not a pretty sight!


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