October Forever

I want to stop the passing of time and keep October forever.  Each day when I'm outside I see something new.  Yesterday while watering an indoor plant, I looked out the window and saw the light hitting the maples just so and dropped everything to get the camera (and Frodo) and snap a few photos.

I cannot remember what life was like without documenting my days through a camera lens.  I'm hyper-aware of colors, framing views, seeing - really really seeing deep down to my soul beauty around me in the everyday.  The colors this year are spectacular and right now my favorite tree is the maple. While I tend to use my iphone for photos more than the big camera, I am being gentle enough to be happy that I have any camera at all snapping the moment.  Use what you have!

I feel like I'm cheating on my love of the might oak tree.  However, I'm not.  Just like we can love more than one child and each love is unique, I'm thinking my love for maples is different than oaks.  Luckily there is room for both.  Right?

This morning when I woke up, I savored that chill that is outside the bed and the warmness of the bed inside.  As I drank my morning coffee and wrote my endless sentences of everything and nothing in my journal, I reveled in the moment.  No major thoughts, no major pressing matters.  Bliss.

How is your October?  Colorful?  Abundant?  What is your favorite tree?

Have a lovely week!


  1. An October like the one we're having would be worth hanging onto forever. It's been perfection. A storm sits on the doorstep and colder weather looms. Have a lovely weekend, Karen!

  2. So far our October has been lovely! The humidity is gone, we've had some beautiful days and I'm enjoying the sights and smells of fall. Of course there are also lots and lots of pine needles and leaves to be raked - again... ;-) Have a happy weekend!

  3. I feel the same way. It has been so warm and colorful. Phenomenal stars at night. We are supposed to get our first significant rain tonight though. I would be sadder about it if all my fruit trees weren't withering with thirst.

  4. October is such a beautiful month, Karen...your photos document this so wonderfully. I know what you mean about photography, I have seen so much deeper and clearer through my camera. Have a wonderful weekend xx

  5. I agree with October forever. This is perfect Goldilocks weather - not too hot, not too cold, just right! I think the two huge oaks right by our house are my favorites. They're approaching 100 years old, so I feel like they've been watching over our house for a long time.

  6. I vote we keep October forever too! So much beauty. Once you start taking pictures you can't help but think of what things would look like through the lens. While I'm wanting to take my big camera to Rhinebeck this weekend I am probably bringing the small one - especially after reading your blog post.
    PS - I agree with the Pinterest influence on weddings. And my daughter, like yours, will be doing the "simple" path when the time comes.

  7. Fall is wonderful; the smell, the colours, crunchy leaves.....and then it is supposed to snow tomorrow :(

  8. I wrote a wee bit about my beloved tulip tree this morning... One thing I miss most from my girlhood in western PA is those mighty oaks and maples. So glorious! When we moved to the Pacific NW (I was 10), I remember missing the trees and asked my parents where the "real" trees were (this, despite being surrounded by forests of majestic Douglas fir). Thanks for sharing, Karen! Have a great weekend.
    xo Lisa

  9. I am an oak tree fan myself, there is something majestic about an oak tree. October is such a lovely month a preamble into colder climes. Have a wonderful weekend.

  10. I especially like any tree that turns red in the fall! There others are pretty, too, but red seems to make a statement, "Happy Fall!"

  11. Lovely, first pic. I think we have a few maples around here. There are probably some oaks as well. I love the symmetrical shape of the maple trees. There is also some other tree that has leaves changing colors but I don't know what it is.

  12. October IS amazing! I love the maples best. The red trees are stunning, too.
    I think I took fifty leaf photos this year! I do every year!
    The birds are loving October, too. It's bliss.
    You photos are absolutely GORGEOUS!

  13. This right here "I cannot remember what life was like without documenting my days through a camera lens. I'm hyper-aware of colors, framing views, seeing - really really seeing deep down to my soul beauty around me in the everyday."

    Agree with you 100%. The colors are absolutely gorgeous this year. The maple tree is my favorite. I have fallen in love with the red leaves, especially the ones that have fallen to the ground on the trails we've been walking.

  14. My camera is just a small inexpensive one, but I also find since blogging I have become more aware of what I see around me, the colours, shapes and details of the natural world especially.

    I love your pictures of Autumn in bloom - especially that last one where the light is catching that one red leaf. Enjoy your weekend Karen. x

  15. Lovely images. I love this time of year. The boys and I discovered a new favorite in the neighborhood: sweetgum. The leaves remind me of stars. The color changes from green to yellow to orange to the darkest red. The afternoon light on them is glorious. Hope you have some sweetgum trees near you.
    Have a great weekend!

  16. Lovely photos Karen. October is gorgeous right now in our neck of the woods, we are hitting peak colour this weekend, and you can be sure there is a long drive going to happen so I can take it all in.

    Enjoy your weekend.

  17. Beautiful pictures! I'm not sure about October forever, because I really love winter, but I'd definitely go for about four months of October :)

  18. Our two oak trees have started to change colour, but right now they are very busy flinging acorns around the place and the apple tree is dropping it's leaves like crazy as well! xx

  19. The colours are wonderful in October aren't they although ours have not quite arrived yet, still quite green here :). Oak is definitely my favourite tree.

  20. My all time favorite trees are the Sequoia's in California. Second are birches...And then third, pines.
    We had a lovely fall walk today in our forest preserve. Try ing to ID a bird we say and photographed. Hopefully our bird friend Mark will know and we can document it in our bird counts!

  21. Happy Friday my dear, dear fiend. I do hope you enjoy a most special weekend.

  22. Absolutely my favorite month, too.....and-----we're promised a freeze this weekend!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm happy dancing!!! (good bye mosquitoes!) Not wanting it to linger too long, because I'm really not ready to move to winter quite yet. More pumpkins and mums and gourds and apples to enjoy!!! (and our new addition isn't framed yet---it would be nice to get that under roof before anything big descends on us!!) Enjoy!!!!

  23. I love autumn/fall and this is my first in the US. Its a bit different..here in California its still so warm. I miss the crisp air..the walks through crunchy leaves in my wellies....and the excuse to drink hot chocolate when I get home. Dosnt stop me from decorating the house with gorgeous autumn colours though and a visit to a pumpkin patch is on the cards
    Beautiful photos Karen ...thank you for sharing
    Phoebe x

  24. Hooray for October. I always wish that it could last longer as well..... but maybe it's fleeting nature is part of the goodness. ;)
    Enjoy your weekend!

  25. I totally agree about wanting October to last longer. But maybe part of what makes the fall so special is we know we only get to experience it for such a short burst of time. I think my favourite tree is the larch. It's the only deciduous tree with needles. Sadly there aren't any where we now live.

  26. You have made October sound as if it was heaven itself! It is a little sad that autumn passes by so quickly. The moments feel so fleeting! And yet...the best part is that October comes around every year! But it is hard to watch it fly by, especially when you know that all the colors begin to grow more dull before the snow comes. November is not the prettiest of months, is it? :)

  27. I love October! I also feel that my camera has me looking through the world with a new lens... ; ) Your last shot is stunning, Karen!


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