Quiet State of Mind

This fall so far has been spectacular.  I walk down my road, past the duck pond and drink in the colors of the trees.  Yellows giving space for oranges and reds.  Honestly this time of year fills my happiness immensely.Those long summer endless days are a memory and now that I'm fully immersed in Autumn glory I think wow, summer went fast (but it didn't).

Even if the weather is warm, it's not WARM.  You know?  There is an undercurrent of coolness in the breezes and the evenings drop in temperature every single night.  Sure the allergies are out there, sure I'm sniffing but I'm happy to know I'm approaching cold weather day by day.

The holiday knitting has been furious and I'm happy sitting and knitting and thinking of who will receive what project.  Being a knitter is a wonderful thing!  Not only am I hand crafting a present but the stitching one after the other lulls me in a quiet state of mind.  Dabbling in anxiety is difficult when knitting.

 Have a great weekend!!


  1. It appears that you are about a month ahead of us as far as leaves turning. It is still all green here in NC, and much greener now after our rain. The drought is officially over. Enjoy your weekend! Love your photos! xo Tammy

  2. Hi Karen! I know what you mean about fall and the way the year buzzes by (in a good way!)
    I can never knit for gifts (for Christmas anyway) because I am such a slow poke. I look forward to seeing what you make!
    Have a happy day!

  3. This is just the best time of year isn't it? How is your hair? I have all the windows open and while it's still a little warm in the afternoon, it's bearable so no a/c!!!
    I am working hard at getting my Christmas knitting done now because I want everything complete before Thanksgiving!
    Happy weekend.

  4. Fall is just the best. :-)

    I'm getting started on Christmas knitting too, and am enjoying thinking about my little granddaughters as I knit their sweaters. This is the best time of the year to be a knitter!

  5. just beautiful.......
    have a beautiful weekend! xxx

  6. Love the pretty fall colors and the last picture of the fall leaves against the bright blue sky is especially pretty. We dealt with unseasonably warm temps these last few days, but it was still nice because it wasn't humid. It was actually a pleasure to sit outside in the sunshine with a good book. Have a wonderful weekend!

  7. i use to brood badly when I sat down to knit but I was saved by audio tapes!!! We are getting the a beautiful autumn here too...very cool in the morning but warm in the afternoons. Enjoy the weekend Karen

  8. I am enjoying the Autumn colours here too, though it is getting quite cool here now. I haven't done any knitting for almost a year. I really must sort myself out with a pattern and some wool. There is something about this time of year that just seems perfect for knitting. Enjoy your weekend x

  9. Have a wonderful weekend, I have a lot of my Christmas gifts made but still have a few other projects on the go. I love this time of year, the cool mornings and evenings and sitting in front of the stove, perfect!

  10. Your Autumn looks stunning, Karen. I am so glad to hear you are soaking up its beauty. Have a great weekend! xx

  11. The colors of fall are so warm, earthy, and golden. There is something very calming and peaceful about it all.

  12. My allergies bug me a bit also but it's not so bad. You have much more evidence of fall in your neighborhood than mine but there are some trees here and there that make me smile.

  13. You guys really know how to display beautiful fall colors in the east!
    I think sometimes being a knitter is more of a blessing than just creating- it really quiets the mind...both beautiful and necessary.

  14. Lovely image. Lovely post. I just donated all the mittens and hat I knit this summer to the needy as the weather turns. IT felt great to do that. Now I can work on gifts.....for those who truly appreciate them. Other knitters!

    1. you do such good works for the needy!! They will appreciate you knitting :)

  15. We had a tease last weekend and then a warm(ish) week and it is supposed to cool off again this weekend. I CANNOT WAIT!

  16. Nice photos, Karen! I, too, am working on holiday stuff; we'll see how much gets accomplished. Have a nice weekend.

  17. So beautiful!!!! Love the fall colors, enjoy them for me :)

  18. Beautiful photos Karen. And your words are well spoken - written. I love autumn and crisp days.

  19. Beautiful! I am looking forward to the cool air and fall colors....we are at the end of a long summer!

  20. Hi Karen - lovely photos. I am enjoying Fall as well. I haven't knitted in ages but I totally agree it is so relaxing. Joan at www.aviewtothefells.com

  21. I'm loving the colorful leaves in your trees, Karen. Ours are mainly evergreens -- douglas fir -- but we do have a few vine maples that, although few, are magnificent. Happy fall to you!

  22. Yes...there is a quietness that comes with the Fall season!! Love that you said that.
    Another great point about it being difficult to dabble in anxiety when knitting. You are wise. :)

  23. Ah, this the season for present knitting! I must admit to having moved over to sewing most of my presents as it is a bit quicker and enables me to make even more of those that I gift, but there will be the odd bit of knitting in there too!


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