Rich to See

This week has found me in a lull of sorts.  It's a very good lull since I love the mundane and boring days the best.  I've been taking care of a mysterious eye infection (what door knob did I touch that had bacteria??) and also a sinus infection which very well maybe related to the eyes.  Anyways, I'm on lots of medicine and I'm feeling much better, phew.

I am ignoring the warm up that occurred yesterday and the day before.  Some may say that the weather was glorious, I say "enough".  I'm yearning to layer clothes and see my puffs of breath outside.  My trees are at peak color right this very moment.  I rejoice each time I walk by a window and look outside, so beautiful.

I remember when the kids were little and I was busy being busy.  My in laws came to visit us and my mother in law remarked over and over how beautiful the trees and landscape were in October, their favorite month to visit.  I was not struck by the beauty.  I was too busy being caught up in cooking dinner, bathing children, picking up toys....etc.

Now I am older.  I think back to her remarks and I say loudly "YES".  I see what you see.  I am not busy with little ones, I'm present in the NOW.  How rich am I to be able to stop and look and SEE what is beautiful.  The leaves, the trees, those little tiny acorns, listening to the breeze rustle the leaves, music to my ears.

So drink in the beauty around you!  Stop and take a breath.  Pause. The dishes will always be there, so will the long and mighty list of things to do.  But that single moment when you are present in the now is fleeting.

Have a lovely weekend!


  1. Such a beautiful post and so real, a great reminder of taking time to look at such beauty the season has to offer. Take care, hopefully you will be back to full health soon.

  2. it was the opposite for me, having children forced me to slow myself and my life down and that was when I started really being in the NOW. What a beautiful post Karen...I'm glad your eye and sinus have healed.

  3. A beautiful post Karen. My little man and I will be soaking up the now in the woods this morning, admiring all the gorgeous beauty of autumn. We will be sure to stop, breathe and take it all in.

    Have the most wonderful weekend.

  4. I was at a conference recently where they talked about living our lives in moments instead of minutes because the moments are where we will find beauty. I think you are living this well.

  5. We should all do more to pay attention to our surroundings as nature is a visual feast of color. I'm not fond what follows, as the cold bites through to my bones, but I do love autumn and feel it is a great gift.

  6. What a beautiful post to read this morning; thank you for the reminder to be grateful for this lovely time of year. Hope your infection clears up soon!

  7. Like you we have been nursing illness this week so haven't been able to get out this week. Thank you for bringing nature to me tho'. I am looking forward to getting out and about soon, have a lovely weekend :)

  8. Sorry to hear you have been feeling poorly, love. Glad to hear you seem to be on the mend.
    I too am craving visible breath weather, but I will happily stare and enjoy your pics as a perfect consolation prize.

  9. So sorry to hear about your eye and sinus infection! Glad you are on the road to recovery. And slowing down is always a reminder that I love. I DO very much appreciate the beauty around me, but I sometimes don't stop and enjoy it as much as I should (b/c yes, I am chasing littles, or picking up, etc.) As my children become more independent, and need me less, I am able to stop and take it all in a bit more than before. And it's nice.

  10. Oh so glad you are on the upswing. Hoping your weekend is relaxing and full of that beauty you urge us to notice. I will think of you when we take our afternoon walk.

  11. You live in a lovely area. And I agree, when you're raising little ones you have little time to smell the roses. I'm sorry you are suffering an eye infection and sinus pressure. Please get well soon.

  12. We have gorgeous golds here in Colorado but I kind of miss the red and oranges of the East Coast. I'm glad I got to see some of that while I was in NY. Sinus infections are no fun. I usually get one in the spring time. I always feel like my head is going to explode! I hope you feel better.

  13. Love your photos and the beautiful autumn colors. Glad you're feeling better. Enjoy your weekend.

  14. Oh, what a fabulous view you have - just beautiful. And I'm so glad you have the time now to enjoy it.
    Hope you're feeling better, take good care of yourself.

  15. glad you're feeling better....would hate to have you down and out during this favorite of all seasons!!!! :)

  16. Isn't it wonderful how getting older opens your eyes to so many things? I think so anyway... :-) I'm noticing so many things now, that I never cared about, had time for (you name it) when I was younger. I hope you'll feel better soon and have a great weekend!

  17. I love this so much! Thank you for this reminder, so useful for one who is picking up toys and washing dishes:) I know these days are fleeting, so I am trying to hold them as close as I can:)

  18. Amen. Amen. Yesterday the sky here was slightly gray and overcast but the trees are beautiful. They aren't as vivid as in your neck of the woods but I enjoyed them so much. In fact I might have been walking around with my jaw dropping each time I turned a corner. Feel better soon.

  19. So true although I can't even fathom. My strategy today is to leave the toys where they are (everywhere!) and try to avoid tripping on them in the middle of the night with my secret mom X-ray vision.

  20. I love the here and now , but a little of the then would be lovely too

  21. I may still be busy with the children but I have learned with each passing year to savour the present day and you are absolutely right; autumn is glorious.

    I'm glad you are on the mend.

  22. So incredibly beautiful! I was shocked the other day when my co-workers were talking about how the "trees never really changed this year, but are just falling off." I have noticed so many beautiful trees and colors all throughout the month of October, and even still. Where have they been?? Apparently not in the present, like you :) Enjoy!

    1. I find a lot of people don't notice stuff. I'm not sure why either...

  23. Sorry to hear that you have been icky, but glad to hear that you are improving. It is good to be and see and observe isn't it. xx

  24. I hope you're starting to feel better Karen, do take care. I love the photos you shared, how beautiful!

  25. Wise wise words. The beauty of the season simply cannot be overlooked here. THe colors are peak in Chicago. Feel better!

  26. What a lovely post to remind us what is important, thank you.

  27. Your views of those trees is beautiful. We must stop and enjoy, but sometimes there are just too many things to take up our time. I do try though. I hope you feel better soon.

  28. You had such a busy summer that you deserve som down time! Hope you're feeling lots better by now also.

  29. I will heed your advice today about enjoying the moment.... I know this post was written awhile back, but I have been enjoying looking at your fall colors. I enjoy looking over past posts and seeing your beautiful and calm knitting. I was wanting to find some photos of Frodo, and found two: one of him peeking over the top of a pillow, and the other of him curled up on the couch. Those photos brought a smile to my face and made my day! Have a wonderful weekend. I don't knit, but I sew. Joy from Nebraska.


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