
Weekends are for memory making, 
relaxing and enjoying quiet moments of our days.  
If you would like, please share your weekend moments 
  in the comment section with a link to your blog.

I had a fun weekend visiting family in London, Ontario.  While up there we went to Grand Bend and enjoyed a very brisk (blustery) wind and the end of a tourist season.  Nearly all of the shops were closed for the season and yet I had fun being on the sidewalks and boardwalk taking in the sights and sounds.

I do love a beach!  We visited family, ate out for lunches and dinners, laughed some and enjoyed each other's company.  I'm now home (sweet home).  I had an internet break and missed checking in with all of you.  Hopefully this week I'll be all caught up!

There was:

french fries :: knitting in the car :: knitting whenever :: finishing a book :: holding a grand nephew :: meeting a new puppy who was wiggly and made me miss Frodo :: beautiful Sunday driving :: 

How was your weekend?

If you are in the southeast, I do hope you are not experiencing any flooding!!


  1. I'm so happy you had a fun weekend Karen. Oh french fries, I think I need some.
    It's a mess down here, so sad.

  2. Oh yay for a week-end up North! Your picture of the lake is beautiful. I'm glad you had such a ncie time regardless of the weather. :-)

  3. I'm from London, Ontario - I can't believe you were here today! :-) It sounds like you had a wonderful weekend, so did I. Grand Bend is so beautiful. There was for me: a surprise party for a lovely friend, stitching, lots of coffee, knitting, reading, lovely family time and more knitting.

    1. wasn't the weather crazy on Saturday? I was prepared and had mitts and a cowl but my goodness it was brisk and blustery!!

    2. I know!! The wind just howled - we had lots of branches down that are still being cleaned up, but nothing like the flooding problems down South....

  4. lemon knot cookies at family birthday party, Cubs win! Northwestern Univeristy Undefeathed, bears win....
    Knitting on a shawl , and on a cowl. Filled bird feeders and suet feeder twice. The birds feel the cold

  5. What a fun weekend you had. It looks like a very pretty place and I am glad you had such a nice time. We had a fun weekend too!

  6. Canada! I hear they like knitting up there...

    1. It's almost our national sport, eh? :-) Knitting and hockey go perfectly together.

  7. such a lovely weekend... !!!! and beautiful pics to hold dear for memories xx

  8. Sounds like a great weekend filled with lots of lovely memories to treasure. A new baby is always a thrill. Have a great week.

  9. Sounds like a wonderful weekend :). All the perfect ingredients. Mine was a mix of busyness and quiet the perfect recipe for me!

  10. It's nice to get away and be unconnected for a day or two! Nice to hear you had a good time. Here's to a quiet week and some relaxation ahead.

  11. What a great weekend, mine was Crocheting, visiting a farm, baking and enjoying time with familyxx

  12. We had glorious weather so my weekend included laundry on the line, a short run, moving furniture, knitting, and a bit of cooking - oh yes, and naps so I can finally conquer the jet lag.

  13. I love trips like that. And how much fun - a little one and a puppy all in one weekend! Enjoy your week Karen.

  14. fun family time!!!! so glad it was a good one---fall just brings out the best in family outdoor fun.

  15. Fun! Glad to hear of your good times. A baby, a puppy, and family...what more could you ask for?

  16. I have very fond memories of London, Ont...Western was were I got my undergrad. Love Grand Bend too.
    Sounds like a great weekend Karen.xoxo

    1. my husband got his undergrad there as well. He grew up there from age eight or so. Then went to the states for his graduate degree and met ME.

  17. Glad you had such a nice weekend! Our weekend started fall break for the girls and me. :-) Hannah was at her friends birthday party and Nadia spent the night(s) with friends. Saturday started of with a 7 mile walk with a friend for me and later on good friends and (lots of) football. It was cool, the windows were open, roast in the oven, new knitting on the needles and "The Blacklist" on Netflix. Life is good. :-)

  18. Sounds like a fun and creative weekend. Enjoying the fall colors here in Montucky :)

  19. Sounds like a nice weekend even though the shops were closed. I'm not a big shopper, so that wouldn't have bothered me, either. The weather here has been gorgeous (makes me feel a little guilty considering Tracey's weather), yet we filled our weekend with family time, baking, stacking firewood, hiking, worship, and some yummy eats. :)

  20. That bottom photo of the autumn beach is just so beautiful.

  21. I didn't know Ontario had a London. What a nice trip you had. I bet Frodo miss you lots as well. We oinked out while spending time w/ohana and caught up with neighbors.

    1. Not only do we have a London, Ontario - but we have a Thames River that runs through it :-)

  22. Glad you had a good time away and a good weekend! xx

  23. looks like you had a lovely weekend

  24. So nice to see you are still blogging my friend! After a year long hiatus, I am jumping back into the blogging world and finding the everyone is still going strong. I always enjoy your photos along with your knitting projects. I am a "Wanna Be Knitter" and struggle with it. Lately, I have explored making jewelry, and am finding that it is a hobby that better suits me! I still love knitting and am envious of all the wonderful things you churn out!

  25. Sounds like a fun weekend. We are back home and happy to be there doing our normal weekend things.

  26. Yay you were in Canada!!!! We stood in the exact same spot in Grand Bend last summer when were there camping. So fun! Sounds like a wonderful weekend Karen, hope your week is just as wonderful.

  27. Sounds like a great weekend, it really does look fallish there! (brr) Hope you have a great week too. :)

  28. Sounds good. Love the photographs but especially the last one...you could frame it. It's really beautiful.The colours are so calm and peaceful and the composition perfect. Makes me want to walk along that beach too.
    Have a great week,


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