
Weekends are for memory making, 
relaxing and enjoying quiet moments of our days.  
If you would like, please share your weekend moments 
  in the comment section with a link to your blog.

This weekend was picture perfect.  The weather was COLD, you know the kind of cold where you are cold down to your bones.  Funny, it was in the high forties low fifties but it feel so so cold.  I loved it, I'm weird like that.

Friday night we met dear friends of ours for a dinner out in a neighboring town.  Lots of talking and laughing (and eating...).  We walked after dinner around the town, I took some photos of a public park, roses not knowing how cold it was going to be!

Saturday was more outside living, walking around, being cold and loving every single blessed moment.  Frodo loves this kind of weather as well.  This week and over the weekend, we've been watching PBS on the XBOX app.  My husband figures these things out for me.  However, we've watched - Indian Summers - Home Fires (but we've re-named it Home Fries) and The Widower.  All really good.  Go give it a look see.

Today was Mass, another walk (brrr) and lots of reading.  I wrote a list of who to knit for which is practically half the battle.  Don't worry, everyone is knitworthy.

How was your weekend??

Thanks to everyone who participates on the weekend post!  I think our little community has grown so feel free to visit each other.  Visit an old friend or make a new one :)


  1. Happy Sunday
    My weekend has consisted of preparing for my daughters visit. She is flying in from the Uk and will arrive here in 18 hours time. I havent seen her since last November when I left the UK for my new life in California. To say Im excited is the understatement of the year
    Beautiful pictures....roses are my absolute favourites
    Phoebe x

  2. It was chilly here, too. I had signed up with some friends and coworkers to run the "Liz Hurley" 5k in support of my coworkers mom, who just finished treatment for breast cancer. It was in the low 40's when we started out and it was so cold just waiting for the race to start. Once we got going it was perfect, but until then - brrr... The girls had a swim meet on Saturday and once that was done, we went out to eat to celebrate hubby's birthday. Today was a nice and quiet day at home, cooking, some yard clean up and catching up on some chores. Have a great start into the week!

  3. Visiting you always makes me smile, Karen. Your weekend sounds lovely, I am so pleased you are enjoying the cooler weather {and Frodo}. Wishing you a great week ahead xx


  4. Hi Karen! Brrrrrr! I know, when we complain about chilly mornings I realize that soon we'll HAVE to layer up because it's going to get a lot colder soon. I like it, too.
    It's always sad when the roses get zapped, isn't it?

  5. My weekend included starting a friend on a shawl project! I was thrilled when she said she was interested in learning to knit, and so I had a lovely afternoon where we caught up, knitted, and drank tea together. Weekends are ever so much lovelier when friends are involved, wouldn't you agree? :)

  6. While I am about 10-20 degrees warmer than you it's cold for here and I am loving it. I guess it's time to start my yearly wishing for snow.
    I haven't heard of one of the shows you mentioned so I will have to check them out. I have been on a Paul Newman kick and have enjoyed watching some of his movies.
    I thought of you when I visited the LYS and thought it would have been fun to visit there together when you were in town, next time!

  7. You read about most of my weekend; today was socializing w/the neighbors while the kids played together. It was fun. These roses are exceptional. They look a bit different from what I've seen here. The first shot was extraordinary. We had some cool weather this weekend too.

  8. I have had a quiet weekend of decluttering and knitting, some time with a friend, some time with my father, as well as my husband's family. A good weekend.

  9. definitely NOT a blog-worthy weekend here....shuttling a preteen to all her weekend activities!! (her parents are out of town and her brother was working!!!!)

  10. Karen- hello! it's been so long since I joined in........ and it's nice to be back. It was cold here, too! I've got a fire going now and have been in slippers since i got home this afternoon. I'm happy to welcome the colder weather, I just want a little more fall before settling in for good....

    xo from nc

    here's my weekend: another swap, another LEAF festival:

  11. A busy weekend, I drove to meet my daughter and Grandson for the day, he was a little disappointed as The Barn a centre he likes to play was shut for refurbishment. Packing for my holiday and a little crochet. The roses are still looking wonderful despite the season and fall in temperature. Have a great week.

  12. A busy weekend at home here, well mostly at home. Laying floor tiles, buying timber and making dressing up costumes :). Oh and enjoying a fire it has cooled down here too!

  13. My weekend wasn't too interesting, but relaxing at least. I'm still battling the last remainders of a nasty flu, so I stayed indoors mostly, stitching away on some knitting.

  14. My weekend was full of good friends, too, but all of my pictures are of flowers and trees. 'Tis the time of year to enjoy the beauty of natures blooms.

  15. Those roses are beautiful! My weekend was busy as well-we washed the windows and are trying to get a deck replaced before winter-eek!

  16. Our weather is glorious now! 70s sunny windy but winds out of the south! Gorgeous out.
    OUr weekend was sad with Cub losses. Fun with a family Oktoberfest gathering.
    Lots of knitting got done

  17. It has been chilly here too, all the hand knits are out, and I am loving it :) Quiet weekend here, and a little celebration for a certain little man who will be seven soon :)

    Have a lovely week Karen.

  18. I too enjoy the cold, when it is available. :) Your weekend sounds wonderful. I will be checking out those shows, thank you!

  19. Our weather has turned as well, and it rained! So thankful. Most of my weekend was spent helping my youngest daughter celebrate her 15th b-day which I've yet to post about. She's out on a date with Dan tonight (got to love a girl who's excited to go out to DQ with her daddy!). Hoping to share tomorrow -- we had a wonderful time! xo Lisa

    1. PS: My daughter-in-law keeps encouraging me to watch Home Fires...maybe I'll check out the first episode since I'm home along this evening...yes, I think I will! A glass of something red, my needles, and PBS. Sounds delightful. :)

  20. Well- just made it under the wire with my post. Your weekend sounded lovely and those roses are so beautiful. We had snow flurries at our place. The girls were a bit disappointed that it didn't snow more. Our weekend was busy but fun.....

  21. We had a pretty low key weekend except for an all-day choir workshop on Saturday. The morning was an interesting presentation on the Bel Canto techinique, and then in the afternoon we started working on our Christmas music. That sort of underscored that it's time to start thinking about said holiday projects!

  22. I love your updates.... beautiful words... perfectly captured photos.... the first one right at the top - the rose and the horizon.... just too lovely xxx

  23. Your weekend sounds lovely Karen... I had a little too much partying over the weekend- something my body is not used to anymore (so now after recovery, I'm playing catch-up). Hope you are enjoying your day!!!xoxo

  24. I can feel the chill just looking at your photos ~ waiting for that cold air to move South!

  25. I love the roses photo. I am addicted to PBS. I have not tuned into either show you are watching. I have been watching reruns of Grantchester :) (I'm a fan of the mysteries) and Vera. I'm also weak for NOVA even though it makes me a little sad sometimes. Oh and my new favorite, I'll have what Phil's having. Yes, another traveling tv show.


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