State of Mind

“Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year.” — Ralph Waldo Emerson

A few days ago, Jane tagged me to join in on a quote challenge.  While I admire these challenges, I am challenged by doing three :)  Two weeks ago, I was in Concord MA and was inspired by the group of authors who created and pondered everything about nature and life, Hence the quote that I chose for today's post.

Being positive is a state of mind that I cultivate daily.  Honestly, I'm a "glass half empty" girl who is trying to rewire my thoughts and reactions.  I've found at this age that everything I've ever worried about never comes true.  Chanting positive statements over and over to drown out those niggling negative thoughts has served me well.  I'm much happier!

I am STILL using eye medicine after not passing a recheck on Wednesday and I hope in the next two weeks I'm finally finished.  I'm starting to get angry about it now.  Could it be that old ladies take longer to heal.....grrr....I wonder.  So I have new medicines and more resolve to clear this up.

We've had some crazy warm weather that I'm not crazy about.  Today is the last warm day, my fingers are crossed that this is true!!  I want to wear woolens and be chilly deep down to my bones.

I've enjoyed some nice phone calls from the kids.  Our son will be home for Thanksgiving and everyone will be here for Christmas.  Oh my.  I have so much to do, but don't worry, I've got the epic list in the making.  I am excited!

Have a lovely weekend!!


  1. Lovely fall colors on your blog today. Like you, I'm looking forward to real fall temperatures. It shouldn't be 80 degrees in November!

  2. Sorry to hear you're still on meds for your eye. :-( Sadly we do take longer to heal, I've noticed it myself. BUT I won't let that stop me - it is what it is and I'll make the best of it. Have a great weekend! We're expecting a wet one here, but then again it's supposed to cool off from low 80's to mid 60's. I'll take it!

  3. Hope your eye is a problem of the past soon! Our weather is very cold and it's likely moving your way. I'll be very happy to send it on to you and enjoy a little warming trend.

  4. How lovely to be planning for a houseful on the holidays! I agree about the weather...just ready for it to stay cooler. The ups and downs are hard when you pull out knits one day and short sleeves the next!!

  5. Hmmm...seeing as how you are not an old lady, I imagine it will be quite some time before you will have the answer to your question. :) Great news that everyone will be there for Christmas! Happy for you!

  6. I hope your eye heals soon! How frustrating. I'm enjoying the warm weather for now because I know it's coming to a screeching halt real soon! Have a great weekend Karen.

  7. I do hope your eye mends up fast. Sending healings from our side of the world for just that.
    Have a beautiful weekend xxx

  8. I love you and your list is something i don't have a gene for but admire so much in others. The holidays are coming and I'm so happy for you that your family is coming. p.s. hope your eye gets better soon, sending you lots of healing energy!!!

  9. I hope your eye gets better - and man we keep having warm weather too and I'm SO READY to wear knitted items! it needs to chill down so I can drink more hot chocolate :) jenny xx

  10. Sorry your eye is still trying to kick that infection. And hear, hear on positive mantras to dispel the grey cloud. I need to do that sometimes but certainly do that when I'm running and my mind's trying to play tricks on me.

  11. I will say a prayer to St. Lucy the patron of eye health for you. My duaghter is here NOW and IM already a bit sad that she leaves tomorrow. I must learn to not let the future dominate the present. I will enjoy her now!

  12. Still not healed? Well my goodness it better hurry up, you have things to do! :)
    It is hot here and I am in such a yucky mood. I spent all day in town running errands, but
    thankfully I got everything accomplished. Now I am home for the next few days and I am

  13. pooh...sorry to hear the eye is taking its good ole time in healing. at least you can still read and knit in spite of the troubles. (that's the glass half full 'me' talking!)
    I'm totally with you on this weather...we're due for some cold-er this weekend and I CAN'T WAIT!!!! (I had to wear my sweater today (in spite of the fact that it was mid-70s) to celebrate!!

  14. I hear you on the taking longer to heal, I seemed to have been ill on and off for so many weeks (in reality it's a lot less just not used to it). It is a pain tho' so I do hope it is cleared up soon. We have a little plant in the UK called eyebright which, as its name suggests, is good for eye problems. It has been cold enough for woollens here but perhaps I shouldn't go on about that too much........

  15. So sorry you're still having eye troubles. I hope the new meds do the trick. Our temps are supposed to cool down this weekend and I'm ready to get back to fleece vests and knitted cowls. Enjoy your weekend.

  16. That is a fantastic quote - and you are so right, we really need to make an effort to see the positive more of the time than not. Life is good!

  17. A wonderful quote Karen, thank you for sharing. Sorry about your eye, I hope it won't be much longer before it clears up. Enjoy your weekend.

  18. That is a really great quote! We've had the same crazy weather. Indian summer I guess. I know I shouldn't complain (especially after last winter), but it was eighty yesterday and that just doesn't feel right for this time of year. I'm praying that you eye will soon be fully healed. Every time I think of Christmas I am filled with joyful panic.

  19. Beautiful pictures! I hope you will feel better as soon as possible!

  20. The weather really as been odd, if you ask me. And even though we had our first frost, it was such a barely-there frost, that it didn't officially bring about the end of my various gardens for the year. I'm with you about wishing for chilly days and think I'll just pull everything and be done with it. It's time. Sorry about your eye troubles and rejoice that your house will be full for Christmas! :) I, too, am a glass half full girl who has spent her entire adult life fighting against the tendency. Glad I'm in such good company!
    xo Lisa

  21. I hope that things get sorted with your eyes/meds very soon. I am making a mother of all lists at the moment too! Busy time of year isn't it. xx

  22. We are finally done with our super warm weather...I think. I'm on your side!

  23. There is something to be said about trying to look to the positive. It may not work all the time, but when it does it is brilliant.
    Sending speeding healing thoughts to you.

  24. I am also one who often worries about things that never come to fruition.... and yes, positive chanting can work wonders! Hope it cools back down for you soon. It has been very rainy here-- I am hoping for a few more sunny but cold days soon!

  25. So pleased you joined in the challenge, Karen...just one day is great, you don't have to do all three. So sorry to hear that your eye problem hasn't cleared up...hope the medicine works this time round. I bet you cannot wait to have your lovely children at home for Christmas...not long now {terrifyingly, I am so unprepared!}. Hope you have had a great weekend xx

  26. Oh how I love this quote! Consider it stolen! xx

  27. Argh! Reading this posts one after the other, I was hoping that your eye had gotten better. I'm sorry it is taking its sweet ol'time to heal.

    I've been a glass half full person most of my life and I've been hurt many times. I don't think there is a right way to be, just to not let ourselves become too much of one or the other. One leads to depression and anxiety, the other to foolishness and naïveté. Maybe there should be a "glass filled just right" category. I would love that one!

  28. I am surprised to hear you are a half empty girl like me; clearly your blog is a way you cultivate the positive thoughts. I do like aspects of that trait in myself, like really being able to see all the possible problems that might develop often helps head off trouble but most of the time I am working pretty hard to cultivate gratitude to combat the pessimism. I hope your eye is doing better, I'm a little late on catching up with your blog!

    1. you are correct that my blog helps me immensely. I love reading inspirational blogs and I wanted to focus on the positive with my own. Only when my anxiety creeps in, I become challenged!!


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