
Weekends are for memory making, 
relaxing and enjoying quiet moments of our days.  
If you would like, please share your weekend moments 
  in the comment section with a link to your blog.

This weekend, oh this weekend.  The air felt like late fall and so crisp.  Frodo and I walked the wooded roads and took in the silence.  I've felt calmness since switching to an ophthalmologist and starting medicines that are working (my eyes look almost normal!).  Sigh.  It's been a very good week!  I see her on Wednesday and find out what is next.

My husband was away for a annual convention and I made sure I had a donut for every day he was gone.  Simple pleasures, people!  I also made sure I had a lunch date with a friend each day as well. Oh,  I didn't cook either.  I lived off of left overs, eggs and toast, salads....So now he is back and my world is once again back to normal, phew!  I like having him around but I kind of miss the donuts :)

I've been furiously knitting away for Christmas gifts, furious in a good way.  I've got some personal goals that I WILL meet.  I MUST meet.  Sometimes I get a little giddy with my self imposed pressures.  All good and fun.

I've got my tea sitting right here, and I'm creating my weekly menu.  

How was your weekend?  Care to share?  

I want to thank each and every single one of you.  The regular readers and the sporadic ones.  The vocal and the silent.  I appreciate your visiting and the support you give to me and most especially to one another as you visit each other through the weekend post.

I know we've made lots of friends by visiting and doesn't that make this big big world a little bit smaller and nicer?

Thanks :)  



  1. I think you're allowed to have donuts when your husband is home. ;-) So glad your eyes are almost back to normal!

  2. Glad all is right in your world again. It's been a quiet weekend without the normal visit with the GK because we babysat for them midweek. Sang today with the choir, a beautiful Kyrie and another lovely hymn, both amazingly appropriate given the horrible events in Paris. So glad your eyes are getting better!

  3. i have 'sneaky' popcorn when my hubby travels (that's popcorn for supper!!!!)

  4. I never cook when Mike is away which is really nice sometimes.
    Hooray for your eye healing and personnel knitting goals...I
    completely understand.
    Much love!

  5. Your photos look very quiet and calming. So glad your eyes are looking better. Hubby and I have been passing each other by for dinner two nights a week and I have a hard time making dinner just for me. I tell myself that I am helping my diet, but a donut for dinner (yes I met friends for coffee one evening and hadn't yet eaten) is definitely not ideal. Glad you enjoyed your quiet time. Enjoy your furious knitting.

  6. Anything that makes our world smaller and more connected is wonderful. You offer so a calm and caring place to visit. Thank you, Karen.

  7. I agree - routine is nice, but I would miss the donuts too!
    My husband was also away this weekend and the children and I passed the time together with quiet weekend pleasures. There was knitting, baking, walks with the dogs and perhaps a few episodes of Gilmore Girls ;-) Now, it's time to plan the week ahead, put in a few more stitches and early to bed. Again - I'm so very glad for you that your eye is on the mend. You need your eyes for your beautiful knitting!!

  8. So happy your eye is healing Karen, I am sure that is a big relief. I love all the little simple pleasures you enjoyed while your hubby was away...so important to include those simple things in our days.

    Have a wonderful week!

  9. You made me chuckle when you said you were glad to have your hubby home, but you kinda miss the donuts. :) I appreciate your honesty. :) Wise thinking on your part concerning having special things planned out to do in his absence!

  10. I love my blog pals ! I love your weekend prompts and I look forward to reading all the comments.
    So glad your eyes are improving. A donut a day! Oh how fantastic.
    THis weekend included a trip to a favorite nursery that was all decked out for Christmas. They had tiny little cookies for the taking and I took two tiny ones. THey were delish.
    I knit two heel flaps and turned two heels today. beautiful weather again in Chicago. Unreal for November

  11. My weekend was also lovely. I have been intentionally leaving work stuff at work and giving myself a real weekend. This is a very good thing.

  12. I spent a lot of time knitting this weekend, but I'm paying for it with sore arms and shoulders...that's never happened before and I hope is not a sign of knitting troubles to come. :( Glad your eyes are doing so much better!!! Glad you enjoyed your weekend and got to visit with friends while your man was away. It's always nice to return to normal routines, isn't it? Thanks for hosting, Karen. I'm looking forward to catching up with everyone and meeting a few new friends, too!
    xo Lisa

  13. yumm doughnuts, that makes the quiet moments all the more worthwhile.
    We all love that you are so giving and willing to share the little moments that make up a life worthwhile....so thanks you!
    PS still envious of your knitting skills :)

  14. Great news about your eyes, hoping the healing continues. I had a beautiful anniversary dinner on Saturday and a visit from one of my daughters and her little family Sunday, idyllic weekend!

  15. My husband is away for nearly two weeks from tomorrow I could have a donut feast..........not sure I can last that long on leftovers especially with two growing children to feed too!

    It has gotten cooler hasn't it, apparently we have snow forecast for this weekend........just wish it would stop raining.

    Wonderful to hear that your eyes are healing, thinking of you for Wednesday.

    Have lovely week :)

  16. The missing the donuts made me laugh too! And I am with you on simple pleasures!

    So glad about your eyes! And quiet walks are so lovely and restful.

    Here's my link....I usually write memories from our previous week on Mondays, hence Memoir Monday!


  17. I love that you had a donut each day! Good for you. It is the simple things.

  18. Do you have a favourite type of donut? In Canada, we have this wonderful donutarie called Tim Hortons - that makes the best old fashioned glazed !!! Have a great week Karen xoxo

    1. sprinkle donut!! I am very familiar with Tim Horton's and enjoy their donuts when in Ontario visiting family :)

  19. I'm glad your eyes are feeling better! I enjoy when my hubby has business trips so I have some "unplanned time". No worries about making dinner, etc... The weather did indeed have a real Autumn feel to it! Enjoy your week Karen.

  20. It is my great pleasure to visit your blog!

    I wish my holiday knitting was going as smoothly as yours. Sigh. Maybe next year, although I still have time to get with the program.

  21. Oh, look at that gorgeous blue sky! So wonderful. We have had massive rains and storms here. I am once again beginning to forget how the sky looks like :-P

    I just wanted to comment on what you said about Gone Girl, that you weren't fond of the potty language. I re-read my blog post to see if I had mentioned it, but I hadn't. Maybe I just imagined it but I did mention it to people after I finished the book. The language really really bothered me. Growing up, and also in my home, we strive for a clean, respectful language.I know the English language well, all the same, I live in Germany and do not encounter conversational English on a day-to-day basis. So books like these always make me wonder: Do people actually talk to and about each other like that? In certain social settings and peer groups, perhaps.
    I just felt relieved that you felt the same. The world is a bad enough place, and we can make it better in small ways with the choice of our words.

    Wishing you a very lovely week, Karen!

    Love Sylvia

    1. I'm glad I'm not the only one. I don't think people talk like this in real life however my son read the book and he didn't notice the language....he is 22 yo. So maybe it's a generational thing?? I don't know. I do not mind a sprinkling of swears but when it is in every paragraph and explicit I do NOT like it at all. That is why I quit reading "casual vacancy" it was too vulgar and I hated every single character.

  22. simple pleasures are what I live on.. making sure to identify them and cherish them.

  23. Simple pleasures are so wonderful. Glad you had some nice days without your husband, and glad that you have him back now and are back to your normal routine :) Hopefully you get some good news about your eyes this week, I'm so glad to hear they're doing well.

  24. I'm glad that you enjoyed your time and that your eyes are improving. That is good isn't it. Shame about the lack of donuts now your husband is home, but it makes them more of a treat when he is gone doesn't it!! xx

  25. I'm happy you're happier. And what a menu! Love it. I've been itching to make donuts. I need to use that Michael's coupon! I did have three cupcakes yesterday though.

  26. I'm happy to hear that your eyes are getting better! Sounds like you enjoyed your weekend to the fullest. We had a slow one here and it was so good! With the holidays approaching, I'm enjoying the downtime before the hustle, bustle, travel and whatnot starts. :-)

  27. Sometimes the simple things of life are the best! Glad to hear you're doing better and enjoy those donuts, they are a must now and then :)

  28. As much as I dislike it when my husband is away, I do enjoy not having to cook! �� A donut a day sounds heavenly! I'm so glad that your eyes are healing, Karen, that is the best news! I hope the doctor visit goes well on Wednesday! xx

  29. Sometimes it's nice to be home alone--and a donut a day sounds pretty nice : ) I'm so happy to hear that your eyes are nearly back to normal. Knitting is pretty furious here, too!
    You will always be one of my favorite bloggers, Karen. ♥

  30. It's nice to have an alone weekend every so often but it makes the time together even sweeter.


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