December Thoughts

my sister made my rabbit a new dress!

This morning I'm sitting here at the computer thinking about how quickly December came upon me.  Honestly, time flies these days.  I remember when I was a kid and the time from my birthday in mid November to Christmas day was eternity.

I've been marathon knitting to finish three items for the end of this week, again a self imposed goal.  Unfortunately too much knitting is causing some aches and pains in my back.  I knew that would happen and yet I continued to knit.  Silly me.  You would think I would be smart enough.  Ah well, live and learn and my self imposed goal is being set aside for the moment.  I'm doing gentle yoga, taking tylenol and focusing on really good posture.

Oh good news!  My eyes are 50% better and I discontinued the antibiotic eye drops.  I've decreased the steroid drop more and see her (the doctor) in two weeks.  My eyes are feeling really really good and that makes me so very happy.  Thank you so much for the well wishes, I truly believed they worked wonders.

I cannot wait to finish this blanket before springtime

While I was visiting my family last weekend a conversation popped up about goals for the new year.  I wasn't thinking about that at all but since eavesdropping and hearing everyone talk about goals, I've been thinking about mine.  I tend to lean towards health goals and reading goals.  Have you started to think about goals?

I love the idea of improving myself, being a better me.

Have you decked your halls?  started shopping? finished shopping?  are you meeting knitting goals for the holidays?

I love this time of the year the waiting and the anticipation :)


  1. I'm glad to hear your eyes have improved, sorry about the aches and pains though. I still haven't had time to pick up my needles since we got home from our Thanksgiving trip. :-( Too much going on right now... I'll be able to remedy that today though. :-) The house is decorated and some shopping is done, still missing a few things though...

  2. We have our tree up and are slowly decorating it with by day. Gifts are ready and wrapped except for a few more knits. I'm making good progress on those! So glad to hear your eyes are improving! Sorry about the hurting though. Give yourself some rest and time. Have a good weekend!

  3. Yay for the eye improvement! That is wonderful news. I actually started thinking about New Year goals myself. And I agree - December did sneak up on us didn't it?

  4. I'm so glad to hear your eyes are improving. Eye health will no doubt be your best Christmas gift this season! Maggie Rabbit is looking lovely in her new dress. :-)

  5. Such good news regarding your eyes, not so good with the aches and pains. I am on top of the Christmas preparations but NO not thought about goals for next year at all. I do need to think long and hard about them and be a little more realistic in setting them.

  6. It's fabulous that your eyes are better, such good news!

    The blanket is really really lovely - I may have to try something like that.

    We have the boxes of decorations upstairs, and I'm hoping to get the house decorated this weekend.

  7. So glad to hear that your eyes are better. Eyes can be so tricky and I'm glad that they are healing. I am a big sucker for goals and start planning around October what my goals for the New Year will be and one of those goals is to learn to knit. In 2014, I learned crochet and 2016 will be the year of knitting. :) I'm excited but also terrified. Two needles!

  8. I'm so glad for the good news about your eyes! I've just started decorating, mainly because I really need to bring some much-needed light and cheer to the house during these dark and dreary days. I have a love/hate relationship with goals. I tend to lean towards realistic health and personal goals, but rarely set reading goals. That makes it seem too much like work to me and reading is one thing in my life that I want to be pure pleasure.

  9. So, so glad to hear that your eyes are finally improving. I do hope the healing continues. I don't really make goals other than to be happy and enjoy the year ahead ;). I havent deck my halls, I started shopping a while ago, I like to spread it out (the cost that is) and no not finished just yet, but getting close! Have a lovely weekend.

  10. I can not believe it is December, how did that happen?!
    I'm glad to hear about your eye, but not about your aches and pains, you must
    take care of yourself my friend.
    I just got back from the market and stocked up on lots of fresh vegetables and juices, fingers crossed that
    they will do the trick for me.
    Have a great weekend.

  11. I love how your rabbit is dressed up. We just have the tree and a bit of decor but I need to rearrange what's on the fireplace mantle and the piano. The girls want more decor so we'll see once school lets out in two weeks. Keep that back stretched and warm.

  12. Awww. well I didnt have the goal I ended up with this year. IT surprised me and came to me in February when my doctor told me I had to lose weight. I was horrified and knew it was true. Thanks to him I joined Weight watchers and have lost 28 lbs this year so far. I am determined to get to 30 by 12/31 and keep it off in 2016

  13. Glad to hear your eyes are doing better. It's easy to get caught up in our knitting and forget to get up and stretch. I had to adjust my knitting gift list last month to make it more manageable. Take a little time to take care of yourself and enjoy your weekend.

  14. Goals? I failed terribly with being more 'mindful' last year, so that is on the tippy top of my list this coming year. Knitting holiday goals....under control but not completed. Decorating...check. Shopping...nope (not my favorite thing to do....I at least have a few ideas, it's just getting myself to the store!!) Cookie baking.....that's this weekend!!! I'm excited!!! :) (I thought I started the Christmas cookie baking last weekend, but we ate them all.)

    1. we eat them too, it's tragic but thrilling at the same time!

  15. So good to hear that your eyes are doing so well! You sound much cheerier too. I hope you enjoy your knitting! xx

  16. mr.Rabbit is beautiful. Glad to hear your eyes are better-take care of your back!

  17. I'm crocheting an afghan for my boyfriend for Christmas! I'm only able to work on it during my lunch breaks so I'm getting a little nervous about finishing on time but I'm currently working on the border! I have another 3-5 rows to finish the border and then I need to sew all the ends in. I'd like to have it finished by the 19th so I have time to take it to the laundry mat and wash it. But maybe that happens AFTER Christmas this year ;) We'll see! Other than that, I just have a pair of slippers to make for my brother that I will start this weekend. Then I'm DONE with all my gifts (shopping included) for the year. :)

  18. I am so glad your eyes are healing. Since we are expecting a new grandchild, I shopped early. I have put out some decor but need to work on the tree soon. I knit a few things on and off all year and finished my last knitted gift last weekend. Take care of that back. Walking, yoga, stretching, and a good heating pad are my constant companions.

    1. I've done everything you listed and it's back to be normal, phew!

  19. I am so happy to hear your eyes are getting better Karen. Lots of Christmas cheer around our home, and this weekend we will head out back to cut down a tree, a new tradition for the little man and I. There are a lot of knitting deadlines around here too, and so far I am keeping up. Take care of your back, and enjoy your weekend.

  20. So happy to hear your eyes are improving! I'm sure that was a scary time for you. Yes, my tree is up, the shopping is done, but I still feel like I'm forgetting someone!
    I started knitting again only to have an arthritis flare up! My left hand hurts so bad in this cold damp weather.
    Goals...nope have not even begin to think about that yet. Maybe right after Christmas.
    Can't wait to see all your knitted projects!
    Hope you have a beautiful weekend!

  21. That is so wonderful that your eyes are improving Karen. I have made goals in the past, mostly fiber related and hope to continue next year. Goals keep me focused. As far a decking the halls, we are doing that this today :) Have a great weekend!

  22. So happy for the good report on your eyes, Karen -- such great news! Goals? I'm goal oriented, so that's a constant for me, the perpetual list maker. Halls are decked, Christmas music is playing daily, but I still need to write our Christmas cards!

  23. Oh my! Your rabbit is sooo adorable! I decided not to associate knitting and Christmas this year :) I am a completely shameless selfish knitter these days :)

  24. I haven't even started shopping and have no idea what to get most people. I'm glad to hear your eyes are doing much better. Eye problems are scary!

  25. oh sorry to hear about your aches and pains. I wonder if turmeric, golden milk or turmeric tea may help. I know December came whizzing in, didn't it? I'm glad that you have one of Alicia's rabbits. I keep wanting to make one for someone and every child that's born recently seems to be a boy. But I can make one for me can't I.
    The colours in your blanket are beautiful. I can't wait to see the end results.
    We bought our tree on the second of December but still have to decorate it. Hopefully tomorrow...I want to savour the moment.
    I'll have to think about those new year goals...lots for me to work on.
    Happy weekend,

  26. I keep feeling like I should be more worried about meeting goals. I should, shouldn't I? Hmm. You're so right.

  27. I have been thinking about you and your eyes so often in the last month. Happy to hear that they are improving. I will continue to send good thoughts your way, Karen.
    Seeing your blanket makes me smile, as does your lovely Bunny. xo!

  28. SO pleased to hear that yours eyes are feeling better, that is GOOD news. Fairly busy here, but it is that time of year when we all seem to be xx

  29. It's wonderful to hear that your eyes are improving! Sorry about your back though. Love your bunny, and her dress is adorable. Did you make the rabbit?


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