Currently on the Needles

I am nearly finished with Station Eleven and I've been enjoying the novel.  My reading time has been slim since my son has still been around since last Wednesday.  However, he is heading to the train station as I write this and I know I'll finish this book today.  Promise.  I know a few of you out there enjoyed this book, do you have other books similar to this one that you would recommend?  Just wondering.

My knitting has been all about hats.  I finished two and posted yesterday.  I quickly started another fair isle hat using the left over red for the blue as the main color.  I boldly thought that I had plenty of the white and during the afternoon of knitting I came to the realization that I was delusional in that bold thought process.

So as any knitter would do, I went to my LYS and bought another skein (the ONLY one left....).  I said it was an emergency yarn purchase.  The knitting group there chuckled and the owner said "it's good the emergency department was opened". Thank God for real brick and mortar yarn stores.

Today, I can confidently knit the hat knowing I have my back up skein.  Phew!  This hat will be sent to my daughter who was eyeing up the blue one as her own.  I went up a needle size and hope the fit is better before blocking.

What are you knitting and reading this week?

Joining Ginny and Frontier dreams


  1. It took me a bit, but once I finally sank into Station Eleven I loved it. Hey, I even read during the day and not just at night so that is saying something.

    I love my LYS!

  2. I'm sure that this hat will fit perfect. That's the advantage of knitting something more than once.

  3. I'm glad you were able to get more of the yarn you needed! I bet the red hat will be just as stunning as the blue! Still working on my socks, but the second one should be done tonight or tomorrow night. Back to work today, so no more daytime knitting...

  4. One of my librarian friends is composing a read-alike list for Station Eleven, and she recommended The Gracekeepers by Kirsty Logan and The Dog Stars by Peter Heller. I haven't read either one of those, but did enjoy Station Eleven. And hooray for having a LYS and the last skein of white yarn!

  5. Comforting to know that even the most sane and steady among us also sometimes suffer from a wee bit of yarn delusion. (does that make me a bad person? ...)

  6. Reading is good to fill the day...I always have such a hard time when my grown kids leave after an extended visit. :( Glad you were able to pick up that extra skein and yes!! So thankful for LYSs.

    1. Forgot to mention that I've also been pumping out beanies and I'm so, so ready to move on. It was good therapy after all the Christmas knitting!

  7. I'll be hat knitting soon. I'm hoping they are quick and I"ll feel like I"m accomplishing something!

  8. guess i must add that one to my 'list'....don't you just Wednesdays???!!!??? (I know amazon loves me on wednesdays!) Is sounds like you may have declared January the month of hats!!! You are a machine, friend!!! I'm sure Rachel will be tickled with her surprise!!

  9. I've had to get creative with some of my knits due to running out of yarn. Case in Point - the Sweater for Baby Carpentier in where I had to make the sleeves a totally different color.

  10. I love knitting fair isle style hats. They are great for stash busting! I'm so glad you got to enjoy your son for a while.

  11. Emergency yarn purchases - love that! Hope you have enough now to make your second hat.

  12. Your hats are gorgeous! So glad you were able to get more of the white. I love my LYS too but I just wish it was a bit more... local. An hour away to a different town ghat I never have any other real reason to visit requires a really special trip these days!
    I am going to look into that book. If you really liked it, its probably worth my time!

  13. all the colorwork I'm seeing lately amazes me. your hats are beautiful!

  14. The beginning of another beautiful project!!! Your hats are just lovely!!

  15. Good thing they had one skein left! The red is a beautiful red too!

  16. I love the hat. Glad you are enjoying the book. It sounds like a good one!

  17. Phew that was close, glad they had a skein left lol

  18. I am so impressed by your quick knitting, your needles must be on fire. I am loving the hats.

  19. I keep hearing such good things about this book, I'll need to see if it's still in the library! That hat looks like it's going to be awesome :)

  20. Gorgeous hat! I've been following your progress on Instagram - I'm carriefluter. I also really enjoyed Station 11. Have you read Louise Penny? Not similar style to this, but so good!

  21. We used to joke in our knitting group about having a yarn and needles vending machine outside the yarn shop to cover us through holiday knitting emergencies- I still think we were on to a good thing and I'm happy and relieved that you found the ball you needed, especially as the first hat was so stunning!

  22. Love your hats and the colorwork. Glad you found a back-up skein.

  23. I've been crocheting and knitting charity squares but socks are up next !
    reading....blogs and Cast off By Stephanie Purl Mcphee

  24. Wonderful hats! Glad you solved the yarn dilemma and won't have to hold your breath while knitting. I'm still reading John Adams; it's very long. Have you read The Sparrow?

  25. I'm going to pick-up that book tomorrow at the bookshop. I saw it there before Christmas (it caught my eye), but I knew I would be too busy to read it.

    I'm glad the ER was open! : )

  26. I think I can safely say that I live vicariously through knitters like you who get so many projects finished! I get so excited when I finish a project and then think, oh this is so easy the next one will be done in no time! Ha! I know we all have busy lives but I would really like to find pockets of time to knit more. You are an knitting inspiration. ;)

  27. I'm glad you can now finish your red hat. It is going to be so pretty.

  28. Local yarn shops, yes! Reading on a winter day, yes! More hats, yes! I am slogging away on a pullover sweater and still reading the same book, The Hatbox Letters but the Christmas decor, down to every last bow and mug, is put away. Happy New Year!

  29. Thank goodness for that skein of white yarn! Such a pleasing feeling to find what you need when it's needed. The red hat is going to be so pretty. Ok, all your hats are really pretty. Glad you share them.

  30. Oh I wish I had a LYS instead of having to catch a train to one. But then I'd probably have 200 balls of wool instead of 100...Your hats are divine.

    PS - yarn giveaway on my blog today :)

  31. I am had Station Eleven on my reading list.. glad to hear you've enjoyed it

  32. You are well-balanced with the written word and with fiber.

  33. Yay for the LYS!!!! Glad you got your back up yarn. The hat looks great!

  34. Mm lovely, I loved the blue hat lucky girl!

  35. I wonder how many times a day yarn shops get someone running in looking flustered for 'emergency yarn'? It must be very amusing for them.
    Lovely hats.


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