Currently on the Needles

Ha!  New book and not so new knitting this week.  I started Blue Asylum a couple days ago and I'm enjoying the story.  It is "gothic" and I do love that angst that is captured in a gothic novel.  I also started reading The Song of the Lark by Willa Cather on my Kindle, also a great novel that I'm enjoying.

I have made more progress on my sweater.  I've separated the sleeves off and I'm working on the body.  Underneath the book is my scarf that I'm knitting for my husband.  That project is slow going but I've placed a marker whenever I pick it up so I can see the few inches I've had to motivate me more.

What are you knitting and reading this week?

Joining Ginny and Frontier Dreams


  1. I will have to share you book with my Mom, she loves Gothic reading.
    The sweater is looking great and moving along quite quickly!

  2. I enjoyed The Song of the Lark. :) Do you think that the sweater you are making would be a reasonable project for someone's first time knitting a sweater? I really like the look of the finished sweater, and I've been hemhawing around trying to find a good first sweater to knit, one that I can actually see myself wearing.

    1. I think for a very first sweater it would be challenging because it is a recipe from a book as opposed to a straight out written pattern. Have you looked at the Ramona sweater? by quince and co? It is top down and has clean straight lines and in a bigger yarn so you would get instant gratification. It looks fitted as well.

  3. Your book sounds really good Karen and I look forward to hearing what you think of it when you're all done. Willa Cather is a favorite author and Sound of the Lark is a wonderful story, hope you enjoy it :) The sweater and scarf both look fantastic ... can't wait to see them finished.

  4. Love the sweater....are you making a turtle neck? That's basically the same one I just finished for hubby (crew neck for him, of course)----top down, knit knit knit knit knit ad naseum. At least yours is in a beautiful colour!!!! (And I bet it isn't in ARAN...why is that so hard on my hands???? And why am I wearing that ARAN wt shawl every day???? I'm totally freaking myself out!!!)

    1. no, it's a regular cardigan. I do love top down :) I think you might be running a low grade fever with that aran weight stuff.

  5. Your knitting is beautiful and I can spot the cutest sheep in the picture!!!! Where did you get it?!

    1. It was a gift from a friend, so I have no idea from whence it came!!

  6. Oh the scarf and sweater are beautiful! I love gothic novels, but haven't read one in a while. I will have to check it out!

  7. Beautiful color for the sweater!
    I read Song of the Lark years ago and loved it.

  8. I love the color of your sweater. Cant wait to see it when its finished. After I get the cardigan done I may tackle a sweater :) and that little sheep is adorable!

  9. I suppose it was the hoop skirt that made me think of it, but are you watching Mercy Street on PBS? It is good, and rather gothic, as well. Your Maggie is such a delight.

  10. What a lovely little vignette! Drawn to your rabbit and betting it's a Maggie but in my phone it's too small to tell- sweet things. I think your sweater color is gorgeous!

    1. It is a Maggie! My sister made it for me, I knit the wee sweater :)

  11. I love your little sheep! Your lovely projects always make me want to knit more sweaters :)

  12. I love the little rabbit too. Your knitting is looking fantastic - soon we will get to see it finished!

  13. I love Willa Cather and that book! fun and lovely things you are making!

  14. Your sweater is just moving along as it always does. You are such an amazing knitter Karen!

  15. I love Willa Cather but haven't read anything by her in ages... maybe it's time to revisit her!

  16. Ooo..that book looks like a good one! I love your bunny and your knitting is just gorgeous!

  17. The yarn looks lovely but I was distracted by the cute sheep in the background!

  18. I love the idea of a motivational marker. Brilliant! It helps to see how far you have progressed. I need all the good motivation I can get!

  19. I found Blue Asylum on the bargain table recently. I started it and was going great guns - and then it lost me for some reason. I will give it another go when my mind is less scattered - because I really like this author!

    Linda in VA

  20. Oh, such beautiful knitting! I love the colours and the scarf pattern looks very intricate and wonderfully textured! Such a good idea to place a marker in order to make progress visible :-)

  21. Are you going to add different features to your top down other than the usual? I like the texture of your husband's scarf; it's like blackberries. I'm reading the Maisie Dobbs series for the first time. I really like it so far 26% into the book and the sixth Harry Potter.

    1. I've added a lace insert near the button bands and when I get to the edge I'll do a few garter stitch ridges and do an icord bind off. other than that, it's simple!

  22. Knitting a feather and fan blanket and socks socks socks. I'm between reads right now. I may listen to a podcost tonight.

  23. Always, always such beautiful knitting! :) Blue always makes for a wonderful project!

  24. Such pretty yarns you've chosen. I also use the marker trick on slow going projects. Right now I'm knitting socks and more socks, but I'm starting to feel the need to move on soon.

  25. I really like your picture. Good idea to place the marker so you can see your progress. I've got The Song of the Lark in my reading queue. As for knitting I'm trying to get motivated to finish the Buchanan sweater I started last fall, and I'm finishing up a wee Purpuriem sweater for the newest grandchild, who is due to arrive in April.

  26. your book totally matches your knitting.....I really love that deep blue!!!!

  27. Look at all the lovely little things in your photo! Glad to hear you're enjoying the book -- it's on my to-read list.

  28. Looks like a really pretty sweater-to-be in a great color! I just finished a Chullo and am working on a couple of baby gifts and also making a bit of progress on the Scoreboard Scarf. (That got stalled by Christmas and then January birthdays!) I finally finished John Adams (interesting but really long) and am about to start The Nightingale.

  29. That sweater will be done before you know it, same as the scarf. :-) I finished my socks last night and plan on casting on a hat. Let's see how that goes, it was a busy day today...

  30. I am really impressed with how fast you are turning out this sweater.Amazing. I realize I have never done the gothic reading. I wonder ...

  31. I always find scarves hard to knit, I never feel like I make any progress. I bet that sweater will be done pretty soon, can't wait to see it.

  32. One day I'll have more time to knit and read all the wonderful patterns and books I see here each week, but until then, I'll be content to whip out another few beanies. My bigger projects are staring me down, but I've yet to pick them up. Sigh.

    1. I do hope you find the time!! Maybe when spring rolls around?

  33. I've been wondering about the progress of the fingering shawl :-) Good idea to put in a stitchmarker to mark your progress :-)

  34. Loving the color choice- such a pretty blue- I am sure it will be lovely when done Karen.

  35. Ooh, I love an angsty gothic novel :) Smart going, using markers on the scarf to measure your progress. Goodness knows I'd need something to keep me motivated :)

  36. I can't remember when I last read a gothic novel.........perhaps I should? I love the idea of placing stitch markers to show progress might just have to pinch that idea!


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