January Days and Light

I am finished with the fair isle hat and it's currently soaking as I type this post.  Ah, finishing knits is quite rewarding and soothing.  I have in mind starting another sweater.  Details will be revealed when I know the details!

On Wednesday, my son returned to Boston for another semester and I cleaned like a possessed woman.  Bathrooms, dusting and vacuuming.  A slurry of activity that was overdue and much needed.  Now I'm sitting in a relatively clean home and ready for what January has to bring to me.

Everyday has been a salad day.  Yum!  I've been on Pinterest pinning away some new recipes and getting fresh ideas for simple dinners.  My health intentions for the new year are going strong.  I am practicing yoga every morning diligently.  As a knitter, I notice and feel those shoulder stretches and appreciate them.

The best aspect of January is the way the light shifts.  The days are a tiny bit longer and my front room displays the sun rays in the afternoon.  So beautiful.  We've had sunny skies for a few days now and it's been welcome.  Those cloudy days were bringing me down.

Have a lovely weekend!


  1. That is a really beautiful hat! Wishing you lots of cold temperatures and sunny skies in which to wear it!

  2. I am just about straight from the hectic holiday season too, such a nice feeling to have everything clean and tidy. In the short term anyway I have Bertie for a short break so there will be toys everywhere...I love it!

  3. It was so hard to go back to work in the dark this week. Looking forward to a few sun breaks they are promising for the weekend.

  4. I love the hat...the color work..oh thats on my list to learn someday! I applaud your healthy January. I have things i want to work on,not resolutions but plans for the year, but haven't gotten into the health part yet. yoga...thats one of them :) it's been extra dark and dreary here the past week and we are expecting some cold and possibly white stuff tomorrow. Just a touch. Then it warms back up and I hope the sun comes back. I've missed it.

  5. I love the sunlight sneaking in! Spring is just 2 1/2 months away, right?!? Happy weekend, my dear. Xoxo

  6. I find there's something about the new year that makes me want to get the house clean and organised. Usually fades by February though, I think I'm ready for Spring by then and get grumpy it's still cold lol.

    Your hat is looking good. Looking forward to hearing more about your planned sweater

  7. yes... I can feel the january light shifting !!! I love it...Your Frodo is soooo cute playing peek-a-boo behind that pillow.

  8. I can't wait to see which sweater you choose. I am into knitting them myself lately. I know the really cold weather will be upon us soon enough. I am loving the longer days. It's so nice to leave the office and still see the sun!

  9. You are diligent with your yoga and cleaning. Frodo has such a great life w/you. He is so cute. The Fair Isle looks terrific so far. I'm trying to remember to eat 5x a day so I won't eat so much at dinner. Salads are always good to eat. I need to make my quinoa chili this weekend for my lunch.

  10. Lovely images Karen. I am so happy that you are enjoying the light that January has to offer. We have had sun here today for the first time in ages! Have a great weekend xx

  11. We haven't seen the sun since New Years Day and it's getting to me, too! I hope to have a nice weekend despite the weather and healthy comfort food is on the menu!

  12. I'm glad you are going into the new year with a consistency with your good health intentions. It seems I am having the opposite problem. I am having a harder time committing to exercise time. I think it will get better in a week or so. I wish you would come over and clean the crazy out of my apartment or infuse me with some of that great energy!

  13. You knitted that hat so fast! It would take me ten years - well once I learned how to do fair isle that is! The color combination you used is one I really like!

    Linda in VA

  14. Wow, that hat is amazing!!!! Enjoy your new health regime. xx

  15. I have been cleaning like a mad woman too, it feels good and I am loving the look.:)
    I want to start a sweater so bad, but first must finish this blanket.
    Have a great weekend.

  16. I love the red and white fair isle. You've done a great job. I would worry the red might bleed

  17. The hat is very pretty. I totally understand the cleaning bug after family leaves. With four extra adults in the house for two weeks, cleaning was a must once they left. Thankfully, Hubby is a cleaning maniac lately. I have never tried yoga though I could probably benefit from it. Enjoy your pursuits.

  18. I have noticed the shift in light, and am loving it. I have spent the last few months purging the old, and cleaning my home so that come January I was ready to start fresh. It feels so good, and was the perfect way to start 2016.

    Hope you have a lovely weekend Karen.

  19. Beautiful hat, and the light is indeed wonderful this time of year.

  20. The hat is so pretty!! Seeing all your fair isle projects makes me want to dive into knitting some of my own. Hannah and I will be heading back to UNA on Monday and I think I'll have to visit the yarn store there again. Maybe I'll find something for a fair isle project. ;-) Have a wonderful weekend!

  21. Beautiful fair isle work! You inspired me to work on a long ago purchased kit. We are actually enjoying a couple days of sunshine. Yay! Longer days, too. Double yay!!

  22. You have finished another hat, wow. I haven't knitted a stitch this week :(. I am longing for better light, the grey damp is getting me down now it has been too long. Your sunlight is beautiful.

  23. Wow: A clean and organized house! I can only dream of that during the school year. Actually, Keith cleans but my stuff needs a good reorganizing!
    The hat is going to be beautiful!

  24. That hat is already gorgeous!
    Ah, a nice clean home to start a new year...it doesn't get better than that. :)

  25. we have sun AND snow today....whooppeeeee!!! I have that beginning of the year URGE to clean everything, yet the renovation still isn't done, and there will be no deep cleaning until I can rid myself of all the stuff I've had to store in the main space. I'm getting antsy...REAL antsy!! (not a pretty sight!)

  26. I LOVE that hat! I am really eager to learn to knit fair isle! It looks so complicated though!


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