One Hat, Two Hat

There is nothing like a quick portable knitting project tucked in your purse or bag for whenever you have the urge to knit.  I loved how fast these hats knit up in the midst of family visiting and the busyness of the holiday season.  I'll be doing hats next season as well.

The fair isle hat was lovely to knit.  I am making another one but went up a needle size since the blue hat is a little snug.  I blocked the daylights out of the blue one and it fits my head perfectly.  If you want to dip your toes into knitting with two colors in one row this is the hat pattern for you.

The father cables hat was fun to knit and looks lovely on a head (or not!!).  The cables are many and keeping track of which row I was on was a challenge.  I tend to not write anything down...for some reason it works for me to look at my knit and look at the chart and proceed.

So there you go, two hats.  I've cast on another fair isle with red being the main color and hoping I have enough white to get two hats out of three skeins of yarn.  It's going to be close and I love the suspense I've created for myself :)


  1. Two very different hats, and both very beautiful hats! I'll be waiting on the edge of my seat to see if the white holds out! :-)

  2. LOVE the Fair Isle. I like the contrast of the navy blue and white and that pop of red. May have to make one one of these days.

  3. Awesome! Hahaha, two colors?! I'm still working on one. ;)
    Love both of these hats!

  4. Wow! They are so lovely. You do such beautiful work.

  5. Two very different hats, both very beautiful! :-)

  6. Your fair isle is lovely! Your cables are intoxicatingly beautiful

  7. Two beautiful hats! I ♥ them both. I love small, portable projects best: hats, mittens, socks.

  8. Well, that top hat is the hat for me and I love it. I need to work on my color work so this is going on the list.

  9. I love these. Wow, beautiful hats, and very warm too, I'm sure! Good job!

  10. Oh they are both lovely but especially the fair isle. What a stunning way to keep warm and snug this winter!

  11. Oh wow - love them both! I so wish I could do fair isle!! They always look so beautiful.... If I had to choose a favorite between your two hats - well, forget it, I can't! Love the cabled one too!!
    And that one I can make!

    Linda in VA

  12. Good luck with the red hat. The two you have finished are really pretty. I wonder if I could make that fair isle hat. Maybe I will try since you said it was pretty easy.

  13. Oh, I love those hats! The cables look fantastic, I can imagine it was very fun to knit :)

  14. WOW these are great. i admire how much knitting you get done.

  15. Great hats. May the knitter win on the next round of yarn chicken.

  16. Simple beautiful, both of them.

  17. What is life without a little suspense, especially self-created suspense. :)
    Both hats are beautiful!

  18. Both hats are lovely! I admire you for being able to just look at your knitting and figure out where you left off. I could do that with Fair Isle, but never with cables.

  19. Two beautifully complicated hats. Muy impressed!!! Knitting talent!

  20. I've been knitting beanies, too, but mine are wee ones and not nearly so fancy as yours! Lovely work, Karen! :)

  21. I can't believe you find fair isle knitting quick! I love it, but it takes me a while.
    Both hats are darling!

  22. I love them both, especially the fair isle hat, hope you have enough to yarn for another!

  23. They are both amazing. I am so impressed with your knitting, as always!

  24. Totally in love with your beautiful hats!

  25. They are both great aren't they! You will be all set for hats! xx

  26. Wow I love the cables one, looks like a lot of fun to knit


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