Productive Days

I've been thinking a lot about productivity and how it fills me with happiness.  I've been thinking also of how I waste my time.  Yesterday, for instance, I was quite productive.  I worked on my continuing ed packets and diligently focused on reading the content.  I find it challenging to get into that mind set since I'm mostly in creative thinking mode.  I prefer creative thinking mode!!

The current knitting projects have been worked on and I see daily progress and get a thrill knowing when one is close to being finished.  Soon I have to start some baby knitting since my dog groomer is having her first baby (girl!!).  I'm excited to be knitting for a girl, it seems I've been knitting for boys or unisex.  I'm looking forward to digging into some pink yarn stash and going at it.

So one of the ways I've been wasteful with my time and I do it frequently is focusing on a snafu that is unsolvable.  On Wednesday, my printer would NOT communicate with my computer and I spent hours trying to fix that.  The computer can communicate with the printer though. I even called the dreaded tech support who fixed it but then it stopped again.  I lost my mind in a swirl of anger and frustration.  A big waste of time and I was tired at the end of the day.  My husband and I now think it's a microsoft glitch with the computer going to sleep...whatever.  I have resolved to not waste time on the issue.

My intention to do yoga on a regular basis has been good, I am most mornings stretching and completing simple routines -  productive and good for me!! I've been focusing on how good I feel when I am done and that motivates me to start. The healthy eating is a work in progress, I've compiled some recipes and have ideas for some new dishes. My husband is adventurous in eating and loves when I switch up the routine.

There might be a snow storm this weekend.  The predictions are all over the place and as long as I keep my electricity, I hope we get pounded with snow.  I have plans to knit, read, drink tea, write some lists and squeeze in some daydreaming.  I will not attempt to tackle technology snafus, they are time wasters and deplete my happiness.


  1. We're expecting snow, too! They have already announced that schools will release early, so now we wait and see... Hope you keep your power and get snowed in! :-)

  2. We are headed into the snow too, so I'm hoping to find something FUN to be productive with. I am in a spinning/knitting/weaving slump. Love the last shot!

  3. Still no snow here, the temperatures did drop for a while and we did get a couple of good frosts but we are now back to rain. Hope you get the snow you yearn for and manage to be productive. Take care.

  4. Productivity is a strange thing. Though you stay busy all day long, after that you feel much more energized than after a day of doing absolutely nothing! And you surely enjoy your rest time much more! So glad that you are keeping up with your yoga and healthy eating routine - your body will be so grateful for this! Have a great weekend!

  5. Those sound like excellent weekend plans. We're not due for a storm, but I have a beast of a cold right now, so I plan to just hole up this weekend with some quiet things too.

  6. I am very productive at work -- but that really hurts my productivity at home. The whole work-home balance issue has only gotten worse as U.S. workers are expected to do more with less.
    I love the ways you are trying to be both healthier and more productive. I need to try to do the same!

  7. Your weekend plans sound great! Your productivity will spike! Enjoy having a good time!

  8. Productivity can be hard to measure. I know when my husband comes home and asks what have we been day I am not going to do it and then he can see, I read about that once a man coming home to a chaotic messy house.......

    I hope you are snowed in and keep your electrics :)

    What is a snafu?

    1. A mess. The urban dictionary says it derives from the military.

  9. I'm hoping the snow on the East Coast means I don't have to go to work this weekend! Hope you stay warm and cozy!

  10. I hope you have enough snow to keep you inside knitting :) Stay warm!

  11. yep..i'm knitting, reading and .....wasting time on the computer....on this snow day. Not sure why a snow day gives me permission to totally goof off all day long!!! I have a baby girl to knit for, too....due in April. I haven't decided what I'm making yet. What do you have in mind???

    1. Definitely a blanket a top down sweater (ez design) and a hat. Mine is due in April too!!

  12. I hope you get the snow you long for, Karen. Happy knitting, tea drinking and all the rest. Happy weekend xx

  13. I want to keep my power and NOT get pounded with snow - LOL! Love your alphabet cup! I have some alphabet plates on my wall that I found in an antique store years ago...

    Linda in VA

  14. Good luck with your snowy weekend. I had one last weekend, but enough computer work to keep me busy. Evenings with the yarn and fireplace going were nice, though. We installed a generator several years back because our electric goes out so frequently here with tree branches, etc. Let the snow begin!!

  15. Karen, how I envy your productive week! I feel as if I am still slogging through my to do list three weeks after Christmas and still have not made progress. To be fair to myself, there have been a few monkey wrenches thrown at me and although things are starting to return to normal I still spend most days feeling a little overwhelmed. I just cancelled all of our plans for this weekend for I really need a weekend to rest and refocus.

    We are such kindred spirits in the tech department! I am like a dog with a bone when something goes wrong with my computer. I get so aggravated but I don't give up. It makes my family crazy!

    Sending you love, Grace

    1. I might have made my husband crazy and a little angry...

  16. I am enjoying my snowy day off in South Carolina. Busy cooking dinner for next day or two just in case the power goes off (snow has been mixing with ice off and on. Spent last night at grocery store stocking up (because things come to a halt down here with this kind of weather). Will be picking up my knitting project in a little while and hope for the best as far as power. Enjoy your snow!!

  17. I hope that your days can be productive and happy! xx

  18. Struggling with productivity right now. Not feeling up to par with SDD and it seems to be taking its toll on me this year. I am spending too much time on social media such a love/hate relationship. Also I just seem to be out of sorts on a few different fronts. That is so not like me. A new journey.
    We are not getting too much snow here in NY. I am glad about that. I like my electricity!
    Have a good night. Stay safe through the storm.

    1. I'm glad I'm not the only one who loves electricity! I hope you find your groove soon. Social media can be a time sucker and I try to set limits on myself daily. I am not on fb so that helps immensely :)

  19. Oh those technology woes. They are a royal pain. That blanket is coming along.

  20. Enjoy your snow. Stay warm and safe.

  21. I love your boots, and the blanket looks amazing. Enjoy the snow and your weekend.

  22. can you send all your snow down under here? It is a scorcher of a day with sky high humidity and I can not last outside for more than 5 minutes in this heat (besides you will get sunburnt in about 7 mins!). Knitting "falling water" and complaining about the heat is my productivity for the day!

  23. I love wasting time and I am soooooo good at it! I love your focus on the bent path - you could consider it a huge project to change its course or you just have to tread carefully and avoid the pitfalls and cracks.
    I'll say it again you are a quick knitter! Maybe living in a colder climate gives a greater impetus to complete woolly things - they would be desirable and useful for such long periods of chill.
    enjoy the snow, post pictures, would you believe i have never been in the snow.

    1. I believe you would love snow! unless you love to be hot, then maybe not ;)

  24. Hope you have a wonderful electric enabled knitting day tomorrow. I have also been fighting with windows and our printer. The best work around I've found is be sure printer has power then reboot the computer. It at least will print then (for a bit)

    1. that is what I have to do if I want to scan to computer!

  25. I don't like sorting out those computer headaches either, but I do enjoy being organised Not that it works every day, but when I have a list and can tick things off, I am a happy bunny. Stay warm and cosy :)

  26. I completely agree with you about the happiness factor in being productive. When I have a day that I can concentrate and feel that I accomplished some progress towards the goals in my life it is a very good day! I hope you are getting the snowy, cozy weekend you hoped for!!

  27. Be safe in the snow! knit away. Technologic issues frustrate us too.

  28. Every flake melted as soon as it hit the ground,but I did have snow flurries.
    I hope you are warm and safe, enjoying some knitting and some snow!

  29. I hate technology fixes that require a ton of time. Total waste. Stupid printers and the like.

    Lots of snow your way, at long last, no? Good knitting weather!

  30. Good on you for not wasting your precious time on tech issues. I love your outlook and approach to making your days more fruitful.
    Love seeing that beautiful blanket!

  31. This laptop can't print either. The printer is listed, the printer is on, but when I send a doc to be printed, nothing prints. Husband has to figure that out. 1st world problems. Hope you've had your electricity on during the snowstorm. Yay for knitting while cuddled up at home. And you go on the yoga and eating healthy.

    1. I have electricity! and I am yoga-ing. The eating....well...let's say I'm trying!!

  32. Sounds like you might have gotten your snow wish? Love the photo of the blanket; it's coming along nicely! Stay warm!


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