Snowfall Silence

Winter arrived this week and this winter lover is quite happy!  I watched the snowfall from the inside of my warm and cozy home.  I went out with the big camera and Frodo, but we both gave up in fifteen minutes because....well...we were cold!

Funny how last year was bitterly cold and that 20 degrees would've felt warm.  This year, I'm not acclimated to the deep chill. My body was spoiled with spring like temps for too long.  Barely an inch of snow fell when the storm blew through but that's okay.  It's beautiful and it's snow!  I'm wearing wool sweaters, wool cowls or scarves or shawls.  I sift through mitts and pick a pair - this has been heavenly.

The quiet days of January continue, I love that after holiday lull.  We are back to the two of us.  Simple meals are planned, the Christmas cookies are almost (almost!) gone and with each sweet treat disappearing we are welcoming in fresh fruits and vegetable.  Yum.  I am enjoying the quiet and silence that January offers.

Are you on instagram?  There will be a free course of Liberated Lines if you're interested.  Alisha and Robin have fun poetry prompts that stretch creativity and the polishing of the written word.  I enjoy participating and following along how other creative souls interpret the prompts.

Also, my friend Michelle is offering a course that starts in February.  28 Moments is a month long photography and writing course filled with introspective prompts and reflections.  I have made many friends through her class offerings, Michelle is personable and creative and puts a lot of thought into her work. Check it out!


  1. your little Narnia is beautiful Karen...enjoy!!! Thanks for the links to creativity...

  2. It is looking beautiful. We too have had a sprinkling of snow but it was short lived. The temperatures have however dropped drastically, the spring like days quickly replaced. I will look at the links always nice to look at something different. Take care.

  3. We have had snow too. It's great isn't it, winter took its time but it is here now. I am enjoying it with you.

  4. Oh wow, what a change with this snow on the ground.

  5. I love the silence of snowfall in my hometown

  6. Karen, I am so jealous! We barely got any snow this week, just a mere dusting. How I long for it! I am so glad you are doing BOTH Liberated Lines and 29 Moments! I will see you there! : ) xx

  7. Hi Karen! We're cold, too. I must knit some mitts!
    Scarves are fun and necessary!
    Pretty photos! Have a good weekend, weekend girl!

  8. Rudi is working four days a week at Liberty Mountain, so he is very appreciative of Pennsylvania snow.

  9. Lovely photos Karen...making me long for snow. The temps have dropped here and there are clear cold blue glad the rain has stopped! I too cannot wait for 28 moments. Have a great weekend xx

  10. I am so happy winter finally arrived for you. Enjoy it Karen, and happy weekend.

  11. It looks beautiful, but yes, very cold too! xx

  12. Happy Winter! It's just cold and rainy here, perfect knitting weather. Have a great weekend!

  13. I'm glad to hear you finally got the snow you've been hoping for. :-) We're expecting cold weather this weekend and maybe some flurries. Truth be told, I can take them or leave them. I love how beautiful it looks when it snows, but in our area it just shuts "life as we know it" down. Have a wonderful weekend!

  14. Your snow makes me feel cooler just looking at it! While we are sweating away in the heat - not good knitting weather!

  15. Belated, Happy New Year! I've just been catching up with all your lovely posts. I love this cardigan awesome colour and that the body of the cardigan is shaped. Gorgeous. Love all your hat making both the fairilse and the cable one...awesome shape. I'm just about to download the pattern.
    Enjoy your lovely snowy weather. We have some forecast for Sunday...cant wait!

  16. Such beautiful and peaceful photos! Have a great weekend!

  17. Oh yay for all that beautiful white snow! Hope much more falls soon dear Karen! xoxo Sending you wintery thoughts.

  18. So glad you finally got your winter snow and cold. I know you love that stuff. As for me? I will be here complaining about the Wet and Cold...daydreaming of a better (warmer, sunnier, substantially more tropical) life in Hawaii, with my knitting of course. xoxox

  19. Your Winter is beautiful. I can only imagine the joy you felt being able to chose some lovely knits from your collection. :)


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