
Weekends are for memory making, 
relaxing and enjoying quiet moments of our days.  
If you would like, please share your weekend moments 
in the comment section with a link to your blog.

Hello you!  How was your weekend?  I hope it was lovely.  Mine is slowly winding down.  We had family visiting from London, Ontario and we had so much fun, here's some of the highlights:

-dinner out Friday night at our favorite restaurant, yum!
-talking, laughing, catching up on family, kids, life
-a bit of local shopping and finding some deals, even though the Canadian dollar is a little weak
-reminiscing of days gone by, seems like yesterday
-early mornings in the quiet while everyone slept (that's me up early, love that time of day)
-squeezing in some knitting here and there
-watching the pretty snow on the ground melt away

Tonight, as you probably guess, I'll fire up a cup of tea and knit some more.  The laundry is almost finished.

So tell me about your weekend!


  1. Sounds like you had a lovely weekend full of good times with family! I've spent most of my weekend catching up on laundry and doing a bit of knitting. Snow is on the way tonight, so I'm happy.♥

  2. Your weekend sounds quite nice Karen and you had Snow!!! I had rain, but it moved on quickly and then there was a trip to the beach. A cup of tea and my knitting are in my plans for the evening too.

  3. Karen, that sounds like a wonderful weekend! I love when we are able to have visitors. It's such a nice change from the normal routine.

  4. Our "weekend" was a busy one. We walked A LOT! And ate great food. Have a good week!

  5. Glad you have had such a lovely weekend. After a very busy week my weekend has been nice and relaxing. Hope you have a pleasant week.

  6. Sounds like you had a great weekend! It finally got to the double digits below zero out here, so I've been bundled up with the dogs and napping all weekend!

  7. lovely weekend. My weekend was spent in airports in Hong Kong, Australia and now home in New Zealand! Not sure what day or time dimension I am in now ;) I found plenty of deals in Hong Kong.

  8. Oh ... Please don't remind me of our loonie!!! LOL. I'm glad to here you had a great weekend with your Londoner friends!!!

  9. Sounds wonderful, always nice to catch up with family.

  10. It is always lovely to spend time with family isn't it. Hope you got your knitting by the fire time ;). We have been enjoying the snow in these parts. We all went out sledging/walking on Saturday afternoon. On Sunday the children were gone all day with a sledge, I was home alone as husband had gone ski mountaineering! It was most odd, but I did get a huge amount of sewing done so I am happy girl now.

  11. Your weekend sounds lovely and relaxing Karen!! It is always good to catch up and reminisce isn't it. I hope that you enjoyed your knitting. xx

    This is what I did this weekend


  12. What a lovely weekend you had! I enjoyed ours too! It was nice and quiet and restful. I drank loads of tea and listened to podcasts while I knitted, I dehydrated some fruits and cooked some yummy food. We stayed home and kept the fire burning (its 8 degrees right now..brrr) I wish all weekend could be so peaceful. Have a great week!!

  13. It is still the weekend for me, as my district makes MLK Jr. Day a school holiday. Ironically, there would not have been school today as it is too cold and the schools would have been closed!

    I've had a lovely weekend of knitting, crafting, and visiting with friends. I've had to work for part of every day, but working from home isn't so bad!

  14. Mostly inside. Bitter windchills outside. Finished knitting a sweater.! Forced myself. Then indulged in sock knitting...my go to...my quiet

  15. Even though it was cold this weekend, it didn't stop me and my friends from 1/2 marathon training early Saturday morning. :-) We had our neighbor over to have lunch with us on Sunday and overall just took it easy.

  16. Your Weekends post has Debbie Deb's song, Look Out Weekend - playin' in my head. You pretty much read a quick summary of ours. I had forgotten to add that the husband came home from work Friday with a badly sprained ankle. His Jordan drive to the hoop had him stepping on a coworker's foot and turning his ankle. He has not been good about icing and elevating. I had to go out and get him a pair of crutches early Saturday morning. Thank goodness a medical supply store was only a smidge past a mile away.

  17. I wound three skeins of fresh yarn! Now I just need to find a cave I can hide out in so I can knit. Otherwise, rain, rain, rain, rain. And making peanut butter cookies.

  18. I finished a skein of yarn, started a sweater for my daughter, folded laundry, cuddled children, and mostly stayed home cozy and warm.

  19. What a weekend, sounds like fun! Always a good time when people visit. Enjoy your week Karen.

  20. Visits are always nice (as is the time right after you get your house back to yourself!). My weekend included reading, waffles, and enjoying the (conversational) snow.


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