
Weekends are for memory making, 
relaxing and enjoying quiet moments of our days.  
If you would like, please share your weekend moments 
in the comment section with a link to your blog.

Oh what a weekend - it was perfectly dull and calm, just the way I like them.  

My husband and I toyed with going out shopping on Saturday but in the end just talking and thinking about it was enough, we stayed home.  Today was church, laundry (as always) and knitting with my friends at my house!  Hence the photo of me standing on a chair getting a photo of our creative mess.

Also my weekend contained:

:: homemade pizza :: walking with Frodo and the Mister :: puzzle solving on paper :: reading :: cookies! :: phone calls with the kids :: arithmetic thinking for knitting :: lots of hot tea :: rearranging skeins and contemplating future knitting projects ::

How was your weekend?


  1. Hi Karen, It was good to catch up on your blog 😀 The weekend has been a chance to catch my breath from the carpooling and meal making, permission slips and other life management tasks that come with 3 girls...and looking forward to a quiet Monday morning tomorrow.

  2. Homemade pizza sounds really good right now, I'm hungry.
    I think it's wonderful that you have a group of friends to knit
    with and share a connection.
    Can you believe this is the last day of January?!

  3. That sounds like a perfectly wonderful weekend- cookies and knitting with friends, fun! Wishing you a happy February ahead!

  4. lovely. we had a lovely Sat of crepes for lunch, vespers, dinner out, Sun church, home, nap, walk, leftovers had by candle light and a quiet evening... :)

  5. Lucky you, having friends over to knit with you!! Our Saturday was very busy. We went from an Applebee's pancake breakfast (fundraiser for our girls swim team) to a poker run (to benefit a Veteran's home) to a birthday party. Today was spent at home, doing laundry, "chores" and taking it easy.

  6. Sounds like a lovely weekend. I was at a knitting retreat for much of the weekend and there was yarn for sale, so guess what I did?

  7. Look at that table, what I wouldn't give to sit around it and knit with you :) I think I need to plan one of those afternoons with my friends soon. Glad you enjoyed your weekend Karen. Wishing you a wonderful start to your week.

  8. I spent part of the weeknd moving furniture but still found time for knitting and stitching and running. Would love to pull up a chair and knit at your table.

  9. I'll add some excitement to your "dull" (sounds perfect to me!) weekend - just drawn you as the winner of my woolly giveaway. (sent away on total impulse hence late draw!). Please e-mail me at Kimberley@atkinson.org.nz, so I can grab your postal address. have a good week!

  10. Your weekend sounds lovely. Around here, Saturday meant chores, quiet time, knitting, the crock pot bubbling with a stew and a walk in balmy January weather - almost 50 degrees. Unheard of for Nebraska. Today we had our five year old grandson over for lunch, made Spritz cookies (couldn't get that in during the holidays) with the cookie shooter. Frisbee (a contact sport with a five year old) in the sunshine.

  11. Dull is good, sometimes. Although there is nothing dull about knitting with friends! Have a lovely week.

  12. Karen, your weekend sounds like heaven! I can't wait for these calm years when I am not constantly on the go with keeping meals cooked and the grocery shopping done. You know with a 17 year old boy in the house that is constant! Love your creative get together! Hope you week is just as smooth!

  13. Quiet weekends are hard to come by, but mine was about as quiet as it gets. Snow kept us in as walking was dangerous. I did enjoy a bit of shopping however. Love your picture of the creative mess!

  14. Your picture makes me want a knitting group !!! Your weekend sounds perfect - I'll take dull and calm anyday. Have a great week.

  15. Sounds like a lovely weekend indeed.

  16. Dull and calm are definitely the best ingredients for a perfect weekend. I had the same kind, filled with some knitting, sewing, dog walking and reading.

  17. It sounds like your weekend was wonderful - especially the part where you got to knit with friends.

  18. that picture says it all... so relaxing.

  19. sounds like a wonderful weekend!

  20. Friend knitting (with cookies, no less!) is the best. I need MUCH more of that in my life. Most of my knitting time these days is nights on the sofa alone watching tv and movies while everyone sleeps.

  21. Knitting with friends (and cookies!) and a quiet weekend sound just about about perfect! I hope you get more weekends like that.

  22. How lovely to spend time with your friends knitting. Sounds like a great weekend! xx

  23. We made cookies too! Yum!

  24. i'm craving one of those stay put kind of weekends so much! We did community kitchen on Sunday....the rest of the time was spent piddling away in the new space; cleaning, rearranging, trying to hold off putting things on walls (the painter has some touch-up to do!!!).

  25. You're so lucky to have friends to knit with Karen, that's one thing I wish I had. Lovely post as always :)

  26. I love your description of a perfect weekend. We had a memorial service to attend for a wonderful co worker and friend.

  27. Sounds like a lovely weekend, Karen. :) Joining you today in sharing my own lovely weekend! Thanks for hosting this happy party each week!

  28. Sounds like a great weekend, chatting, tea and a project what could be better....


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