
Weekends are for memory making, 
relaxing and enjoying quiet moments of our days.  
If you would like, please share your weekend moments 
in the comment section with a link to your blog.

my step mom made the crocheted eggs, my sister made the felted eggs

My weekend was good! How was yours?  I hope good as well.  Friday found me out in thrift stores with my son, just looking about.  He adopted the first four books in the Outlander series (wow!!) and I found two books that I could not pass up.  I do not need more books...

So, of course on Saturday I was in a Barnes and Nobles....Oh, that is a blissful place.  I hopped about from area to area, browsing and reading flaps.  I flipped through some more cookbooks and then perused the magazines.  I did buy two books, Writing with Quiet Hands and The Plant Powered Diet and two magazines.  (not that I need those either!) We had dinner out and then a quiet evening reading our new books.

Today, I went to Mass and laundry is nearly done.  Hey! Guess what? I cast off the last stitch of the baby sweater as well :)  It was a productive weekend.  Our son left early this morning and now we are back to the two of us.

Frodo says "hello"

Thank you for all of your suggestions and ideas from this post on Friday.  I am comforted by your ways to deal with life.  I have decided that I need more exercise and better eating.  Also, I've dug out my Understanding Exposure book so I can get personal with my dslr camera.  I feel learning something new would do me some good.  Living in the present moment would also serve me well.  

So thank you!

How was your weekend?


  1. What a lovely weekend you have had and look at Frodo, that face is the cutest thing!! Life can overwhelm sometimes, can't it? You seem to have lots of things in mind to help, which I am sure will. I love browsing book shops, it is quite hard not to make at least one purchase, but I have had to stop as I have a glut of unread books! Have a great week ahead, Karen xx

  2. One always needs more books. ;-) I loved the Outlander series!

  3. Bookstores, knitting, and spending time with your son. Sounds like a good weekend to me!

  4. neat how so many said 'exercise' for their 'refocus' ... I am trying to do that as well, but it's not always easy (and sadly where I live is not as beautiful as I would wish). Living in the present is so important! lovely weekend you had!

  5. I think your photo of Frodo is one of the cutest I have ever seen and it makes me smile just looking at it.
    I have Understanding Exposure too and should pull my copy off the shelf too, I never did finish reading it to the end.
    Enjoy a beautiful week my friend. Much love.

  6. They closed our Barnes and Noble a few years back. I miss the slow browsing, although I wasn't a mother then. My pocket book is probably better for it though.

  7. Love Barnes and Noble!! My weekend has been quiet and restful with beautiful weather for my area! We had lots of time outside and lots of knitting for me!! Enjoy your week

  8. One can never have too many books, at least I don't think so :)It was a good weekend here, spring like temps, and fun days with friends.

    Have a great start to your week Karen.

  9. We had a lovely weeknd which included some blue skies! I also got just enough creative time to recharge my heart. http://liningupmystitches.blogspot.com

  10. Books are hard to resist aren't they. It sounds like you have had a good weekend. Hope you have a good week too.

  11. Isn't it lovely to find new books and magazines to read! Glad you had a good weekend. I have linked what I did, thank you for hosting this! Hope you have a great week! xx http://lovemademyhome.blogspot.co.uk/2016/02/what-i-did-this-weekend.html

  12. I must come and say hello back to Frodo (and to you).

  13. you are way ahead of me with Easter and all the pastel spring colours...so lovely!!! I'm glad you had a lovely visit with your son and what wonderful reads you got.

  14. I hope your son enjoys the Outlander series. My husband is reading it now (well, sort of. He's taking a break to read Catcher in the Rye - he doesn't get much time to read). I've read the entire series. Three times. "Patiently" waiting on the next book. (:

  15. Oh how I LOVE bookstores. I hardly ever even buy anything, but I always grab a pile of books, a cup of coffee, and plop myself down in a chair (of the floor, if necesary) and spend an hour at least reading. Dinner and bookstores are often our go-to date in the winter months.

  16. Well, it's the two of you, plus Frodo. He's so darn cute. I just love an afternoon at the book store. I always come home with at least some magazines.

  17. I agree - one can never have too many books (or magazines). I'm a huge magazine addict. Bought books and magazines on Friday - then went back Saturday for more (at B & N too)... We went out on Saturday night to celebrate our 42 anniversary (which fell on Friday). I didn't care which night we went out to eat - I just wanted someone else doing the cooking - LOL!

    Linda in VA

  18. Weekend was very busy after just landing at home friday from Minnesota. We saw a local drum corp performance on Saturday. Son wanted to spend time with us yesterday watching the Hawks play Minnesota on their outdoor game. We watched from a local bar and had a good time. TOday=tax day. Then rest and knitting

  19. lovely eggs.. and cute bunnies.
    home home renovations are coming to an end.. almost there.. so we are looking forward to that.

  20. What a lovely weekend you had. I think I already told you the theme of ours during. You've reminded me of the thrift stores we have here and that I should check them out for books.

  21. Frodo is absolutely adorable! I am glad you had some quality time with your son and had a productive weekend!

  22. What a wonderful weekend you had, Karen! You won't be surprised to learn that I adore bookstores, I could spend hours in one, they are my happy place. I love how you take photographs and am trying to understand my dslr camera better as well, is there a book you could recommend?

    Is that the crossword puzzle on the table? I am proud to report that I was able to complete the last two Sunday NY Times crosswords! My husband is very miffed, he is usually the crossword wizard in our house, LOL!

    I love the shot of Frodo! He and Popeye would be great friends if they were to meet some day! xx

    1. I have "understanding exposure" which has been recommended to me, however, I haven't read much yet. Yes! I come from a family of crossword puzzlers. My mom and my grandfather did the NY times in INK. Alas, I do not have available the NY times puzzle and I cannot imagine doing any puzzle in ink since my writing is messy...


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