Currently on the Needles

My reading this past week was packed with goodness.  First off, I finally finished reading Baker Towers and thoroughly enjoyed the novel.  You should read it, seriously.  The book is well written, and the plot centers on a mining town near Pittsburgh (yay! my home town) and how over the years the mining town changes with the times.  You follow the changes of the town through a family and their struggles as they grow up and become adults.

The next book I read, was a quick read.  A Man without a Country by Kurt Vonnegut is funny and closely resembles a memoir of sorts.  The chapters are written in an essay format and I must say the 1 1/2 hours that I sat and read the book were happy and had me laughing out loud.  This book I picked up from the library.

The photo above is a slow going read because it is FILLED with information on healthy eating.  I love how she writes and how the diet is not strict but on a continuum of what fits into your life style.  We could all eat more fruits and vegetables, right?

Thank you so much  for your kind words on yesterday's post about my shawl.  You are all too kind!!
My new knitting is a laceweight rectangular shawl but I'm following a fingering weight pattern.  I've gone down to a size 4 needle and also added an extra repeat of the pattern.  I think I like how it's turning out so far.

Joining Ginny and Frontier Dreams


  1. That knitting is just divine. I do admire your ability to produce such beautiful knitting with such thin yarn and needles. It sounds like you are on a roll with your reading, its good when you find some really good books to get stuck into isn't it ;)

  2. Of course we should eat lots of vegetables and fruits! :) I am going to have
    to get that book!

    Such pretty yarn you are using and it looks so delicate, and what
    a great color!

  3. I've started Baker Towers and I'm liking it so far.
    I didn't know you were from Pgh! I lived there in 19984 and 1985 and loved it. We moved for my husband's job, but I would have been happy to settle there.

  4. Karen, this new shawl is just so delicate, how beautiful. Your finished shawl in your previous post is absolutely gorgeous too! So nice to read that you have been enjoying some good books. With regards to healthy eating, I have cut out sugar and most sugary products for this month (for charity) and I do definitely feel better. I am actually going to try to stick to it after this month ends, too. I hope you are having a great week xx

  5. This shawl is going to be lovely too. I am itching to knit with soft colors too.

  6. beautiful color...your knitting has been SO springy lately!!! (Kurt Vonnegut was my husband's uncle's roommate at Cornell....uncle graduated, Vonnegut dropped out---to write full time. Guess that was a good choice!)

  7. another lovely shade of color on the needles!!! Since my cancer I try very hard to stick to mostly veggies and fruit. It is the best way to heal our bodies!!

  8. I haven't read Kurt Vonnegut in ages. You remind me that I use to love him. Lovely yarn!

    And thank you for your kind words about my bunny!

  9. Thanks for the book recommend. It's on my good reads queue.

  10. Your new knitting looks so airy and delicate! Beautiful. I should be eating way more plants but I really have to try to like them, for the most part veg just doesn't appeal to me and it is almost always a "make myself" situation. I wish I was like those people who just LOVE salad! Haha!

  11. Beautiful knitting! And the perfect book for garden planning! Thank you for sharing.

  12. I think that shawl is going to be perfect!

  13. That's funny, I saw that Kurt Vonnegut book in a book sale at our local library just this morning. I decided not to get it, but might go back and see if it's still there now after your recommendation.
    The plant-powered diet book looks like a good read too - I can always do with inspiration to eat more vegetables :)

  14. I ordered Baker Towers on your recommendation, it should be here tomorrow.
    I enjoy your posts, thank you.

    1. you will enjoy the book, I was surprised at how much I loved reading it! thanks for liking my blog, I am thankful for your visits :)

  15. Lovely knitting as usual, Karen! And I'm really glad to hear that Baker Towers is good. I picked it up for a few dollars awhile ago and it's been in my to-read pile ever since, so I'm moving it towards the top of the list.

  16. That shawl is going to be so beautiful! The yarn looks like a total delight :) I hadn't heard of Baker Towers before you read it, glad to hear you enjoyed it!

  17. Looks like another lovely shawl on your needles Karen. I will have to check out your books, they all sound interesting.

  18. Glad you have been enjoying your reading. Your knitting looks very beautiful and incredibly intricate! xx

  19. I love it when ppl are getting into healthier habits. I still like my sweets and chips but I do make more of an effort to eat healthier, like starting off each day with a green smoothie and drinking half my body weight in water. This new scarf/wrap will be so unique. I like the squares. They are lacy cool.

  20. Goodness, your knitting needles are busy creating beautiful things.

  21. Oh another beauty on the needles!!! I have yet to try lace weight yarn but I need too. Love the books you've been reading and your current one sounds interesting.

  22. Looks like ITO yarn. What is it please? Love the color. I think I need a book to ready if this horrid gray cold sleet weather continues!

    1. It is madtosh prairie in winter wheat colorway!! Get a book to get you through the grayness!!

  23. We could all eat more fruits and vegetables. Indeed. I'm going to crack open a pixie now ...

    How do you always get your reading and your colorways to compliment each other ?

  24. Such pretty lace on the needles and a gorgeous color yarn.

  25. Your knitting needles sure do fly! Thanks for the book suggestions; I had no idea you are from Pgh. My DH grey up in Verona.

  26. This shawl is going to be lovely in your soft yellow!

  27. That sounds like a fascinating read - I can see why you're going slowly! And oh what a beautiful springy colour yarn to be knitting for Easter!

  28. Interesting colour, I'd love to see it against your skin when it's finished. Great pattern too.


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