Daffodils Galore

Yesterday, I was in the backyard and spied the little miniature daffodils in full bloom.  A bit of color while the rest of nature slowly wakes up.  I find spring to be slowly evolving and then "poof" one day it's just there.  Spring has arrived, the trees are budding and leafing, the birds are madly singing to each other. When I went to get the mail, I did not wear a coat, what decadence.

I even heard the spring peepers on a walk last week before the cold weather hushed them a temporarily.  I hope they are doing fine and will once more serenade me on my walks. Three days in a row the sun has been out and I've been enjoying those rays.   Cloudy dreary days, one after the other weigh me down mentally this year more so than ever.

Are you ready for the Easter weekend?  I'm slowly getting there.  I've got lots of lists and I'm adding more to the lists than checking the items off.  That's okay though, if it's documented, the task exists and will be completed.  The tasks I don't document....well those are the ones I worry about.

The past two mornings, I've successfully woke up before the alarm (a personal goal) so I think my body is adjusted to the time change.  I think.  Today is also the first day that nothing hurts in my joints after the whirlwind visit to NYC (update:  my hands still ache).  Being patient and listening to my body is one of the best gifts I give myself.  And yet I resist to listen.

Last night, I cast on another new knit project after falling down the rabbit hole of looking at patterns.  Later today I'm going to sit and focus on adding more stitches.  Bliss!

More likely than not, the weekend post will be posted on Monday instead of Sunday because of the holiday.  I like the idea of a true day of rest and I bet most of you will be busy as well with family, food, visitors or visiting family and eating their food.

See you all on Monday!!


  1. Your daffodils are lovely announcements of spring against the leftover leaves. Wishing you completed lists, pain-free hands, blissfull knitting and a very Happy Easter!

  2. Our daffodils have come and gone, and with that spring is in full bloom here. We are expecting rain for the next few days and I am hoping it will take care of the horrible pollen issue.
    I hope the pain in your hands subsides and you get in lots of knitting time.
    Happy Easter to you my dear friend 😀

  3. I love when the daffodils come out - a sea of yellow. Can't wait to see what your next knit project will be. Happy Easter.

  4. I love daffodils! They look so cheery and bright after the dreary month... Ours are blooming too and I so enjoy seeing them. Our weekend will be a busy one. Not only is it Easter, but it is also Hannah's 18th birthday! Saturday will be her party with friends at the house and Sunday (her actual birthday) will be for the four of us. Happy Easter!

  5. Beautiful daffodil photos! It sounds like your spring is a week or two ahead of mine. The grass is beginning to green up, but there are only a few brave crocuses and daffodils around and tree buds have not opened. We are in the midst of gray, rainy weather. I'm glad you are feeling mostly better, and I hope your hands will stop aching soon. There's nothing like a new knitting project to lift the spirits (can't wait to see what you've started).

    This is the first year in a long time that it doesn't feel like Easter time to me. I think it must be because it's so early. I've got a list going, too.

    Have a lovely holiday with your family, Karen.♥

  6. I have a list for a list at the moment, but I am calm. What will be will be. We have a few daffodils left but most have come and gone here, a lot of mine started pushing through the soil in January we had such a mild winter. Have a wonderful Easter.

  7. Pattern searching can be a rabbit hole can't it, enjoy that knitting and have have a lovely Easter weekend.

  8. You know where my daffodils are? Under a foot of snow. I have to work on Easter, but Bryan will be home. Not sure there will be egg hiding outside here though. It's supposed to snow again on Saturday.

  9. My daffodils are getting close to blooming! Happy Easter to you. Ours will be a welcome quiet one. Im always happy when Easter is over.....its odd. I adore Christmas and all of it and I just dont like Lent or Easter. So I try to celebrate the blossoms and the thought of spring despite our SNOW yesterday

  10. Your daffodils are so cheering, especially on this rainy day! Have a wonderful Easter, Karen, will your son be home for the holiday? I have my lists all in place and the menu planned. I love Easter, it is such a beautiful holiday of hope and renewal, isn't it? xx

  11. Our daffodils are out, too, and such a welcome change from the gray skies. Happy Easter.

  12. Happy Easter, Karen! Daffodils and crocus bring happiness as they are harbingers of warm weather ahead.

  13. We just completed our first of three egg hunts at play group today. Reed is currently skipping about the house unwrapping his chocolate kisses while I pretend I don't notice. Happy spring!

  14. I love Daffodils - one of my favorite flowers. Have a Happy Easter!

  15. Lovely daffodils. Ours are drooping again today in the cold temperatures. I think I'll pick a few for the table vase. Happy Easter!

  16. I never paid much attention to daffodils but these really made me sit up. For some reason, they make me think of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Was a chocolate version in the Chocolate Room?

  17. Aren't daffodils delightful! Have a great weekend Karen xx

  18. I fell in the same rabbit hole as you!
    It's so good that you listened to your body. I find it hard sometimes. Have some rest and enjoy your Easter.

  19. Oh how I miss daffodils!!! Enjoy them and have a wonderful Easter and believe me, you're not the only that falls into a rabbit hole now and then :)

  20. I love daffodils, they are my mom's favorite.
    Hope you have a wonderful Easter filled with all that you love and then some.

  21. our daff are just about gone...a few late bloomers and that's it. and yet...the dogwoods are being pokey this year; usually we get all the blooms at once and the dogwoods are still in tight bud. a pretty week ahead....maybe soon!


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