
Weekends are for memory making, 
relaxing and enjoying quiet moments of our days.  
If you would like, please share your weekend moments 
in the comment section with a link to your blog.

My weekend was filled with family and food.  I am still stuffed from the goodies and treats that were served over the weekend.  In celebration of list making my weekend contained:

-potato salad, chicken, asparagus!, green beans, lots and lots of homemade hummus, sugar cookies, lemon cake, pound cake...

-being with family:  our son, my sister and her family, my nephew and his wife, my favorite aunt and my cousins and my cousin's family.  All good.

-Easter vigil service in a little chapel

-spending the day with my sister, buying----more yarn---and having a lovely lunch out

-beautiful weather, sitting outside on Easter Sunday..unheard of in March but such a delight!

how was your weekend??

I hope to get caught up with all of your blogs over the next few days, these holidays push my screen time to the back burner, I'm thrilled that my weekend was filled to the brim with goodness.


  1. Life is so busy this time of year. Everyone is breaking out of the winer doldrums and inching for spring. I'm so happy to see spring! Your weekend sounds beautiful and peaceful.

  2. My weekend had good food, time with loved ones, and beautiful yarn. Doesn't get much better than that! Happy Monday.

  3. WE had a very lovely Easter weekend. One of the best yet, I believe. Yarn shopping... Sounds lovely.

  4. Sounds like a lovely weekend, especially the time with family and yarn buying. I hope that was the beginning of a wonderful week unfolding!

  5. I am just catching up on everyone's blogs too - what a busy Holy Week it turned out to be. I'm glad you had such a wonderful holiday.

  6. It sounds like a beautiful weekend! I know we were busy with people visiting-it was nice to see them, but it'll also be nice to settle back into our regular routine!

  7. Sounds like you had a great weekend, spending quality time with family is a great blessing. Take care.

  8. It was cold here but a great two days are forecasted. So glad you had a great time! Always good with friends and yarn.

  9. as you had a lovely Easter! Ours was a bit too quiet. Cloudy and rainy but we got a walk in early in the morning. I succeeded with a lace sock knit this weekend. Only one made, but it was a good result.
    Weight watchers kept me from enjoying any chocolates. I had a few jelly beans. 36 pounds down, 6 to go and Im full steam ahead. GOtta finish!

    1. congratulations!! I am impressed with your journey towards health :)

  10. we had a new confirmand....and an egg hunt....and family and friends...what could be better?

  11. Happy Easter! It sounds like you had a wonderful weekend!
    Our Weekend: http://throughourgardengate.blogspot.com/2016/03/weekending.html

  12. We laughed about the idea of Easter egg hunting here in the snow.

  13. What a wonderful Easter! Ours was lovely as well, celebrated with my brother and his family and our middle daughter. We had a huge Easter brunch after which I could have napped for hours! : )

  14. Happy Easter! It wasn't Easter here yet but I had 3 days off work with a lot of knitting and spending time with my F and my dog just dreaming, planning and teasing each other! Oh fun days!

  15. Your weekend sounds absolutely wonderful, Karen, so full of the good things life has to offer. Mine has been good, extra days off and time with family and friends. Have a great week xx

  16. So happy you had such a great Easter. I am in junk overload,but today have done very well with my eating. :)

  17. What a lovely weekend you had Karen ! Easter was spent in the morning with my in-laws and followed by my Dad coming to our house in the afternoon for dinner. It was strange not having my Mom with us for dinner but having my Dad was priceless beyond words.

  18. What a lovely weekend. You had me at family and food, but really everything just sounds so calm and enjoyable with lots of good company. A good time and a good life. :)

  19. Lucky you, spending the Easter weekend with family! We had a very busy weekend. Hannah celebrated her 18th birthday with friends on Saturday, which meant getting ready to have a bunch of "kids" at the house. Hamburgers, hot dogs, snacks, cake, s'mores, bonfire ... By the time the last one's left (midnight), I was exhausted. Sunday we took the birthday girl out to eat and to the movies. It was a good weekend.

    1. Happy birthday to Hannah!! how exciting :)

  20. Sounds like a lovely weekend. We had a busy one, taking my elderly parents to Chicago for the weekend to celebrate my Mom's 80th birthday. It was a success, but not very restful!

  21. Sounds like a pretty fantastic Easter weekend.

    Your photo is a perfect depiction of the beginning of spring. When we lived up in Penna., I remember waiting for those first little buds to make an appearance.

  22. I need an Easter detox big time. Also needed:a Nutella detox. Can't wait to see your new yarn.

  23. I am so glad that you had such a lovely weekend. Family time is the best isn't it, especially when it involves yarn buying! Have a lovely week.

  24. Sounds just lovely Karen. It was a wonderful Easter weekend here too. Lots of good times, meeting new people, and unfortunately, a sick little man (who is feeling better this morning).

    Hope you have a great week!

  25. I am happy you enjoyed your weekend! Mine was very quiet, some family time, knitting, crocheting and walking - all good things :)

  26. It sounds like you had a very wonderful Easter weekend. Ours was quiet but lovely. Rebekah, Anton and baby Ella were our only guests. It was a joy to spend time with them, and Ella entertained us the whole time she was here.

  27. That was a lovely weekend you had. Our crew's had some outings and homebody time. Merci for the sweet comment you left on the blog, Tracey. XO

  28. Your Easter weekend sounds like it was just perfect! I'm stuffed with treats, too--time for me to get walking. I love that photo of the ripe buds just ready to open. Beautiful!

  29. My weekend was filed with family, food, more food and lovely chit chat. It sounds like you had a wonderful weekend as well. Thank you for sharing.

  30. This sounds like the stuff weekends are meant for.


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