All I Care About is Knitting

 Spring has sprung around these parts of Pennsylvania-- truly beautiful.  I'm still in that flux of not knowing weather to wear a long sleeve or short sleeve shirt, wool or cotton sweater.  I guess I love that most about spring, you never know and sometimes you guess correctly!

My husband has a colleague visiting us for a few days and I've been frantically getting the house "company ready" for his arrival yesterday.  On Saturday, our son comes home for a second spring break (yay!!!) Already the week is filled with activities, mainly finding him a new apartment for the fall semester.

Our daughter's birthday is tomorrow!  Happy birthday if she is reading this :)  I cannot believe she is going to be 26 years old.  I still feel like I'm 26 on the inside, well let's be honest, I sometimes feel like I'm 15 years old on the inside.  My outside self belies me especially when I look in the mirror :)

Yesterday I had an appointment with my RA doctor and we are trying some new medicines with hopefully less side effects and maybe better for my hands.  Since March, I've been battling some pain off and on and well, I just thought maybe something different was in order.  He agreed.  I had some hand x-rays to confirm his suspicions that I have RA and osteoarthritis in my hands. I see him in a month to touch base.

So far I can knit and that's really all I care about :)

My ultimate goal in my life journey is to knit every single day and continue receiving the benefits that knitting gives me: Newly finished objects, an inexpensive way to deal with stress, an awesome way to meditate and getting together with like minded knitters in real life and in the blog world to share our passion.

Have a lovely weekend!


  1. Hope the new meds work. I can relate to your comments on knitting. Yes to stress reliever, making of things I like to wear and giving some away, and YES to great friends that you make along the way. Jmiller

    1. I think there are many of us like minded knitters :)

  2. What a lovely post, from the beautiful spring photos, to the good news with your kids, and your knitting goal. You are inspiring! Happy Weekend!

  3. We are also in the throes of a perfect spring! Everything is blooming and I love the scents on the breeze. I also have been in a flare, maybe the change of season. I am unable to knit, even typing is too much most of the time. Hope your new medication helps and you can keep your knitting going!

    1. That was what I was like when I was on NO meds back when I was in my 30's. Medicines had improved my quality of life immensely. Hope you feel better!!

  4. Really hope the new meds make you feel better so that you can enjoy more knitting time. Have fun with the guest you're expecting, with your son and happy birthday to your daughter.
    Wish you a great weekend!

  5. That sounds like the perfect goal to me! I share in it, although knitting every single day is not happening for me while I still have a day job. But post-employment one of these days, that will be my daily plan! TGIF! xo Tammy

    1. I hope retirement is soon so you can virtually join me :)

  6. I just love this time of year! Everything is greening up, windows are open, the humidity is low... So nice. :-) Enjoy the time with your son and good luck with the new meds. Have a beautiful weekend!

  7. That dogwood is gorgeous, they are blooming here in Pittsburgh too! I am glad you are finding some relief for your RA and I hope it continues. Knitting is the greatest motivator, inspiration, and common-bond builder I know of! Happy weekend xo

    1. Knitting makes the world smaller, I've met so many wonderful people!

  8. I am so sorry about your hands, but glad you can knit. Osteoarthritis runs in my family, so I know it is coming my way. I hope the new meds keep you knitting and comfortable!
    My daughter is 26, too. She never reads my blog and did not inherit a single crafty gene from me!

    1. My daughter reads sometimes. I hope you get a throw back gene and NO osteo :)

  9. Hope the RA clears up a bit with the new meds.

    Do you have a knit group that you go to? I used to, but we lost our place to meet when Borders closed. The group went to the mall, but I really hate it there so I stopped going. When I came home with a roach in my knitting bag, it was the last straw. Noisy, dirty --- and the only place where the group can meet is the food court/play place. UGH!

    1. I have three friends and we used to meet up in a public place but then one friend had her wallet stolen and that took the fun out of it. So now we hop from house to house :) Makes it more "homey"!

  10. You put that goal so beautifully. BLoggers are such a great supportive group of knitters.
    Keep knitting. I have to knit with small needles and certain yarns or my hands I knit with small needles andcertain yarns and I'm content .

    1. Like you small needles are better than big, wool is better than plant fibers.

  11. Hope the new meds work, my husband is a RA sufferer so I know how debilitating it can be. My eldest daughter will be 32 next month, I just wonder where the time went. Have a great weekend, knitting.

    1. I remember you saying about your husband. I cannot believe you have a 32 year old daughter!! When you find where time went let me know :)

  12. Oh, that photos is gorgeous! The trees are just beginning to open here--you're a week or so ahead of us, I think. I hope your doctor can get you feeling better soon. ♥ Knit on!

  13. What great company you're having right now. I hope these new meds work better for you. I don't like reading that you're dealing with pain.

    1. new meds are doing something magical so that is a very good thing!

  14. Hurrah for spring! Happy Birthday to your daughter! I know what you mean about feeling young inside, same here. I hope you manage to get some new meds that help. Thinking of you in pain makes me feel sad, sending healing thoughts, Karen. Have a wonderful time with your son! Wishing you a lovely weekend xx

  15. I am happy that you can knit since it brings you so much joy. I hope the new meds work. Sending prayers and good thoughts your way.

  16. Spring is lovely isn't it? I too hope the new meds help you towards your goals of knitting and less pain. Enjoy your family and the change of season.

    1. Thanks Jane, the son is here and I'm happy!

  17. I certainly know about feeling twenty something on the inside but (for me) being 50 something on the outside. Happy Birthday to your daughter. I hope you enjoy your time with your son. So glad your hands are still allowing you to knit. I know how hard it is when your hands are giving you problems.

    1. Glad I have an younger person on the inside as my buddy :)

  18. I hope your new meds work for you Karen. Knitting every day is an awesome goal to have and one that I think many of us should embark on too ... it brings such a soothing tranquil peace in time of need. Have a wonderful weekend !

    1. I cannot imagine life without it, it's quite meditative!

  19. Wow, so much goodness in this post. Soak up all of it Karen. Sorry about your hands, but I am happy to hear you are still knitting, and I hope that the new meds make it so you can continue to knit every single day.

    Enjoy your weekend.

  20. Happy Spring to you. Hope you find your son a place to live. How nice it will be to have him closer to home.

    1. he has six places lined up to check out, Hopefully there will be THE ONE.

  21. We never know how much we love knitting until we are faced with times that threaten it. I hope that your healing continues and that your dreams of knitting every day come true.
    Wonderful family happenings!

    1. Thanks so much Andi! I agree with you, we tend to value immensely something when it's threatened.

  22. I would very much love to sit on that bench with a book or some knitting :) We are also experiencing that should I/shouldn't I kind of weather, but I do love the brighter warmer days.

    I hope you find some healing and easing of pain with the new medications. It is hard when something we enjoy very much becomes hard. My eyesight has been getting worse these last few years, and I can no longer do some of the things that require focused close up work, like cross stitch, that I used to be able to do. It is difficult for me to live with the fear that I might one day not be able to knit or read so well. But, it does make me appreciate what I 'can' do right now so much more.
    I wish you a lovely weekend x

    1. Aging is such a pain at times, I hope you get to keep your eyesight for a long time. I gave up cross stitch a while ago because of eyestrain. That's when knitting took over my life.

  23. I didn't know you were having hand trouble. Sure doesn't show!

    1. I tend to plow through and make it work, so far the new med are kicking in nicely.

  24. Spring has been lovely this year and I'm happy that it has been nice and slow...I don't like the heat of summer! I hope you find healing & relief of pain from RA & continue to enjoy your knitting!

  25. Sure hope the new meds work. My biggest fear in life is loosing the use of my hands. I used to have carpal tunnel issues. Learning to knit with my left hand and never knitting with anything heavier than worsted seems to have fixed my problems. You'd think grasping the thinner needles would make my hands hurt more, but instead, it's the larger needles & yarns. The prettiest yarns seem to be fingerweight though so I'm happy. :) Have fun with all your company.

    1. eep, that is scary!! I don't want to lose my hands AND not go blind. My MIL has macular degeneration :(

  26. Enjoy your company, and I sure hope your new meds are helping. Hugs!

  27. Love that first photo, what a lovely spot! I hope the new meds give you some relief.

  28. Your post title cracked me up!
    Sorry to hear about the RA.. pain is the worst. I have been battling some wrist pain lately, which has made yoga and knitting (and well, everything) harder than it should be.

    1. I was trying to come up with a title and that is what I settled (thought it was attention getting though..) I've stopped yoga because my body is whacked out for now. As soon as it settles down I'll resume.

  29. Hope you keep enjoying your knitting for a long time! Happy Birthday to your daughter, enjoy the time with your son! xx

  30. I do hope the mess work for you Karen. I know from reading here how important knitting is to you so I do hope you can continue to make it part of your day, every day, for years to come!

  31. I had forgotten that our daughter's share a birthday, happy birthday to your's!!!
    I hope the new meds are helping. I woke up yesterday with half of my eye red and painful which made me think of you and your past eye problems. Like you, as long as I can knit I'm happy!

  32. So glad you have a dr that listens & cares!


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