Currently on the Needles

Good morning!!  Another Wednesday's upon us, so quickly too, well at least for me.  So on my needles this week are projects I've shared with you before.  The block scarf is finished, I just need to bury the ends and block the daylights out of it.  I need length (and I bet I'll get it!).

My simple simon socks will be focused on now that I'm down to three projects.  I want these to be finished in a week as well.  Let's see if I make that arbitrary goal :)

My reading has been fantastic.  I finally started a book that has sat on my "to read" shelf forever at least it feels forever!  I Know This Much Is True by Wally Lamb is a detailed account of identical twin brothers, one suffers from schizophrenia and the other brother's burden to live with his brother and his mental illness.  Oh my.  I almost gave up on the book because of "sexy talk" (I had my FILL from Housefrau).  But in the end, I was being a little premature in my judgement and I had to read what would happen next in this sad story.

My son is visiting for the week and we've been going out and about daily.  He did secure an apartment and now we are shopping for some exercise clothes for him and the "perfect" tote bag for me.

How is your knitting and reading this week?

Joining Ginny and Frontier Dreams


  1. Oh I love that yarn you're using for your socks Karen!!! Good for you in finishing up knits. I'm trying to do that too before casting on more :)

  2. I love that book and the Author! I have several books by him and he doesn't disappoint.

  3. two great projects going!! So lucky to have your boy home....enjoy the shopping!! (and good luck on finding the perfect tote....I think I've spent a lifetime looking for the perfect bag!)

  4. Pretty socks!!!

    Knitting on the green socks should finish today (or tomorrow) and the reading is going well too. I'm about 3/4 of the way through Knitlandia.

    Have a wonderfully knitty day!

  5. Looking forward to seeing your blocked scarf, I am sure it will bloom and all this texture will pop out!

  6. I like your socks. I love the color of the scarf as well. Good luck finding the perfect tote bag.

  7. I love the colors of your socks. My knitting has been very slow lately, I hope to have more time to devote to it soon!

  8. Oh that sock I swoon with envy. I love Wally Lamb, but I don't think I have read that one yet. Happy knitting today!

  9. Good luck with your goals :) I usually find it's more like the pirate's code - more a guideline than a rule (and get distracted into something new.) And I have to say I love your glass. I wonder if my parent's still have any of the ones we had as kids...

  10. I haven't read anything by that author but whew, that book sounds heavy!! I hope blocking gets you what you need from that gorgeous project- I love that magic.

  11. Your socks are so pretty! I'm glad you are getting to spend some time with your son. How exciting that he will be closer to home soon.

  12. I had a hard time getting into I know this Much is True, but it has ended up being one of my all time favorites.
    I really like your sock Karen. I have two socks on needles right now and have a feeling there will be a third before the day is done!
    Hope you find the perfect tote!

  13. Wonderful to spend quality time with your son. Hope you have some success with your shopping trip. The yarn for the socks is wonderful, a great colour mix.

  14. I'm always on the lookout for the perfect bag -- tote, purse, travel. Please share what you find.

  15. I am on a mission to get some socks done, and reading Mink River!

  16. I find Wally Lamb to be like junk food: his books are enjoyable while I'm consuming them, but the enjoyment is fleeting. (IMO, there's nothing wrong with junk food or junk food books as long as you consume them in moderation.)

    1. I was put off by the beginning but now that I'm half way I cannot stop reading it. So sad and bittersweet and "real"!!

  17. I loved that book. It is truly his best!

  18. I'm on a good streak with books right now, too. Your scarf and socks both look awesome!

  19. love the sock yarn you're using. Looking forward to seeing photos of your scarf when it's blocked out

  20. How do you like that sock yarn? It always looks like it doesnt have much spring or elasticity. Does it?

    1. It's "okay". I wish the stripes were not gradient and the single ply makes the knitting splitty. Also the feel is slick and nylon like. However, I'm glad I bought it and tried it!!

  21. Karen - I love that sock!!! Enjoy having your son home!

  22. I haven't read this one yet, although I have thought about doing so more than once. I'm glad it got a thumbs up review from you! : ) I love the Winnie-the-Pooh glass on your table, so cute! And, of course, your knitting is divine. When my husband retires we will be moving to a town with a wonderful knitting store and I can hardly wait! Have a wonderful remainder of the week, Karen! xx

  23. Nice colors in your striped sock.

  24. I love the colours of your socks!! Beautiful yarn! Enjoy the time with your son.

  25. The block scarf is really gorgeous. Somehow I missed this book! It's been on my shelf forever. I'll pick it up soon.

  26. I love how you're getting some QT with your son. And I love your sock yarn. I love its muted blocks of colors and how they flow naturally into one another.

  27. Love the sock yarn. So glad to hear your son found an apartment. Enjoy the rest of your time with him.

  28. Congrats on finishing that shawl! The sock is coming along nicely too, I'll bet you finish it in time. Have a nice week with the family, Karen!

  29. Just finished The Summer Before the War....couldn't put it down!

  30. I know - loved that book, now I want to read it again. Love your knitting!

  31. One of my most favorite books! Enjoy!

  32. You have reminded me that my socks are buried your sock yarn. Glad to hear that your son has found an apartment ;)

  33. Love that sock yarn, you're making me want to knit more socks! :)

  34. I can't wait to see the scarf after blocking. Unblocked, it looks so thick and squishy. Will it stay that way or will the magic of blocking turn it into open lace work? I'm sitting on edge of my seat, waiting to find out.

    1. you are funny! It is NOT open lace, but I hope it softens up considerably because it's rustic.


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