Currently on the Needles

Good morning!  How are all of you this fine Wednesday?  My knitting has been the same since last week. I am almost done with the Hey Now Shawl.  I love the super simple pattern and how easy it is to memorize.  I can pick it up and put it down at random.  This made the perfect travel project.  I will be writing up where I was and who I was with in a few days.

Let's just say I have jet lag....

Now the book.  I am thoroughly enjoying The Border of Paradise by Esme Weijun Wang, what a compelling read! The characters are complex and I empathize with each and every one.  The Gothic tones also excite me. I am over a third of a way through the book and I'm wanting more.  (I love that wanting feeling while I read!)

The other book I am reading The Nightingale  is on my Kindle.  I'm enjoying this one as well, I know many of you have read this one and it's been on my to read list.

What are you knitting and reading?

Joining Ginny and Frontier Dreams

*I hope to catch up with all of you in the next few days!  I've missed my blog friends!!*


  1. I thought that looked like a Reyna! It's my current mindless knit, too. It really is a great pattern.

  2. Beautiful knit Karen and I'm so happy to hear the book is a good one, I really need to order a copy.
    I can't wait to hear all about your trip. :)

  3. Can't wait to hear about your trip! I love that shawl this week just as much as I did last. Oh the color!

  4. Beautiful project, I hope your trip was wonderful and that you get a chance to recover over the next few days. Traveling is exhausting!

  5. I loved "The Nightingale". It's a wonderful story.

  6. Your shawl is going to be beautiful! The Border of Paradise sound like a great book, it is going on my "to read" list. Hope you enjoy The Nightingale as much as I did!

  7. Welcome home! I have missed you too! Books added to my queue, thank you! And, your knitting - as always - is lovely!

  8. Gorgeous shawl to add to my queue and an interesting book to add to my to-be-read list. Thanks!

  9. The Nightingale has been on my list forever!

  10. Looking forward to hearing all about your trip. Gorgeous shawl, I love the colour.

  11. A shawl to relax knit is the BEST Kind. Love your colorway

  12. Such a pretty shawl. Those colors are lovely.

  13. Karen, I can't wait to hear about your trip! I can't believe it's already over! : ) You are the second person to recommend the Border of Paradise to me! You know I am very impulsive and am THIS CLOSE to jumping over to the Barnes and Noble website and pressing 'buy', LOL! I can never resist a good story!

  14. I'm still working at my scarf and reading the same old books. I didn't post here this week due to that sad fact... ;)

  15. Happy yarn this is in this great shawl.

  16. I love books where you don't want to stop reading them. Problem is they end up being finished quicker because I spend so long reading them lol.

    Lovely shawl, I like the yarn colours

  17. Love how that shawl is knitting up. A trip! How fun, can't wait to hear all about it.

  18. I love the color of the yarn you are using. What a pretty shawl pattern. I love the wanting feeling when I read also. I am always terribly disappointed when a book or a books series that I really love ends.

  19. we were both gone at the same time!!! I know what you mean about the catching-up thing!!! I feel so out of sorts even though the laundry is done, the house straightened up....stuff put away. I'm so fickled...I suffer from wanderlust, but love my routines. Go figure!!! Anxious to hear all about your travels! Glad you are safely home.

  20. Just finished Under a Wing by Reeve Lindbergh and The Girl Who Wrote in Silk by Kelli Estes. The latter is about a sad episode in Seattle history. My most recent finishes are on my blog.....still need to seam my sweater though.

  21. Loved TBOP and Nightingale! You're on a reading roll!

  22. A trip, how wonderful can't wait to hear all about it. I love the colour of your yarn, you are so good at choosing the right yarn for the right project/

  23. as always a beautiful knit project - and i always love the colours you choose.

  24. Trips are always loads of fun but being back home is sometimes even better. Love that shawl!

  25. Another beautiful shawl for this shawl-a-holic

  26. I'm working my way through Nightingale and loving it! Love the colors you've chosen too!


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