Currently on the Needles

I've been reviving my menu plan and what better way than to flip through a magazine :)  Since we ate out every single day while on vacation in Santa Barbara, I felt the need to eat at home, clean eating and not "restaurant" eating.  Oh, does it feel good to do this for our bodies.

I am reading The Nightingale on my Kindle and enjoying the period writing of World War II.  This novel took a couple of chapters for me to be engrossed.  Also, I prefer real print books and have trouble reading my Kindle in bed, so I might be starting another book for the late night readings.

My knitting has something new!  I started this shawl over the weekend and while at first the pattern was baffling, the pattern ended up being "potato chip" knitting.  I cannot stop and love doing a repeat and seeing the shawl grow.

In the evenings, I'm knitting my dandelion daze shawl, slowly but surely.  Unfortunately I had to rip out an entire repeat last night so I lost some work (but made it up the same night).

What are you knitting and reading this week?

Joining Ginny and Frontier Dreams


  1. Your shawl will be wonderful.
    Your light blue yarn is just lovely.

  2. This shawl beginning looks very promising! It will be a stunner!

  3. Oh another pretty shawl! Working on a summer top and thinking about socks.

  4. That blue is gorgeous! I think it will be a beautiful shawl. I am looking through magazines lately as well! I just pulled out a ton of recipes that I want to try.

  5. Such a pretty project and beautiful yarn - that looks adorable and perfect for summer :-)

  6. Amen to eating at home - we comment all the time how our meals are so much tastier, and we know exactly what is in it and how it was prepared! Your knitting looks beautiful as always and your photographs are so lovely, Karen! I am knitting Pincha and I started a new sock and I am reading Ann Cleeves White Nights and loving it!

  7. pretty pretty pretty knitting!!! wish i could be so inspired!!! :) (I'm with you on the kindle reading thing...give me a good book in hand anyday!

  8. That yarn is such a pretty color! Glad you could get the pattern figured out.

    Knitting: just about to finish up my Tropics socks
    Reading: My Southern Journey by Rick Bragg

  9. Pretty shawl pattern. It looks like the waves lapping at the beach. Potato chip knitting is the best. Beautiful color too!

  10. Oh, that new shawl pattern is lovely! I can definitely understand how it could be potato chip knitting :)

  11. I love it all! Healthy eating at home and that lovely shawl :) (I just tried to comment and it did something funky so apologies for any double posts.)

  12. Surf! How very California! I like that pattern oodles.

  13. Beautiful shawl! I have added it to my favorites! I am looking for some inspiration in the cooking dept. Looks like a great magazine!

  14. What a pretty pattern! The color is similar to what I am knitting with right now; one of my favorite shades. Happy meal planning!

  15. Oh my goodness! I understand about the need to purge from eating out all the time. My father is in town, and he wants to save me the trouble of cooking, but all the eating out is doing a number on my body. I'd really rather just eat at home most of the time.

    That shawl is lovely! I really like the color, too.

  16. It's so easy to eat properly at home. I love Surf and you picked the perfect color.

  17. Such a pretty shawl. I have been adding a little zest to our meal plan around here too :)

  18. An amazing shawl, looks brilliant already. We have been over eating of late due to visitors, so we need to relook at our menu plan this week too.

  19. Hmmm... I was going to cast on Hitchhiker with some rainbow yarn, but maybe I should do this one instead...

  20. That is a lovely pattern and I love love love the shade of yarn you have chosen.

  21. Looks like cool blue summertime shawl. Bring on the summer!

  22. I love it...potato chip knitting! :) I love catching up with your projects, and that blue is so beautiful. I always love getting back in the kitchen after eating out, too. Wishing you a wonderful week! :)

  23. your shawl is lovely.... i should make one sometime.... and i agree the a kindle or e-reader cant even compare to the delicious smell of those pages in a real book!

  24. Love the design so far and the colour is gorgeous

  25. New shawl is gorgeous! Love it

  26. Love the shawl, another purchase by the shawl-a-holic

  27. Even though getting away from home is lovely, it is hard to eat out all the time. My husband's system cannot take it. We try to order a salad and share an entree when we eat out on holiday. LOVE the looks of that yarn and that color is right up my alley.

  28. Your knitting looks wonderful, I love the colour. I need to get back to a bit more of a healthy eating regime! xx

  29. There's that pretty blue yarn! and the shawl pattern is gorgeous!! Can't wait to see it finished! :) I know what you mean about the Kindle. It's taking me forever to read a "book" on it, even longer when it's not really that great of a book!

  30. Karen, your newest shawl is lovely and it is in my favorite color! I look forward to seeing it completed. I enjoyed The Nightingale very much, although I sometimes found the protagonist a little annoying. I look forward to hearing what you thought of it! xx


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