Purposeful Habits

Tilly the Turtle (hoping it's a girl)
 Hello!  Another Friday upon us and this weekend looks like it's going to be a hot one.  The month of May seems to be fickle with temperatures.  It starts out mild or chilly and then -boom- we get a heat wave.  The temperatures here have been flirting with near 90 degrees.  Not quite making the 90 but the humidity, oh my.  I wilt!

Our walks have shifted to after 6:30 p.m. to avoid the full sun, I love this time of day because the birds are singing to each other and traffic on our little roads is minimal.  The walk is quiet and calm, my husband and I talk about our day and plan out what we would like to accomplish this weekend.

I believe there will be a garden planted!  We skipped last year because of the wedding and laziness.  I regretted that decision all summer long.  We had volunteer tomatoes and basil but it's not the same as tending purposeful plantings.

 So yeah, a garden.  He has to do all of the labor, I get to be the overseer.  It's a nice working relationship :)

Since returning from Santa Barbara, I (we?) vowed to not eat out for a month - I don't know about you but eating out twice every single day for six days just destroys my body.  Restaurants rely on "flavorings" from dubious sources that leave me feeling "blah".  So I've been diligently plotting out menus and dishes.

Mainly we are eating a big salad for lunch every day if we are home.  If he is working he takes a wrap.  I am quite proud of myself for sticking to this purposeful habit.  The fresh food at home tastes good and it feels good to know I know what is in my food!

I've returned to a comfortable rhythm each day, knitting a bit but not too much, reading a bit and getting tasks done around the house that were neglected while we were prepping for our trip. I love that my husband is on his summer schedule and he is around more.

Frodo keeping watch
 I continue to improve with my health (thanks again for the well wishes!!).  The challenge is being patient and pacing myself.  I want to do everything!!  And yet I rest, listen to my body and toe tap with impatience.  I am not one to NOT do things.  I'm a doer.

I started up my yoga routine again, ah.  I have modified some of the poses for comfort but I love how I feel afterwards which means it is good for me.  I am celebrating this milestone every single morning when I engage in the poses.  Life is good :)

surf pattern in line weight purl soho wool


  1. So glad you are feeling better and have resumed your yoga. I'm sure the healthy eating will make a difference also. Your knitting is beautiful. Enjoy your relaxing time.

  2. Beautiful photos and beautiful post, Karen! I am so happy you are feeling better - and I agree, yoga is such a great way to start the day. I feel centered in mind and body. Have a fantastic weekend!

  3. I have a little lettuce patch right outside my kitchen door, which makes it very easy to enjoy a salad for dinner. I can't wait for homegrown tomatoes to add to it. The care you give your body will repay you 10 fold. Thank you for the Frodo picture. I enjoy seeing him so much!

    1. I agree with you about the 10 fold it's the patience of waiting for it that is difficult for me.

  4. Love your Surf shawl - looking so beautiful. Nothing better than fresh produce from the garden. Enjoy your long weekend!

    1. Thank you! I hope you have a great long weekend as well :)

  5. It sounds like you are poised for a healthy and enjoyable summer! Mine are always hectic. Not that I'm complaining -- the summers are a huge bonus of being a teacher! But there is SO much I want to do.
    I need to find time for both yoga and meditation. This school year really knocked me off course.

  6. I need to do the same thing. Things. I'm glad you are doing well :-).

  7. I am so glad you are on the mend, my dear husband is adjusting to a higher dosage of medication so seems to be a little better. He is still learning to listen to his body and often over does things making it difficult for himself. I am sure he will learn. Healthy eating is key, my garden is producing quite a lot at the moment so a real bonus. Take care.

  8. I am so glad you are feeling well Karen and that life is good, that warms my heart to read. I am sure you are going to have a very pretty garden really soon. Enjoy your menu planning and healthy eating and have a wonderful weekend xx p.s I love Frodo xx

  9. Such a great post Karen and as always, such lovely photos too! I love Frodo, he's such a handsome boy.

  10. things sound very nice at your place. I love the slower pace. I took this summer off from gardening. I am just really busy and I can't rely on anyone to help me. The kids (and grandma) tend to ignore wonderful looking tomatoes hanging on the bush and they rot by the time I get to them. SMH!
    There will come a time. :)
    So glad your health is improving. Slow and steady is the pace! Take care my friend and have a great weekend!

  11. so good to read this wonderful update, Karen!

  12. I know what you mean about eating out. It doesn't take too many meals out before my stomach begins to protest. Enjoy focusing on being purposeful

  13. Your purposeful days sound lovely. Preservatives and food additives are hard on my system too. Yoga and lots of fresh fruit and veggies is a winning combination for me.

    1. I'm glad I am not the only one that it affects. I feel awful when overdosed with chemicals.

  14. Sounds like you have slipped nicely into summer slowness. So happy to hear you are planting a garden again this summer, I can't wait to see it grown. Lots of salads here too, from the garden. They taste so good. It has been hot here too, and the weekend is suppose to be even hotter, and we have the humidity...it has and will be brutal. Luckily the cool country breeze blows at night cooling things off a little.

    Enjoy your weekend Karen.

  15. I'm glad to hear you are feeling better. You are very wise to pace yourself. I agree about feeling awful after eating in restaurants for several days in a row. I don't even really like eating out, which seems odd to most people. Frodo looks like he is taking his watchdog duties very seriously. And your shawl is progressing nicely. I've never knit with Purl Soho's yarn. I bet it's luscious!

    1. I think these days it's difficult to find a restaurant that cooks from scratch. They add "stuff" and that stuff makes me feel crummy!

  16. I'm so happy for you! Your routine sounds perfect! Afternoon walks, salads for lunch, yoga and knitting! Sounds heavenly to me since I feel like I'm running around all day long....

  17. Yay for salads they sound good, I hope they do the trick. We have good weather forecast for the weekend too, so I hope you have a good one. Looking forward to seeing what you do in your garden this year ;)

  18. love this post...and the photos...adorable turtle! :)

  19. I loved this post--the photos and the feeling behind your words are full of sunshine and positivity. Your road looks like a beautiful walk with its wildflower borders. We had tall, wild phlox like that in my backyard when I was a little girl and seeing it in your photos brings back happy memories. The temperature is over 90° today--quite shocking after a really cool spring. Summer is here! Praying that you will feel better and better.♥

  20. Sounds like the perfect start to summer.

  21. I just love your phlox photos. We have them here. I've heard that they are invasive, but I love them anyway!

  22. I love this post. I have been attempting to be more purposeful as well. I've taken up meditation again and am also doing a short yoga session each morning. As you said, it feels so good to be doing this again! I always love it when I feel as if I have my routine established.

  23. I'm glad you are feeling better, so sorry you had such a bad bout of pain. Slow healing is hard! I get super impatient also. It sounds like you have a good pace going now though, hoping it continues. I cannot imagine 90 degrees!!!


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