
Weekends are for memory making, 
relaxing and enjoying quiet moments of our days.  
If you would like, please share your weekend moments 
in the comment section with a link to your blog.

Well, hello!

Let's just say I had to work hard at getting this post up.  Why is it when I sit in front of the computer I have technical difficulties?  Sigh.  It seems to be tiny voices saying "buy a new computer" and I keep ignoring that tiny voice.

How was your weekend?

Here is my summary:

: clouds giving way to blue skies, then sunshine! :
: a day out at a craft festival in a neighboring town over :
: river watching :
: relaxing and knitting :
: phone calls and texts from the kids today :
: knitting with a dear friend today:
: reminiscing about being a mom :
: thinking of my mom :
: pizza on Friday night, home made of course :
: dinner out with my husband to honor Mother's day :)

How was your weekend?

Happy Mother's day to all of you who are celebrating or remembering!!


  1. I've joined in. But I didn't blog about Saturday where I went to learn smocking. Such fun!

    1. I learned smocking many years ago, if I recall, I enjoyed learning but it wasn't a passion....but then it was long ago. So glad you joined in!

  2. Your lilacs are beautiful, as is your are knitting! I'm glad you got to enjoy some blue skies and sunshine, just like we finally did today. Off to ravelry to see just what that yarn might be ...

    1. I've updated my ravelry to show the yarn, sorry for the delay! It's wonderful wool :)

  3. Happy Mama's Day, Karen. A bit busy yesterday as the 8 year old had her BFF over here for the first time. Today is a go-with-the-flow kind of day.

    1. Happy mother's day!! When is your hiatus over???

  4. Happy Mother's Day to you too, Karen. Lovely photos.

  5. sounds about as perfect as a weekend can get!!! my daughter and family just left (delivered me Mother's Day ice cream!!!) and a call from my son...life is good!!!!
    Happy Mother's Day, Karen!!!

    1. life is so very good, glad you got some ice cream :)

  6. This was our weekend away.......it was PERFECT! There's nothing like a little island time to set you right again.

    The picture of the lilac is BEAUTIFUL! I've never seen one with white accent.

    1. My sister and brother in law gave us the lilacs when we moved here around 10 years ago :)

  7. Happy Mother's Day! I love the end of your post. Yes, today is a day for celebrating and remembering. Celebrating being a mother and watching my daughter be a mother while remembering my Mom and Grandmothers for how they loved me and enriched my life.

    1. I was with you in the remembering :) I do love to fondly look back at who shaped me!

  8. Hope you had a wonderful day, Karen.

  9. Sounds like you had a good day. We have already celebrated Mothers Day here in the UK in March, but so nice to sit back and watch my girls been Mamas and spend time with my own sweet Mama anytime of the year. Take care.

    1. those years are ahead of me, but I look forward to being a possible grandmother one day :) :)

  10. Happy Mother's Day Karen. Looks like things are really blooming and growing in your world, enjoy! It's funny, my computer seems to have the same message for me too these days :)

    Have a lovely start to your week.

    1. Then you and I will ignore the hint of buying a new computer :)

  11. Those lilacs look lovely! I've planted a lilac bush several years ago and it has yet to bloom... :-( Our weekend was wonderful. I got to go to an Avett brother's concert Friday evening, Hannah had senior prom on Saturday, Nadia had a friend spend the weekend, we got things ready for my mom's upcoming visit, I got spoiled on Sunday... Feeling very blessed!

    1. you have quite the busy weekends!! I hope your lilac bush blooms one day soon, isn't it weird that it hasn't yet?

  12. Aww knitting with your feet up, I did that too! I visited my husbands family and then we went to visit my sweet mom in the nursing home. My adult kids treated me so well. The card my son wrote to me was so sweet!

    1. I'm glad that you had an awesome weekend! I bet you enjoyed seeing your mom and your mom sensed your love :)

  13. Glad you enjoyed a great weekend and hope you have the best week!

  14. Sounds like a great weekend! Mine was very relaxing-but I did make sure to cook for my mother on Sunday!

  15. Sounds like a great weekend! I was able to Skype with two of my daughters while my middle daughter came home for the weekend. She and her dad treated me like a queen! : )

    1. cell phones and skype are the two greatest inventions when it comes to loving our children who live far away.

  16. We had a full weekend.. most of it had nothing to do with Mother's Day.. that was more of an after thought. We had family and friends over and there was much entertaining.. food and laughs.

    1. food and laughs are great ways to have a fab weekend! I love when we get together with our friends :)

  17. Sounds like your weekend and mother's day was calm and filled with all things wonderful, Karen. :) Mine was lovely! My heart overflows...

    1. Exactly!! Glad you had a wonderful weekend celebration!

  18. Glad you had a great weekend! Hope you get the computer sorted, they are tricky things aren't they.

    1. tricky and I am stubborn in that I want to do it my way and that way is NOT buying a new computer :)


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