A Full Life

did you say "walk"

 As soon as my son left I ran around the house furiously cleaning and tidying all the spaces.  I do this every single time - I find visual clutter quite noisy and unsettling.  Well I'll be honest, I find auditory noise unsettling as well.  Putting the house back to my "normal" is bliss.

We had a bit of stress this week in the house....there was a large fly inside the house and well my brave schnauzer is afraid of flies inside the house.  Poor poor Frodo, he hid upstairs in his cage for forty eight hours.  If he was outside, he was hiding under a bush refusing to come inside the house.

awesome big salad with a puzzle!

Yesterday my main goal was to kill the fly.  Oh the things we do for our children and pets.  I remember when my daughter would scream if she spotted a spider.  The whole family was involved in finding and killing a wee little arachnid.  Why was it that the spider loved to appear at bedtime?

I digress....so yesterday I stood in the kitchen listening and waiting for that huge fly.  Don't fear, I did get him within 15 minutes (I'm a ninja!).  My challenge was to convey to Frodo that the fly was gone.  As you can imagine we have a language barrier.  So he hid, I bribed with treats and promises of walks to get him to come downstairs.

my favorite

Last night he joined us (finally) but he was on alert hearing phantom buzzing and primed to bolt off the couch.  This morning (last photo) he is happily back in his sofa nook sleeping soundly and looking a little more relaxed.  Except when I placed my knitting in the photo.  That's him ignoring me.

my daily walk

I've been eating salads and walking daily.  Trying to be healthy.  I've been having more mouth sores from my previous medicine increases (side effect) so now I'm drizzling a bit of olive oil on my salad instead of tangy salad dressing.  Just changing that has helped immensely!

Do any of you have some non-dairy salad dressing recipes that are low in acid ?  If so please share them with me!

oh frodo!

So yeah, I have a clean and tidy house, it is fly free for the moment and I'm focusing on healthy living.  I am living a full life.


  1. I don't have any recipes for low acid salad dressing, but I imagine a drizzle of infused oil would be delicious. Either cold infused with herbs in the fridge, or garlic infused (my favourite for pasta, but would be good on salads too). I just fry a couple of cloves of pressed garlic in some oil until they brown, then strain and cool.

    1. I like this idea! I do like lots of herbs and tiny bits of garlic but not a lot :)

  2. Poor old Frodo. I am preparing for the onslaught of summer visitors, I love to see them all but it is always nice to get your house back to normality.

  3. Poor Frodo! That salad looks delicious and the daisy just beautiful. Non-dairy low-acid looks like a tall order, but there may be a few ideas here: http://www.simplelivingforum.net/showthread.php?5518-Low-acid-non-dairy-salad-dressing

    1. Wow! thanks for the link I'm gonna try a few of those :)

  4. I'm so glad you saved Frodo! I'm not sure if you can add egg, but a cooked egg yoke can add layers of flavor to simple olive oil and mustard dressing.

    1. I do like eggs and again, why didn't I think of this? great idea!

  5. Poor, sweet Frodo has made me laugh this morning. I couldn't help myself. I'm glad you got the fly!

  6. Oh my gosh! That's so hilarious! Your dog's reaction to the fly. Poor thing!!!!

  7. Poor Frodo! I hate when flies (or gnats) get in the house. WHY do they always fly at your FACE????

    I'm just like you .... I have to tidy up immediately after people leave. There is no putting it off until tomorrow.

    Oh --- mouth sores! Aren't they the WORST??? I hope you find some relief soon. Unfortunately, all the remedies I know involve dairy. :-(

  8. aww bless little Froda - I have a had a right ol' chuckle here reading this. our little jack russell... blair... is pretty much affraidy-cat of most things too! if we open packets she shivers all over right through to her tail.
    bless these little things xxx

  9. oh those flies. How funny that Frodo fears them. Poor baby.
    Walking and good eating! How wonderful.
    I dont have any dressing recipes for you. So sorry. Mouth sores plague my family. Carbonated drinks help them for some reason..

    1. glad I have company! I have them from the meds and from the auto immune disorder thing. Double whammy in a weird way.

  10. Brianna's poppyseed dressing is non-dairy and delicious but not low calorie. Mouth sores aren't fun! Sons aren't exactly tidy or low energy, are they?

  11. Poor Frodo! That face is just so pitiful! And, yay for a back to order house - that is such a nice feeling. I will ponder acid free dressings and email you what I come up with! XO

  12. Awww, poor Frodo. Glad the fly is gone and he can be happy and roam about again.

  13. Our Scottie, Rosie can empathize with Frodo. Flies are bad!!! Add bees and other buzzing, flying insects to that list.
    Good for you and your, get back to healthy lifestyle. Wish I had the same fortitude.

  14. Smiling at Frodo hiding out from a fly...poor guy. Hope you have a wonderful weekend Karen.

  15. Isn't nice when things get back to your normal? Glad you caught the fly, they drive me bonkers!

  16. I am totally with you on the flies thing. I find them so annoying, we have cows in the field opposite our house at the moment and it definitely makes them worse. I always thought that apple cider vinegar was good for mouth sores as is honey, I would be making a dressing with them and oil.

  17. Aw the simple things! I can't wait for Reed to fall asleep (in an hour!) so I can sneak out on a summer evening walk.

  18. Naya is the exact opposite of Frodo. She doesn't stand still until she grabs the fly!

  19. Oh, poor little Frodo. He looks so sweet :)
    One salad dressing I like to use is - put a couple of tablespoons of hummus in a jar, add a tablespoon of olive oil, a little garlic puree, and the juice of half a lemon. Put the lid on and give it a good shake. You can adjust the quantities to suit your taste, of course. Take care xx

    1. thank you Kim, I'm going to try this but without the lemon :)

  20. Dear Frodo, you poor thing. Those flies are jerks and don't pay them any attention.

    There is something about a big salad, right? I can't just have a salad it has to be mammoth in size to be to my liking. I just happened upon this non-dairy Ranch dressing recipe the other day. I haven't tried it but it looks like it would be good: http://cookingwithcurls.com/2013/08/13/homemade-ranch-dressing-dairy-free-substitutions/
    Although there is apple cider vinegar in there it seems as though it may not be too acidic.

    1. this one looks delicious! thanks for the idea :)


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