Currently on the Needles

Well, you must be thinking I'm someone else the week.  I am reading The Martian which is completely out of my reading comfort zone.  I did love the opening sentence of the book which is R rated and kind of sarcastically funny.  You see, both my son and my nephew insisted this is my kind of book and the content isn't as important as the way the story is told.  So, I'm reading it and I'm liking it.

I finished The Nest and it was fantastic!!  Sure it's about a dysfunctional selfish family of middle aged siblings but I kind of liked them because it showed the "ugly" side of us, the petty, the unforgiving and the horrible stuff that might cross our minds when we are feeling vulnerable or sad (or selfish).  The characters were interesting and most of them had personal growth.

My knitting!  Can you see it?  SOCKS.  I felt like if I cast on another shawl I was going to groan.  So I needed to do something else, and socks are the answer to knitting ennui.  You and I both know that a shawl is simmering in the works in the back of my mind but for now, I'm hugging and loving a simple sock.

What are you knitting and reading this week?

Joining Ginny and Frontier Dreams


  1. I loved The Martian - science fiction with lots of science and his great think-outside-the-box ways. I'm glad to read your thoughts on The Nest; I'm waiting for my turn at the library. Your socks looks so nice and cozy!

  2. I am in awe of sock knitters, they scare me. My sweet Mum has tried to show me many times but for some reason I panic. Maybe one day...

  3. I caught the end of The Martian on HBO a couple weeks ago and it was much better than I thought it would be!!! I always turn to socks when my knitting mojo goes wandering....which is probably why there are so many unfinished ones kicking around here. A friend is going to show me how to do two at a time socks later this week....not sure I really need this skill!!!

  4. I'm glad to hear that The Nest is good. I have it on my Kindle for travel reading later this summer.
    Socks are always good when you need a break from other projects. I always have a couple pairs going.

  5. I have socks percolating this summer too! Interspersed with my I must finish this stuff projects, something of a treat - plus is it portable, so it is my travel knitting. I am in line for The Nest at the library as well!

  6. Love the texture and the colors! The book sounds (and looks) fascinating!

  7. I have not seen or read The Martian yet. It's not normally a book I would read. But now you have me intrigued! Sometimes a totally different project is called for. Enjoy your sock!

  8. I loved The Martian, read it over a year ago...enjoyed the movie too.....lots of socks on my needles....but am mostly working on shawls...

  9. Your sock is so pretty! I like how you made a contrasting heel.

  10. I am really struggling to find a book I can sink into this summer but my knitting time has been brilliant.

  11. I LOVED the Martian - enjoy :-) Love to see your sock progress, I will finish mine in the next week i hope and you are inspiring me!

  12. My husband loved that book and thought it was so interesting! I actually just picked up the movie from the library yesterday so we can watch it as I have no plans to read it anytime soon. I hope you enjoy it! Sweet socks!

  13. I think socks are a good palette cleanser. I've rather got stuck on them so maybe I should follow your example and cast on something different

  14. I read "The Martian" last year (before the movie) and LOVED IT! Not my type of book either, but I think it's a story that appeals to just about everyone. Still waiting on "The Nest" from the library but glad to know you enjoyed it so it's worth the wait.

  15. I loved "The Martian" - it was also not my typical book but I thoroughly enjoyed it!
    Your socks look great! I really should get on a pair of Hermione's!

  16. Reading blogs
    Loving YOUR socks. KNitting a gift yoga socks

  17. I have not read The Martian but I sure loved the movie. The Nest is a book I have considered picking up but was on the fence about, but I am seeing a lot of positive reviews so I might indulge! What sock pattern are you using?

  18. Love that sock pattern! I've got one on the needles, too, that's waiting to be finished. I'm almost done with Isaac's Storm about the 1900 hurricane in Galveston. TX. Really interesting!

  19. So glad you are enjoying your reading. Your sock is pretty.

  20. I dream in sock yarn so I highly approve and applaud the summer sock knit. hehe. My son really enjoyed the Martian. I didn't read it myself and settled for the movie version. I haven't been reading much, but I love reading about what other people are reading. Is that odd?

  21. I love the colors of this sock, Karen. So soft! I just finished reading two books while on vacation, My Name is Ove and The Readers of Broken Wheel Recommend. I enjoyed both very much! I hope you are having a wonderful week! xx

  22. Knitting: A hat and 4 pair of socks
    Reading: Still the same book --- My Southern Journey by Rick Bragg

    Is that Hermione's Everyday sock pattern on your socks? They are ADORABLE!

  23. Love the socks! I have The Nest in my TBR pile too. Glad to hear a review!

  24. Love those socks!!! I am knitting a hitchhiker...still :) and reading The Gifts of Imperfection.

  25. I know those book are popular. I think I wouldn't mind hearing The Martian on audiobook. I like the purple and white together in your sock. I hope to knit a sock where I have a different color heel, toe, and cuff.

  26. I have yet to knit socks! love your writing!

  27. I look forward to hearing what you think of The Martian.. it is still on my reading list but I haven't been able to get to it yet.

  28. We watched the film of The Martian over the winter and loved it so I have the book downloaded to my audible - I just need to get around to listening to it! And yay socks - they look so warm and snuggly!


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