Fractured Attention

My attention has felt fractured these days.  Whenever I have family visiting, the rhythm changes and my focus is shifted to lots of talking, being together and well enjoying the moment.  I like that a lot.  However, my daily life is chopped up into little bits.  I don't know how I got anything done when the kids were small and I was a full time mom.. but I did.

Now I feel proud when the dishes are done and the kitchen is closed for the day, I will not tell you about the ever growing pile of my son's books on the kitchen island that I'm gracefully ignoring.  Usually that pile is on the coffee table.  Don't worry the coffee table has a bit of a mess going on and I'm gracefully turning a blind eye to that as well.

Okay, back to fractured attention...I wonder about the time and attention I put into this blog and on instagram.  I love both but when life is busy, I cut back on reading blogs and writing posts.  My standards are minimized and 'thin'.  This makes me feel like I'm not 100% present.  Don't worry!  I will be blogging for a long time to come. I notice these behaviors and reflect on them.

Writing here is a way for me to sort my thoughts.  A blog is first and foremost a diary of my musings and since I was a little girl I had something to say, always talking talking talking.  I try my best to remember that!  Why do I pressure myself with how much content or how much writing or how much cohesiveness a post is? Really there are no rules.

Being in the moment also means to be kind to myself when life is busy and readjust my expectations.  It's okay to be fractured in my thoughts, in my writings and reevaluating the value of my time spent.  I find snippets of time to read a blog post or quickly flick through the instagram stream.  I know that this busy feeling is a finite time.  I know in a mere six weeks a shift in my rhythm will change again.  I have soothing thoughts of when the summer slows down and my days will be open wide, quiet and more focused on me.

Yesterday I scheduled (yes scheduled and made it a priority) to take the camera out and walk around with Frodo in the hot and humid weather.  I ignored the heat and focused on the beauty around me.  That mere 15 minute jaunt exploded with creativity and a renewed sense of purpose and hence this post. 15 minutes is a tiny amount of time invested that yielded a sense of peace, purpose and focus.  I need to remember that!

I know all of you are fractured in your attention in some way.  A few of you have: kids home for the summer, selling and buying houses, downsizing, caring for aged parents, family drama that is draining, canning and preserving the summer harvest, baseball games, vacations, camping adventures, health challenges....oh the list is long and extensive isn't it?

I like knowing I'm in company to a community of people who are balancing life with creative pursuits.


  1. I totally understand this post. This summer, my attention is focused on helping my daughter and grandson (and the sweet baby who is here with us). I have very little time to read blogs and post, but that's OK. I know that the seasons of life will change again and I will once again have more time for other pursuits. I love your pictures in this post. Hope you are enjoying a summer with family close at hand. Have a great weekend.

    1. my gosh, you are really really busy with your daughter and it's completely okay to be behind on post readings :)

  2. Oh my! I know EXACTLY what you mean. My thoughts right now run in a million different directions.

    I KNOW there are things I could do to alleviate some of the hustle-bustle, but honestly, it takes more brain cells to do that planning. It's a vicious summer circle --- LOL

    1. I agree with you! I usually give up and just wait out the crazy.

  3. I felt... and heard every word here. Im trying to get my online affiliate business going... I have brief thoughts of opening a mom and tots group here at our home.. I have to get the kids that are here earthside ready for the new school term... its all things that keep going and going and then remember that there will be a wee one joining us in october too. and having my thoughts divided there too.... oh and when can i add a few rows to my lap blanket? whew....

    but one things for certain... it all works out doesnt it?

    1. yay for a wee one! and I know you can get all those things done with a handy dandy LIST :) a new notebook and pen always gets my creativity flowing and my organizational thoughts.

  4. Thank you for posting your thoughts. I tend to walk away from my blog when life gets busy. I enjoying being in the moment and not thinking about the blog, BUT, my friends are here and I need to remember how important my blog-life is to my well being.

    1. I think you blog often enough!! I try to stick to a "schedule" that I set years ago...sometimes though I struggle with that self imposed schedule..

  5. I know exactly what you mean, but as you say it all works out eventually isn't that all that matters. Hubby is feeling a little better thank you for asking, he is back to walking with a stick rather than using a wheelchair which makes it a little easier for me. Have a lovely weekend.

    1. I am thrilled to hear about his positive progress!!

  6. Fractured ...perfect term. Im going to get out on my bike soon to clear my head.
    The landscapers for the neighbors are so loud my head is hurting. Nice to have the windows open but now I hear the buzzers loudness. I need some quiet

    1. come over here, it's quite quiet and serene in my neighborhood!

  7. Our summer quiet has been interrupted by the construction of a new water tank behind our house; this morning a truck arrived to deliver a load of something at 5:15! And the funny thing is they take Friday off. Go figure!

    1. construction people are the worse...but they showed up and that is cool!!

  8. I get a bit anxious when I'm behind reading everyone's blogs. I groan when I see a number past 20. There are times I'll speed read through posts and prevent myself from commenting because I do say to myself, Stef, you always comment so not doing it this time is okay. But in general, I do check my Bloglovin' and WP feeds to read every day. I count it as at least I'm reading and will feel like I've gotten something done so I can move onto knitting.

    1. I think we all struggle with comment? not comment? it's hard when the blog list is lengthy if you've been away or you follow too many!!

  9. Fractured feels like it describes the world today with the crisis in Turkey, the truck attack in Nice, and the ongoing struggles right here in the U.S. It also describes my state of mind these days -- going in 10 different directions at all times!

    1. The world events are quite disturbing and sad. I hope you are enjoying your summer of not teaching!!

  10. A truly wonderful post Karen. Thank you for reminding us all that it is ok to be who we are, and be comfortable with that ;)

  11. I so enjoyed reading this post Karen. Sometimes it feels like everybody else has it all under control and we are the only ones who don't. Being reminded that there are others who struggle to keep up is comforting. We feel a little less alone. I need to take some quiet time too. Thank you for your thoughtful post.

  12. I can so relate to this, as I have had such a hard time writing on my blog and keeping up on others too. For that reason I've moved over to instagram - but it's not quite the same. (I did find you over there.) I've always found that giving myself and break and stepping back helps me get back to what is important. I loved reading your honest thoughts and I'm glad to hear you won't be giving up your blog.

  13. This is an excellent post, Karen! And, YES - that hectic fracture of life. When you are surrounding by an over abundance of summer and you feel like even though you are immersed in it, you are not really fully enjoying it. Peripheral participation, sort of. Thank you for this good reminder to let some things go and be present in the moments.

  14. Yes, it is so hard to balance! That is why I am days late reading and commenting on this! Hope you can work out things so that they are right for you.


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