
Weekends are for memory making, 
relaxing and enjoying quiet moments of our days.  
If you would like, please share your weekend moments 
in the comment section with a link to your blog.

Guess what?  I was in Old Montreal over the weekend! Originally we were planning ( I was planning) to go in August but our son expressed an interest so we moved the trip up to July so he could go with us.
As you can imagine, I had lots of fun but I missed home more than usual.  Getting old?

street performers!
We left on Thursday and stayed two nights and took in the sights and sounds.  I loved the basilica and all the holiness inside of it.  That is when I love being a Catholic the most, the statues, the candles and the history - so so good!

Friday we walked everywhere and I clocked over 21,000 steps walking towards downtown which is 12,000 more that I like to do with my RA but I survived (after complaining and pouting).

Isn't that church magnificent? I think so!

A theater production of Mary Poppins is in town and this street art was the best!  I love when art is all over a city in pockets, around corners that brightens up a walk.  I also think street artists are quite talented to create a piece that size in proportion!

On Saturday we left Montreal and headed to Ottawa to visit my husband's brother and family, so nice to sit and chat.  They came to the wedding but you know that weekend was a blur for many of us and getting down to some serious chatting is a challenge.  

This morning we left.  We were in stand still traffic once we entered PA and so my day is delayed by two hours.  The house is a mess, I'm nowhere near done with laundry and here I am quickly typing this up to publish.  I'll be catching up this week with all of you.  Our son is here for his last week of visiting.  

How was your weekend??


  1. Oh I love Montreal, and hope to go back sometimes - it's been years! I agree with you about the basilica. :-)

  2. Oh my gosh! Can you imagine the mass in that cathedral! It is amazing! Glad you had such a nice time, but there's "no place like home"!

  3. The basilica looks amazing. You did really well to be able to walk so far, a great achievement.

  4. The interior of that church is simple awe-inspiring! I'm glad you could enjoy the trip with your son, and hope you can relax and catch up this week after a busy and wonderful weekend!

  5. That church looks absolutely breathtaking... wow...
    I bet one could spend days just admiring that building !

  6. Montreal looks like a very beautiful city and a wonderful place to find a little of everything. The church is magnificent!

  7. Your weekend sounds busy and wonderful! Enjoy your week back at home!

  8. Montreal is a wonderful place to visit! I've been in Victoria this weekend spending time with my oldest son and his family. This grandparent job is the best! Enjoy this last week with your son.

  9. What a fun get-away! The weekend here was meditative and that was just perfect. Your photos are fantastic, Karen!

  10. Ooooooo, what a splendid trip! I'm so glad your son got to go with you, too. It looks like you a had a wonderful time. Your photos are gorgeous. I especially love the one of the basilica--magnificent!

  11. Fabulous photos, Karen. It sounds like a great weekend. Ours was a bit different, as we attended a memorial service for a choir friend on Saturday. Then yesterday after church we went to see the GK. Sadness and joy, all within a small bit of time.

  12. I think being in a old church is a much powerful experience. If I were to get religious, I'd be Catholic. I loved USF and the priests were cool and funny. My weekend was the usual cooking, catching up on blogs, and knitting. I'm reading three books at once so I'm trying to get through them. Two I hope to renew but am afraid that there are holds on them.

  13. Oh Someday Canada. I am always homesick. I swear it is a true disorder! im worried when me move I'll be homesick. Even if I LOVE the house etc.

    We spent Saturday enjoying perfect weather. Sunday we looked for a home. It was nice to be out in the country.

  14. Gorgeous! I think it's only a few hours drive for us and would love to go someday soon.

  15. sometimes those last minute trips are the very best....doesn't give you time to overthink them!!! This looks like it turned out great!!! :)

  16. Your photos make Old Montreal look so inviting -- which is good because Keith and I have a trip planned for August (although we won't run into you :(). Enjoy your time with your son!

    1. but we would have run into each other if we went in August that was the original plan :) :)


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